I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1838 Sandbags can take a few more hits than them

Chapter 1838 Sandbags can take a few more hits than them
"Elder Qi? Isn't that Elder Qi Congyun Qi?"

Immediately, someone recognized the figure in the blue-gray robe.

Flushed and out of breath, he looked as though he had traveled a long way.

Yesterday, the inner disciples of the Sunset Sect had already returned to the Sunset Sect. They thought that the intern disciples would come back as soon as possible later, but they didn't expect that they hadn't appeared until the evening.

The elder in charge of this task suddenly panicked.

Not long ago, he learned the news about this group of intern disciples, and he felt great pressure in his heart.

There are more than 8000 intern disciples who have comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Jue. This is of no benefit to the entire Sunset Sect. They are a group of treasures. As long as they are well cultivated, the future of each of them will be limitless in the future. There are a few people who understand the second level, which will greatly improve the future peak combat power of the sect.

This mission was issued by him. If there are some bad things about these people, then he, an elder, will be charged with the crime of unfavorable supervision!If the Sunset Sect lost this group of talented disciples because of this, he would feel very sorry in his heart.

Especially when he found out about the group of core disciples and direct disciples sent by Shenxuan Palace, he couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately told the news to the other elders.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with them when they returned from the Zongmen's arrangement. The Zongmen even arranged for a few elders to meet them. In order to protect these people, even if they paid more resources, there would be no problem.

But it didn't take long before they got the message from the Shenxiao Empire to contact the envoys. Gu Xiao actually led the trainee disciples to stay and vowed to live and die with the Shenxiao Empire!

This news immediately shocked a series of senior officials of the Sunset Sect.

In such a short period of time, they have no time to gather a group of reinforcements capable of fighting against these Shenxuan Temple disciples, and sending people at the elder level is tantamount to unilaterally tearing up the common contract of the eighteen superpowers. The Shenxuan Palace has their handles to threaten them, and other superpowers will also make trouble for them.

And when everyone else was at a stalemate, only Qi Congyun was the first to stand up. No matter what the consequences are, this group of intern disciples must be preserved, otherwise it will not be protecting the future of the Sunset Sect, but destroying the Sunset Sect. future!

So far, even the elders who have only comprehended the Jiuyou Sunset Jue at one level, among all the elders of the eighteen superpowers, their combat effectiveness is definitely among the best.

If this group of disciples can be preserved, when they grow up, their Sunset Sect will no longer need to look at other sects to live, and they can even revive their former glory of the Sunset Sect.

So Qi Congyun ignored the opposition of the other elders and resolutely prepared a person to come to support.

Originally thought that when he arrived, it would be the most stalemate in the battle. Maybe these 8000 intern disciples had already lost a batch. His only hope was that these people could save one more and live one more. one!
But he never expected that such a scene would be in front of his eyes.

The more than 12000 core disciples of the Shenxuan Temple were forced into a dead corner with nowhere to retreat by the group of intern disciples of the Sunset Sect. They were all sluggish and desperate, and he even knew the three personal disciples among them!

These three personal disciples are well-known in the entire Shenxuan Palace, and the one named Bai Qi is the disciple of a deputy palace master. He injured the direct disciple of an elder of the Sunset Sect.

That direct disciple still has the sequelae of that time, and the chance of advancing to the Taoist realm is almost zero!

Not only the members of their Sunset Sect, but also several senior disciples of other super sects have been injured by this Baiqi, and even died!But due to the strength of Shenxuan Temple, Bai Qi was punished to face the wall for a few years at most. This kind of mild punishment was almost meaningless, and he was even helping him find a quiet place to concentrate on his cultivation.

And now, that Bai Qi is hiding in the corner. He seems to have been slapped countless times on his face, and it is now red and black. If you open his mouth, you can see that there may be no more blood in his mouth. A few teeth are left.

As for his body, the clothes on his upper body seemed to have been burned by the flames, and there were still burns on the surface of his skin. There were even some fire elements flowing from these burn wounds, as if with his strength, he couldn't completely heal them. Extinguish, as for the lower body, it is already a bloody mess, I don't know what kind of torture I have experienced.

The other two direct disciples are almost the same, as if the higher the status of these people, the more dragged they are usually, the more miserable they were beaten today.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is no room for him to abandon Congyun?
What's the situation, did these internships beat up this group of core disciples and direct disciples brought by Shenxuan to such a ghost?

This is a bit unreasonable!

Qi Congyun had heard about the discussion between Zhang Mengyu and the president of the student council of that outer sect disciple. At that time, he displayed a super power technique with a [-]-fold increase, which was almost comparable to the second level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art. It is really possible to single out several core disciples or even direct disciples in the realm of cultivating the first rank.

But it is absolutely unrealistic for one person to hit more than 12000. As for the remaining intern disciples, even if they have mastered the first level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art, they are two or three times or even greater than the intern disciples in the Shenxuan Palace. Gap, what is going on here?
"Elder Ai, why don't you sit by the side for a while, and we'll report to you after we've dealt with them all." Zhang Mengyun approached Ai Congyun with a playful smile, and put his shoulders on his shoulders in a friendly manner. , "Elder, do you think how much ransom we and Shenxuan Palace want for these people is more appropriate? Is it too much for one person to ask for 5000 billion god crystals? If it is impossible, a little less, 2000 billion, 3000 billion is fine!"

"This...you did it?" Qi Congyun still did not accept such a scene, "Is there any senior person who helped you?"

"No." Zhang Mengyu shook his head, and Zhang Mengyu pointed to the military fortress of the Shenxiao Empire, "I don't believe you asked them, but we did it ourselves. The assessment of the intern disciples should be able to give us all Did everyone pass with full marks?"

"But how did you do it?" Qi Congyun asked, "They are core disciples and direct disciples! They are not comparable to those inner disciples at all. Both the martial arts realm and the cultivation resources they can obtain are far beyond They, I can accept if you kill two or three by yourself, but they..."

"Elder, it's just a group of core disciples, is there anything they can't do?"

"That's right, they just blow it hard, it's too easy to beat, if I punch down, some people can't get up."

"Sandbags can take a few more blows than they can!"


(End of this chapter)

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