I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1687 Remember to take revenge on me

"you dare?"

"What dare I not?" Zhang Menglong looked at Heiwu and Heimeng, "Why, what I said doesn't work?"

As soon as the two gritted their teeth, they did not expect that Zhang Mengyu would actually provoke such a troublesome existence this time.

Don't look at Wutianyu's dominance here, but in front of those ninth-rank empires, it is simply an ant, just because they don't have any reason and boring time to deal with Wutianyu.

If you really want to eliminate Wutianyu, a big family of the Hongyun Empire can definitely do it, so it is for this reason that this young master from the Mu family is arrogant in Wutianyu.

"The two of you have some good eyesight." The young man looked at the black mist and said, "Are you the bodyguards of this Wutianyu? You are also quite capable if you can hire two bodyguards of the eighth rank of divine cultivation. But you ask them, do they dare to do anything to me."

"What? Why are you trying to make me angry?" Seeing Hei Wu and Hei Meng's restrained looks, Zhang Mengyu also became a little angry, "It seems that my ancient spirit's cold fire burned you lightly last time .”

In an instant, a chill was released from their bodies.

The two quickly glanced at each other. Last time, Zhang Mengyu seriously warned that if there was a next time, they would directly kill them. Now they have no choice!

Either they were revenged by the Mu family, and they died in a few months, or they died now. Obviously, this multiple-choice question does not require much thinking.

But this is just the beginning, because what Zhang Mengyu just said was to kill all the four bodyguards!
Another phantom flickered past, and the second bodyguard also fell in a pool of blood.


"At the beginning of the eighth stage of spiritual cultivation, there is such power. This Wutianyu is not all waste!" Several voices with a vicissitudes of life sounded beside the young man, and four people wearing the same clothes appeared slowly. It happened to protect the entire orientation of the young man from front to back, and it can be said that the protection is airtight.

In terms of head-to-head duels, assassins are very weak, but compared to sneak attacks, they are definitely killing moves. After all, the assassin profession has low health and weak defense, high attack and high crit.

Two bright red slaps appeared on his face. The bones on his face had been shattered, and the donated blood was continuously flowing down the corner of his mouth. At this moment, because of his extreme fear, even his breathing became very heavy.

Twenty-seven eighth-rank divine cultivators attacked together, and even Ye Shou, a half-step ninth-rank, had no strength left to resist.

The two looked at each other. Naturally, they already knew that there were probably bodyguards around the young man, so they had an early warning, but obviously, the strength of the young man's bodyguard was probably higher than the two of them!
If it was just a few days ago, this force might even break their arms, but now, it is just a sharp pain. There is a difference in strength, but there is not a huge difference!
The strength of the two exploded, they broke free from the two arms, and then returned to Zhang Mengyu's side.

Then came the third, and the fourth!

This time, he only had these four bodyguards in total. As long as he didn't do anything too extreme, he could easily return to the Hongyun Empire.

"Go up, and give him two big pockets!" Zhang Menglong said to Hei Wu and Hei Meng.

This is a fight without any suspense.

A blood arrow appeared on the neck of the bodyguard who just spoke, and a black dagger appeared on his head, chest and other vital parts.

"What? I am a first-class citizen who has no sky, so I was insulted by a low-class citizen, can't I fight back?" Zhang Mengyu said, "If I break something in a while, I will double the compensation. It’s not that they don’t have this strength.”

Suddenly, a bloodstain ran across the bodyguard's throat. Only a few black shadows and bloody breath were seen, and the whole hall returned to calm.

"Sir, don't you..."

"Papa!" Two loud slaps resounded throughout the business hall, and the young man without the protection of the bodyguard almost became a weak lamb at this moment.

"Really?" There was another smile on the corner of Zhang Mengyu's mouth, "Yeshou, it's time for you to do it, get rid of those four people!"

Who knew that this person from an unknown border country had dozens of powerful killers lurking around him, so he made several raids and killed all four of his bodyguards.


Out of the four bodyguards who bore the brunt, Youth Ye also felt the imminent killing intent, his body was trembling uncontrollably, "What's going on?"

Zhang Mengyu seemed to be talking to himself, but a faint voice came from the void.

When the big ears of the two were about to fall on the young man's face, the hands of the two of them were grabbed by the other two powerful arms of Kong Wu.

The two stared at the young man, and rushed out directly towards the young man.

"Can you help me clean up here?" Zhang Mengyu said to the staff around him, "Their citizenship status should be lower than mine, right? If I kill them, I shouldn't have to pay any responsibility, right?"

In the blink of an eye, Heiwu Heimeng appeared beside the young man, but facing the two eighth-rank masters of spiritual cultivation, he did not show the slightest timidity, and even had a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"The third one!"

Although he still maintained his standing posture, he no longer had the breath of life.

Zhang Mengyu noticed that these four people were probably in the mid-eighth stage of spiritual cultivation, and they were all very powerful. If it wasn't for Heiwu Heimeng's potential release, they might have been injured just now.

Now he has no backing, unless he returns to the Hongyun Empire... But, can he go back?

"It's natural," the staff member bowed deeply. This brief killing did not cause any losses to the bank. It was just a matter of disposing of some corpses, which was already a rare occurrence for the bank.

Soon, the four corpses and the blood on the ground were all cleaned up. Other business people around just glanced at them, and then focused on their own affairs. After all, such things happen in Wutianyu every day. At least tens of thousands of incidents occurred, nothing unusual.

"Why, aren't you going to hit me? I'm standing here, give it a try?" The young man's provocation intensified, "I'll give you a chance and give me this spot. I'm in a hurry today, and I don't have time tomorrow Come here again, if you crawl out from here again, I can let the past go."

This time, he was also given a mission from the family to go out. In order to protect him, the family also equipped him with four bodyguards. Otherwise, how could he come to this Wutianyu alone, and even pretend to be coercive everywhere?He must have been beaten to death long ago.

"Four divine cultivators of the eighth rank." Zhang Mengyu rubbed his chin, "Yes, no wonder they are so crazy."

All four of them died, and the terrifying killing intent like a tarsal maggot disappeared in an instant, leaving only the trembling young man in place.

At this moment, the four bodyguards felt a strong murderous aura attacking from all directions. There were 27 murderous auras in total, which almost locked them firmly in place.

"Master, there are more than [-] people with murderous intent targeting us, now we..."

The remaining three bodyguards were about to help him, but his cold body had already collapsed powerlessly.

"Weren't you crazy just now? Can you still talk now?" Zhang Meng looked at him with a sneer.

"Ye Hand," Zhang Mengyu said, "From now on, find someone to follow him, wake up every morning, give him two slaps, and before he goes to bed at night, give him two slaps until he leaves Wutianyu. "

"Yes, Mr. Gu."


"Oh, by the way, I won't kill you," Zhang Mengyu added before leaving, "I hope that after arriving in the Hongyun Empire, you can use all your means to revenge me, I think I will look forward to you means."

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