I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1783 Believe it or not I dug your grave

Chapter 1783 Believe it or not I dug your grave
[Dean, the number of those night devils is increasing. Now within my sensing range, the number has exceeded 20, and more than [-]% of them are above the level of spiritual cultivation! 】

"How come there are so many?" Zhang Meng's scalp tingled when he heard this order of magnitude.

If it is the normal night devils, he carries a Tiga Altman transformation device with him, as long as he creates light, those night devils will die as many times as they come, let alone 20, even if it is 200 million, 200 million, 200 billion I am not afraid.

But now it is obviously daytime, and those night devils can still move normally. According to their invincible characteristics, even if Zhang Menglong tries his best, it is already the limit to deal with dozens or hundreds of them. Surrounded by night devils to protect themselves.

Of course, he can use the power of the teachers of the Super Seminary, but those things that cannot be killed, even the teachers of the Super Seminary, at most can help Zhang Menglong fight a bloody road, and what Zhang Mengyu wants to do now is Make a good exploration of this area and find out where the mystery is.

He has just arrived here, and he hasn't even observed and studied it a little bit carefully, so letting him go like this is really a bit reconciled.

[Dean, I feel that these night demons seem to have come with a purpose, as if there is some force manipulating them to converge towards this place. 】

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Zhang Mengyu seemed to have found some key points, "Could it be that I have entered a special position now? Is there something that attracts them?"

【Dean, it's not that something is attracting them, but something is guiding them. 】

"Guide? Is it artificial?"

[Yes, I felt a very powerful energy near this area. This energy is somewhat similar to the power of the soul and the power of the spirit, but it is slightly different from those two forces. Its radiation range is just that of those night The gathering radius of the demons seems to be driven by this force, and those night demons come here one after another. 】

"It seems that someone wants to harm me," Zhang Menglong looked around, although there was nothing around, and Goudan told Zhang Menglong that although he was surrounded now, the nearest Night Demon was probably still there. It takes about 10 minutes to reach Zhang Menglong.

[Dean, do you want to leave here first, let's discuss in the long term? 】

"No," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "Since we have already arrived at this place, how can we give up halfway? I must crack the secret of this ancient cave."

【What are you going to do? 】

"Can you locate the source of that force?"

[Give me a minute. Although the master of this mental power knows some tricks in the means of manipulation, in the eyes of normal people, there are at least tens of thousands of origins, but if I deal with it a little bit, I should be able to find the correct location. of. 】

Goudan immediately started precise calculations. This complicated calculation method and calculation process is difficult for even the most powerful artificial intelligence in the world.

"Okay!" Goudan completed the precise calculation in less than a minute.

【Dean, there should be something under the ground at this location! 】

"It's not far from me!" Zhang Menglong immediately flew towards the direction calculated by Goudan. In this direction, the night demons who are closest to me may have their first fight with Zhang Menglong in less than 3 minutes. contacted.

"Here we are!" It took Zhang Menglong less than 30 seconds to find the location that Goudan was looking for, but it was still just an endless Gobi Desert with nothing.

[Dean, below! 】


Zhang Mengyu directly took out an advanced excavator and began to dig underground.

"Sure enough, at a depth of nearly 2 meters underground, a huge underground space unexpectedly appeared. The space here is even two or three times larger than the hole in the Sword God Villa.

As the anti-gravity system of the excavator was gradually turned off, it stopped firmly in this space. There was nothing here, only a building that looked like a clock tower.

The height of this building is about 15 meters, the whole body is blood red, and its shape looks more like a tombstone.

【Dean, this thing is the birthplace of the energy that summons those night devils, and it is also the core of this energy void area! 】

"It seems that there is really a ghost here," Zhang Menglong walked towards the tombstone.

"Boy, if I were you, I suggest you leave here quickly, this is not the place you should be!" At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded from the tombstone.

A translucent blood-colored figure emerged from the tombstone, blocking Zhang Menglong's face.

"Oh? Are there any ghosts?" Zhang Meng looked at the translucent figure, "I didn't expect there to be a soul body hidden here. It's really interesting. Did you find those night monsters?"

"Night Demon?" The figure was stunned for a moment, "Is this the name you gave my babies?"

"Your babies?" Zhang Mengyu noticed these words. From his tone, those night monsters were indeed related to him. It seemed that he came to the right place. "You made those night monsters?"

"Young man, knowing too much is not a good thing," said the figure, "Since you have found this place, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I can only keep you here."

"It really is you!" Those night demons were very close to Zhang Menglong, and Zhang Menglong could even feel their breath.

These night demons are very different from those Zhang Menglong has seen before. Not only are they not afraid of the sun, Zhang Mengyu even feels a completely different breath of life from them.

This feeling is hard to describe. Judging by the level of life, most of these night devils are at the level of super life forms, but they are somewhat different from the super life forms in Zhang Mengyu's knowledge, as if they are one level higher than it. level, but it is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the ultimate life form.

This feeling is like a semi-finished product of a more advanced life.

"Since you can control those night demons to come, you should also let them go?" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "Why don't you let your little brothers leave first?"

"Hahaha, I haven't seen a living person for so long, I can't imagine that he is such an arrogant kid. Now you are surrounded by my blood demons. Why do you negotiate terms with me?"

"Hey," Zhang Mengyu also showed a smirk, "Let me guess why you are so anxious to want me to leave, it must be because you are afraid of being discovered by me."

"But why don't you do it yourself instead of using those night goblins?"

"It means that you are very weak now, and you have no way to deal with me."

After Zhang Mengyu said these two sentences, the expression of the soul body suddenly became very ugly.

"I seem to feel that there is something under this tower, what is it?"

"Oh, it's a corpse. Whose does it belong to? Could it be your grave? I'm curious, why don't you let me dig it up and have a look?"

(End of this chapter)

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