I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1694 Why Can't You Cut The Opponent Twice

Chapter 1694 Why Can't You Cut The Opponent Twice
Wutianyu, on the edge of the sixth district, there is an ancient circular building here. According to legend, the entire Wutianyu was part of a super power a long time ago. This ancient circular building is an important notification Of course, whether this is real or not is now beyond the reach.

Later, this place was contracted by the Black Rock Auction House and converted into an auction house.

In fact, with the existence of a virtual system, this auction house does not have much meaning. After all, no matter how large its area is, it is far from the vastness of the virtual world.

In fact, there have not been many auctions in this venue. It is more like an auction conference venue. Before each special auction, there will be an event similar to the preview. For some very special auction items Make an exhibition presentation.

This time it was used to announce the bidding rules for the teleportation quota of the Hongyun Empire. This time the announcement was scheduled for the evening, and a large number of people flocked since the afternoon.

In fact, for most people in Wutianyu, this auction is meaningless, because they don't need these quotas, and the target customers of this auction are not them. Young geniuses who have issued the Tianjiao Order and are preparing to compete in the Hongyun Empire.

Of course, apart from them, there are also powerful forces in Wutianyu.

"President Jin, this time we're all up to you!"

"Yes, your strength is the strongest among us, and you are also the most qualified to fight against the Big Three. You come to lead us, and we are all convinced!"

"This time Xichen has fallen. This is an important opportunity for all the forces in our Wutianyu to reshuffle the cards. We must not give up."

The leaders of more than 27 organizations gathered together. In fact, this Wutianyu seems to have [-] organizations, but in fact there are only four.

"It's almost time, let's get started!"

Therefore, a long time ago, these 24 forces united, and they elected a leader as their representative. That's how they barely formed a four-legged situation with the Big Three.

With a ray of light like a starry sky, Yun Cangzi appeared in the center of the auction house. This auction house was originally owned by him, so he was naturally the most suitable spokesperson.

Jin Huang took out the key to unlock the formation, "As long as we work together, we will not only have the opportunity to eat the share that originally belonged to Xichen, but also have a great chance to get more than 50% of the quota income. I need everyone's support." Fully cooperate!"

"This time the super powers are holding a talent selection. Our Wutianyu is one of the most important hubs leading to the Hongyun Empire where the selection is. Because the cost of teleportation is extremely high, and the movement capacity of the teleportation array is also limited, we have recently suspended the teleportation array. The use of the quota will be sold through auction."


"That's right, everyone has been cooperating for so many years, and all interests have been tied together. I don't think anyone will obey the law."

Here, the three giants are the first to settle in. They have developed for the longest time and have a deep foundation. They are unmatched by other 24 forces. Even after a long period of development, they are still far from being able to compete with the three giants. comparable to.


"Without Xichen now, we may not necessarily lose to them, this is also our chance!"

"I think [-]% is still less, we need at least [-]%!"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid they have been waiting for a long time," Yun Cangzi said, "When Xichen was still there, our three forces united together, and they were definitely not our opponents, so they accepted our resource allocation and Management, but now, they think they can do it, and they can even step on our heads, they are really floating."

"Don't worry, everyone," Jin Huang said solemnly, "Now that Xichen has left Wutianyu, only Anshou and Yuncangzi are left, and if we unite, we will only lose to their three giants. They lost less than half of their strength, the entire Wutianyu is no longer the two of them have the final say, we already have enough strength to negotiate with them!"

"Welcome everyone to my Black Rock Auction House today," Yun Cangzi smiled kindly. If you don't know him well, it's really hard to imagine that he is a person who deceives teachers and destroys ancestors.


"Hmph, a mob!" From a distance, Anshou and Yun Cangzi were observing the 24 forces, "It looks like they are going to tear their skins off with us today."

The name of this representative is Jin Huang, and he is also a ninth-rank spiritual cultivator, whose power is only below the Big Three. When these forces find the formation key that Zhang Mengyu deliberately left behind, this one The key was also handed over to Jin Huang immediately.

"That's what you said!" Dark Hand Dao didn't pay too much attention, he naturally knew that Yun Cangzi was not talking about him, "If he had this book, the allocation of places in the teleportation formation today would be no different than the two of us What's the matter?"

"President Jin, don't worry, we are on your side this time!"

"A person who doesn't even dare to show his face has nothing to be afraid of!" Yun Cangzi was talking about Zhang Mengyu, but when he noticed a murderous aura emanating from Anshou's body, he suddenly realized, Dark Hand is also a faceless person, this sentence sounds like a bit of accusation.

"Yeah, if we talk about it alone, none of us are qualified to compare with them, but if we twist together, it may not be impossible to bite a piece of meat from their mouths."

"First of all, this time we will sell a total of 1.8 million quotas. Each quota will have a corresponding number, and the price of each numbered quota is also completely different. We will sell these quotas through bidding. The fairness of the auction It will be jointly guarded by our Black Rock Auction House and the Dark Hand Organization."

"If it weren't for this Yuhuan Pill, we might not be able to get any benefits from them today," Anshou said in a cold tone, "Compared to them, I am more worried about the person who severely injured Xichen, what do you think? Will he show up today?"

Yun Cangzi didn't find any reason. In fact, everyone knew very well that they just wanted to take advantage of the fire, so even if the reason was fabricated to be beautiful, it didn't make any sense.

"Mr. Jin Huang, what do you want to say?" Yun Cangzi looked at him with a half-smile.

This Wutianyu is a place that eats people and does not spit out bones. As long as they have the ability, the leaders of any organization will not be willing to be divided up. If they do not unite, they will inevitably be annexed by the power of the Big Three. It's just a matter of time.

The lights at the scene dimmed all of a sudden, and all the audience's attention was shifted to the core of the auction house.

"Wait, I have a question!" Yun Cangzi hadn't finished speaking when a discordant voice suddenly came from the crowd.

"That's right, if they don't want to, it's a big deal to fight again. Even if they join forces, they may not be able to gain the upper hand in the hands of our 24 forces."

"Mr. Jin Huang's Black Rock Auction House and Mr. Dark Hand's Dark Hand are organizations without Tianyu. There is no problem with the two organizations being in charge of this auction, but our other 24 organizations are also Wutianyu. A part of it, if we don't take part of the work, isn't it a bit out of touch?"

"Mr. Jin Huang was joking. We established this formation, and we are also doing the daily maintenance and operation, so I won't bother you to take part in it."

"No, no, no," Jin Huang said, "Mr. Xichen just handed over some of the keys to us not long ago, and entrusted us to help him manage this part of the property. Without this key, this formation will not be able to operate. , how can we not participate?"

"This group of people is really boring," Zhang Mengyu hid in the corner and joined in the fun, "Why don't you just slash each other twice, why do you have to do Tai Chi like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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