I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1815 I just want to pee!

Chapter 1815 I just want to pee!

Time passed bit by bit, and all the intern disciples had finished adjusting their breath. At this moment, everyone was paying attention to Zhang Mengyu in the sunset river. His state was almost the same as two hours ago, just floating quietly in the on the river.

"As expected of Senior Brother Gu Xiao, he has already broken the record of intern disciples."

"Yes, it is said that even Senior Brother Lei Poguan back then only lasted 72 minutes in the Sunset River for the first time, and his record has been maintained for hundreds of years."

"How much time has it been?"

"127 minutes, even Senior Brother Lei Poguan would never have imagined that his record would be broken by so many people, right?"

"I don't know how far Senior Brother Gu Xiao can persist today. Is it possible that he can even break the record of more than 30 days?"

"If it really breaks, I can be his licking dog for the rest of my life!"

"Do you think anyone is qualified to be Brother Gu Xiao's licking dog?"

"That is, if we want to be brother Gu Xiao's licking dog, we must at least become inner disciples or even core disciples!"

"There are other disciples coming!"

At this time, the sunset river began to become a little lively.

In order to protect these intern disciples, within these two hours, the Sunset Sect has temporarily closed the Sunset River to other disciples. Now that two hours have passed, other Sunset Sect disciples have also started to come in.

However, they did not directly start their own cultivation, but focused their attention on these intern disciples.

"I don't know what the elders think, but they actually reserved a period of time for these intern disciples. The entire Sunset River is so big, even if everyone goes in, it won't be enough."

"Hey, after all, he is an intern disciple. He is not firm in his heart and is easily influenced by the outside world. It is not unreasonable for the elders to consider this."

"I don't know if there are any good seedlings for this year's new disciples."

"I heard that the intern disciples this time are very courageous. Yesterday, the student union of the outer disciples sent someone to collect the entrance fee. Guess what happened?"

"Hurry up if you have something to say, and don't keep it up."

"The group of outer disciples was actually detained by the group of intern disciples, and only one person was sent back to report the news, asking the students from the student union to bring enough contribution points to redeem them."

"Are the intern disciples this year so scary? We weren't so courageous back then. One thing to say, are the current outer disciples so useless? They can't even beat the intern disciples."

"I have heard some gossip. It is said that this time we recruited a fierce man in Luotian. He even dared to point and scold the elders of Shenxuan Temple, and even fought with a core disciple. It ended in a draw."

"Can an intern disciple draw with the core disciples of Shenxuan Palace?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's amazing."

"Hey brother, how long will the Sunset River be closed today? Is it two hours?"


The group of disciples suddenly looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on Zhang Mengyu who was floating on the river again.

"No, there are still people who haven't come out of the Sunset River!"

"Is this an intern disciple?"

"He hasn't been soaking in the Sunset River for more than two hours, has he?"

"It's impossible. Brother Lei Poguan didn't last for more than two hours during the first soak, so he didn't start in the middle of it?"

Zhang Mengyu's situation was too unbelievable, so that everyone thought that he went down late, but in fact, Zhang Mengyu was even the first to jump into the river.

There are more and more people gathering on the shore, and most of them have even forgotten that they came here to cultivate, and some people even came to watch the fun after word of mouth, the whole Sunset River looked abnormal lively.

You know, this is the record set by Lei Poguan. So far, no one has ever broken it, and even those who persist for more than 60 minutes are rare.

In the eyes of most of the Sunset Sect, Lei Poguan is a god-like existence, and his reputation is even higher than that of the old sect master who only knows how to fish and play chess.

Now that the gods in their minds have been surpassed by others, can they stop watching the excitement?
"This kid is even more monster than I imagined." In the crowd, Cang Meng was also quietly observing, "He seems to have surpassed Senior Brother Lei Poguan, I hope that when he comprehends the Nine Nether Sunset Art, he will It can be as smooth as Brother Lei Poguan.

Soon, another hour passed, and those people who were still suspecting that Zhang Menglong entered the Sunset River in the second half of the journey could not find any reason to justify it.

They had to admit that this intern disciple was really a freak!

At this time, Zhang Menglong didn't realize that there were so many people around.

His physical strength is already as strong as that of a monster, coupled with his natural ultimate life body physique, which makes him almost completely immune to the negative damage caused to his body by the Sunset River. Soaking in this river water is really only one kind for him. The feeling of soaking in hot springs seems to be smoothing the meridians of the whole body.

At this moment, Zhang Mengyu is in a state of comprehending the Nine Nether Sunset Art.

Before, because he had absolutely no understanding of the energy of the power of luck, and he didn't have any concepts, so he had nothing to do with the training method of the Nine Nether Sunset Jue, but he still couldn't start it.

Soaking in the Sunset River now, every water molecule here is actually the purest power of luck. After more than an hour, Zhang Menglong almost completely understood this kind of power, and at the same time began to practice the first level!

At this moment, in the process of cultivation, he also understood why the Nine Nether Sunset Art is so difficult to practice.

The Jiuyou Sunset Jue on the first level, in the process of cultivation, needs to divide the power of luck entering the body into thousands of strands, and flow them according to a fixed path.

First of all, it is already very difficult to control these thousands of energy streams. Most people simply do not have the ability to achieve such fine control. In this process, even a slight deviation will cause The failure of cultivation.

And the most important point is that the power of luck that enters the human body is very thin, and it is born with a very close fusion with the body's own energy, which makes it difficult to accurately find the power of luck in the process of cultivation. increase a lot.

Sometimes even after the power of luck flows to a certain part, it will be difficult to track, and the higher the level of cultivation, the more obvious this situation will be.

Unless one is born with an extremely keen perception of the power of luck, it is possible to reach the initial threshold of cultivation.

In addition, a strong comprehension ability is also required, otherwise, even the flow of those energies will not be mastered

It took Zhang Menglong nearly two hours to complete the first layer of the Nine Nether Sunset Art, which is the longest time he has learned so far!

At this time, Zhang Mengyu suddenly opened his eyes.

"More than 200 minutes, it seems that he has reached the limit."

"But it's already very fierce, he has already surpassed Senior Brother Lei Poguan, maybe he has a chance to become the next person to comprehend the third-level Jiuyou Sunset Jue!"

"But why hasn't he come up yet?"

Originally thought that Zhang Mengyu had reached the limit, but he just opened his eyes and looked around in confusion, with no intention of coming up at all.

"Damn! Why are there so many people suddenly?" Zhang Menglong never thought that he would become a rare animal that so many people watched.

"Patriarch, come up if you can't hold on anymore!" An intern disciple whispered, "You have already broken Senior Brother Lei's record, so don't hold on!"

"No!" Zhang Mengyu showed embarrassment, "I really want to pee! I wanted to pee directly in the pool, but now so many people are watching, how can I pee!"

(End of this chapter)

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