I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1804 Do... want... Chek to make trouble?

Chapter 1804 Do. Do. Check?
The layout in the room is very simple, there is only a bed made of unknown plants, a simple wooden table and a few chairs.

"Why don't you even have an independent bathroom, the accommodation conditions in our science and technology institute are better than this, and it's super powerful!" Zhang Menglong looked at it and walked out cursing.

Although he doesn't have particularly high requirements for accommodation, but at least you have some basic living equipment, right?In addition to sleeping, these houses have almost no other functions.

"Maybe this is the sect's purpose to whip us. In the past three years, except for sleeping, the rest of the time should be used for cultivation."

"It makes sense. The cleaner the cultivation environment is, the better it is for us to let go of ourselves and get rid of distracting thoughts. As expected of a superpower, details are revealed everywhere."

"Pua himself, right?" Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes when he heard the voices talking around him, they could really find a reason for the Sunset Sect's perfunctory
"Su Nian, do you know where those outer disciples and inner disciples live?" Zhang Meng asked. It seems that Su Nian should be the person who knows the most about the Sunset Sect.

"My elder brother said that other disciples live in the inner layer of the Sunset Sect," Su Nian said, "The entire Sunset Sect should be divided into two areas. We are now in the outer area, which is the living area of ​​our intern disciples. We also have the largest number of intern disciples."

The intern disciples of the Sunset Sect will generally undergo an assessment after 3 years. In the end, about 10% of them can stay and be promoted as outer disciples, and the rest of the intern disciples will continue to stay here until the next batch of new disciples 's arrival

By this time, the intern disciples who have not yet become outer disciples will be dismissed and eliminated, so the people in this residential area have changed batch after batch.

After upgrading to the outer disciples, they are eligible to enter the inner area of ​​the Sunset Sect. At that time, their living environment will be much better. Not only will the living conditions be very perfect, but the cultivation resources they can access will also be improved. more and more.

In other words, most of these trainee disciples are not valued very much in the entire Sunset Sect. Only after they become outer disciples will they be truly regarded as members of the Sunset Sect.

This is like the outsourcers and regular employees of those big companies on the earth. Although they all sound like the same company, the treatment and rights are much different.

"By the way, Senior Brother Gu Xiao, my elder brother also told me that if I can join the Sunset Sect, I must be careful of those official disciples."

"Oh? Why?" Zhang Mengyu asked, "We shouldn't be able to get in touch with them, right?"

"Yes, we currently have no way to enter the internal area of ​​the Sunset Sect, but as official disciples, they have very free authority. At least except for some specific places, they can move freely in all places, and even Including the area where our intern disciples live.

"It seems that among this year's interns, there are still a few people who understand the rules." Just after Su Nian's introduction was over, a voice came from afar.

Everyone was immediately attracted by the sound, and turned their gazes to the source of the sound in unison.

This voice came from the inner area of ​​the Sunset Sect!
I saw dozens of figures approaching them in the sky.

This group of people wore uniform clothing, and behind them, there was a kind of light like the setting sun, and as the light fell, it left a golden trail in the sky.

"It looks like there's trouble." Zhang Mengyu folded his hands on his chest and looked at the condescending group of people in the sky.

Just from their arrogant expressions, Zhang Mengyu could tell that each of them was not kind.

"What? Even seniors and sisters don't know how to call? This year's new disciples don't seem to know how to respect their seniors." The leader of the crowd said in a strange tone.

The average strength of this group of people is around the peak of the divine breath, and the leader has reached the realm of the first rank of divine cultivation.

"Patriarch, they seem to be the outer disciples of the Sunset Sect." Su Nian noticed the ID badges on their waists.

Just before they disbanded, the elders gave everyone such a sign, which is a symbol of their status. All their trainee disciples have a gray sunset totem on their cards, and the totems of these people are green.

Above them, there are yellow totems representing the inner disciples and blue totems representing the core disciples. As for the more advanced direct disciples, the totems are red.

The elders of the Sunset Sect just now wore golden totems on their bodies.

This brand is not entirely just a status symbol, it is also used to store contribution points. These disciples who have just joined the Sunset Sect each received 100 contribution points.

These contributions have a very wide range of functions. You can buy anything in the Sunset Sect, including martial arts, medicine pills and weapons. You can also use these contribution points to exchange for the opportunity to enter some special areas.

For example, if they want to soak the Sunset River in the later stage, they need to consume 1000 contribution points at a time.

And these intern disciples can enter the inner area for a day after consuming 100 contribution points, so these contribution points are still very valuable.

It is said that it is very difficult to obtain contribution points, and the tasks that can obtain contribution points are all difficult, and sometimes even work for a long time, or even get seriously injured, and finally get the sharing points of instant points.

So the initial 100 contribution points are already quite a fortune.

"Seniors and sisters, we have just arrived here, and we don't know the rules. I hope you will forgive me." An intern student immediately made a speech with high EQ.

"That's natural. Like you, we also came from intern disciples. At that time, we didn't understand anything like you, so we must understand," the leading outer disciple laughed, "So today We're here to teach you some rules."

"Seniors and sisters, please enlighten me."

"Since it is teaching, there will naturally be some price," the man suddenly laughed, "All intern disciples, each contribute 50 points, this is considered as your tuition."

"What? 50 points? Robbery?"

"I understand, these outer disciples are here to take advantage of the fire."

"Why? They said they have to give us what they want?"

"That's what I want to say!" Su Nian smiled wryly. "My elder brother said that this is the tradition of the Sunset Sect. All intern disciples will be robbed by higher-level disciples when they first come here."

"Of course, you can choose not to give it." The leading outer disciple changed the subject, "Then we will let you know what the rules of the Sunset Sect are. I will give you 5 minutes to think about it."

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to Zhang Mengyu, and the outer disciple also keenly noticed everyone's eyes.

"Oh? It seems that you are the more authoritative person among the intern disciples this time, right?" He still looked at Zhang Mengyu with a condescending gaze, "Then you will be responsible for this matter from now on. You can get 100 contribution points every year, and at this time in these three years, we will come directly to you to ask for it."

"What do you want?" Zhang Mengyu pretended not to understand, "Do you want to make trouble with Cheek?"

(End of this chapter)

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