I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1833 Choose an opponent or choose a way to die

Chapter 1833 Choose an opponent or choose a way to die

"Patriarch, these people have thick skins, why haven't they come out after we scolded them for so long?"

"That is to say, my mouth is dry, who has a bottle of water for me?"

"I don't think the core disciples and direct disciples of Shenxuan Palace are doing very well. The cowhide is blowing loudly. I didn't expect it to be a group of cowards!"

"Everyone, don't worry, it should be almost out now," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "If we scold them like this, and they don't even dare to show their faces, it would be too embarrassing for the Shenxuan Palace, right? I might think that beating such people Dirty my own hands!"

"Hey, isn't this out?"

At this time, the tortoise shell-like defensive formation of the Xingyu Empire was finally withdrawn, and a huge army rushed out of the military fortress like a tide. As for the core disciples and three direct disciples of the Shenxuan Palace , standing at the forefront of the army.

"This is the group of intern disciples?" Bai Qi glanced at the group of people, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Bai Qi, what's wrong?"

"The information given by those inner sects is incorrect. They said that most of these people have not even reached the realm of spiritual cultivation, but among this group of people, the guy named Gu Xiao has the lowest realm, and the rest of them have no life level. They are lower than the second grade of divine cultivation! In just a few days, their strength has improved so much?"

"Hahaha, what are you thinking? It is impossible for monsters to break through to the second and third ranks of divine cultivation in two days. They must have hidden their strength before, right? Otherwise, even if they mastered the Nine Nether Sunset Art, It is not so easy to defeat our inner disciples."

"Maybe it is... But I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart. These intern disciples are definitely much more complicated than they appear on the surface!"


"I have to say, you guys are really brave. Your inner disciples have already returned to the Sunset Sect, yet you still dare to stay and wait for us!" Need to get back some face.

"Today, you will pay for your decisions!"

"The entire Shenxiao Empire will also be buried with you for your ignorance and arrogance!"

"Ah? What did you say?" Zhang Menglong took off the earphones from his ears, and those direct disciples uttered several harsh words, but Zhang Menglong didn't expect to hear a single word.

This behavior immediately made them feel the illusion of blood rushing straight to their foreheads.

"Stop the BGM!" Zhang Mengyu waved at the army of the Shenxiao Empire, and the army of hundreds of millions of people suddenly became much quieter.

"Okay, everyone can go back first!"

"Ah?" The soldiers of the Shenxiao Empire were also a little stunned. What's going on?The army finally left the military fortress and was willing to come out to fight them. Now let them withdraw?What does this mean, do you admit it?

"Hahaha, I thought how arrogant these intern disciples of the Sunset Sect are. Are they going to withdraw when they see us?"

"However, let me say that he still knows how to assess the situation. If he is obviously not our opponent but still fights head-on with us, that is the most thoughtless behavior. His choice is rational."

"But it's too late to leave now!"

"It's all on the battlefield, did you leave as soon as you wanted?"

Not to mention that the disciples of the Shenxuan Temple came with the mission of eliminating all the intern disciples of the Sunset Sect, no matter what, they must find a way to catch them all.

Even without this premise, they had just arrived in the Xingyu Empire, and originally planned to have a welcome banquet first, then take a nice bath, and finally hug a beautiful woman to sleep, and then go to the Shenxiao Empire and the Sunset Sect the next day. People's troubles, who knew that their buttocks didn't sit hot, and they didn't even take a sip of wine. They ran over to shout first, and now it can be said that almost everyone is holding a mouthful of resentment in their hearts.

"Did you make a mistake?" Zhang Mengyu said to those who were chirping and mocking them, "I mean, just let the soldiers of the army go back. I brought them out not to fight, but because there are too many people. Make it a bit more grand, and then cheer us on, now that you have come out, they can naturally go back."

"That's right, do you still need so many people to deal with your broken army and your trash?"

"Look, they really take themselves seriously, don't they really think they need more than us to deal with it?"

"You..." The eyes of the disciples of Shenxuan Palace gradually became cold, but before they could get angry, the group of disciples of the Luo Rizong started to behave in confusion again.

"Patriarch, we don't need so many people to deal with them!"

"That's right, the fighting power of the cannon fodder of the Xingyu Empire is almost negligible. Although there are more than 1 people in the Shenxuan Palace, there is no need for all of us to dispatch it? What a waste of manpower!"


Only the intern student named Gu Xiao nodded, seeming to agree with this statement, and then took out a box full of notes and put it on the ground, "Everyone draw lots, whoever catches 'playing' will move forward Stand, those who get the 'spectate', stand back, the number of places is limited, only 100 people!"

"Damn it! That's the only way to count the quota? It's almost only a 1% probability."

"I'm speechless for a while, what's the use of a hammer? My kind of lottery black hole is basically useless!"


"Do they think they are throwing away garbage? Think 100 people are qualified to deal with us?"

"They are much crazier than I imagined!"

"Drawing lots, right? I want to see if their skills are as tough as their mouths!"

A few minutes later, the lottery finally had the result. The 100 people who were drawn walked forward with smiles, while the rest retreated to the back dejectedly.

Zhang Mengyu stepped forward and said, "How do we fight? Let's fight one person first. Are you going to fight one by one or send a group of people to fight together?"

"Enough!" A core disciple of the Shenxuan Palace finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Gu Xiao, let's settle the matter between the two of us today!"

At this time, an acquaintance walked out of the group of core disciples, and that was Wanning who had clashed with Zhang Mengyu several times!
In fact, he couldn't be regarded as a complete defeat last time. His martial arts were helpless against Zhang Mengyu, but Zhang Mengyu didn't gain much advantage. He just relied on his own understanding of the martial arts of the Shenxuan Temple to see through the tricks, and he didn't fight against them. Not that kind of victory in the true sense.

After returning to Shenxuan Palace, he suffered all kinds of cynicism during that time, saying that one of his core disciples couldn't even deal with a newcomer, and he was a waste.

For a long time, he had entered a period of trough, but instead of sinking, he cheered up again, which raised his mood to a higher level, and even by chance, he directly opened up a divine vein and realized a Avenue!
There are not many people who can do this, even if they are direct disciples. This is almost an admission ticket to advance to the Dao Realm!
But today, he came here to avenge his shame!

"Hey, isn't this Senior Wanning? Why is it such a coincidence?" Zhang Mengyu was a little excited when he saw the old acquaintance, "Well, I will give Senior Wanning a face, you can pick any of us, if you win , we let him deal with it, and we don't care about the affairs of the Shenxiao Empire!"

Without even thinking about it, Wanning pointed at Zhang Mengyu and said directly, "You! Come out!"

"Damn! Why is he so brave?"

"Even dare to choose the patriarch? Is he choosing an opponent or a way to die?"


(End of this chapter)

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