I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1858 You have no love

Chapter 1858 You have no love
"I don't know if I have offended the three of you?" The restaurant owner looked at them with an unfriendly expression, "I don't remember any interaction between me and the three of you."

"You didn't offend, the Shenxuan Palace offended!" The three thought of their brothers who died tragically, and tried hard to suppress their anger. In their eyes, the people in the Shenxuan Palace deserved to die. They are just making trouble now. It was very sensible not to kill someone.

"Hahaha, I only heard that other people offend my Shenxuan Palace. When will a few young people have the right to be offended by Shenxuan Palace?" The restaurant owner laughed arrogantly, as if every disciple of Shenxuan Palace There is a kind of imprint about Shenxuan Temple.

"Now you are kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, I can consider saving your dog's life!" The restaurant owner said indifferently.

"I know that the people in Shenxuan Palace are not things, but I can't imagine that everyone is not a thing! What they say is so arrogant!"

"I still overestimated their quality. I used to feel a little guilty, but now I don't!"

Several people looked at each other and smiled, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to make excuses, just smash the store!"

"Okay, let's do it!"


With a loud noise, the entire restaurant collapsed, and a figure flew out of the restaurant at the same time. The powerful impact made him slide on the ground for dozens of meters before barely coming to a stop.

He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. Someone really dared to cause trouble in Xuanyun City of Shenxuan Palace. Did they really eat the courage of the bear?

"What kind of broken hotel are you guys? You don't even have a big health care? It's not formal at all? What do you mean, do you look down on me or think I can't afford the money? Big health care doesn't understand, why open a hotel!"

A thick voice came from another direction, which even made people's eardrums ache.

He hadn't been relieved yet. At this moment, another hotel nearby also collapsed suddenly. The owner of the hotel is also a disciple of Shenxuan Temple. The two of them are even senior brothers, and they have been here for decades. neighbors.

The two people lay on the same position and looked at each other. The severe pain from their bodies still didn't make them completely relieved. They still don't understand who these people are, why they wanted to wreak havoc in Xuanyun City, what? What is the hatred?

But in comparison, their behavior has been much more civilized, at least they have found a reason that seems relatively common, so they won't be called outrageous and unreasonable.

In another place in Xuanyun City, four young men in ragged clothes were begging along the street, but no one noticed that under their sloppy expressions, they had incomparably determined eyes.

"Brother and sister, Fafa kindly give me something, we haven't had enough food for 10 minutes."

"Big Brother and Big Sister, please reward me with something, we are really pitiful, we have lost hundreds of brothers recently, our hearts are suffering!"

Although these people are crying and complaining, it always sounds a bit weird. What is "10 minutes without a full meal", why is the threshold for begging so low now?
Their behavior still got the attention of some people, some people threw some food over, and some people passed over some pieces of gold and silver.

Yet their act of kindness was met with no gratitude in return.

"Just feed us this? Treat us as beggars?"

"It's just a little bit of gold? Is there any mistake? We have integrity! If we don't give millions of crystals, how can we do charity like others?"

"I'm really speechless. In such a big Xuanyun City, there are not many who can afford it. What's the matter with you? Isn't it covered by the Shenxuan Palace? Why don't you even have the most basic material conditions?" No?"

The people in Xuanyun City looked at these beggars dumbly, with surprise in their eyes.

Good guy, who has seen such a beggar?What kind of beggar can do such a thing?Not to mention pick and choose, but still think that the money given by others is not enough?
The mouth is a million god crystals, is this begging or touching porcelain?

And logically speaking, there shouldn't be beggars in a place like Xuanyun City.

First of all, in order to maintain the image and normal order of the city, any beggars will be directly expelled, and there are strict regulations here. Begging is a crime here.

Their actions quickly attracted the attention of the patrol officers in Xuanyun City, and a group of uniformed people quickly gathered in their direction.

"What do you do? Don't you know that begging is not allowed in Xuanyun City?"

"Get out of here quickly, this is not the place for people like you to come!"

"If you don't get out quickly, we will implement coercive measures."

The members of this group of patrols are all disciples of Shenxuan Temple, and the majesty here is extremely high. People from foreign affiliated countries dare not offend them easily, especially when they see this kind of homeless, their attitude is like Treat a bunch of rubbish in general.

"Do you people still have love?" A beggar stood up and accused righteously, "Didn't you see that we are all sallow and skinny? How can you drive away poor people like us?"

"That's right! Are you still human? I want to accuse you from the highest point of morality. You don't even have the slightest sympathy, but you still want to expel us. You are devoid of conscience!"

"You guys stop talking nonsense!" The patrol members have never had any morals, and naturally they will not be kidnapped by any morals, "Get out quickly, or we will arrest people and enter the prison in Xuanyun City. Individuals can come out alive.”

"Look! They're threatening us! It's just plain dangerous."

"Heaven! Earth! These people are shameless!"

"never mind!"

The crying of several people stopped immediately, "Since this world is unfair, then we will overthrow this unfair world. If this city has no love, we will overthrow this city and rebuild a city full of love."

"I have a dream. I hope that from now on, there will be no begging, no hunger, no pain, no tears in this city!"

Suddenly, the breath of these beggars changed.

"Spiritual Cultivation Realm Martial Artist." The eyes of the patrol members changed drastically, "You are not ordinary disaster victims at all, who are you?"

"We are here to collect debts!" ​​They burst out with a murderous intent, "The irrelevant people go away, we only demolish the house, we don't kill people, we only deal with the Shenxuan Temple, we don't kill innocent people!"

Above Xuanyun City, a young man watched this scene in astonishment, with black lines all over his head.

What have these people learned from hanging out with him in the past three years?Are you all starting to be performance artists now?This kind of idea really came out endlessly, even he would kneel down and call them big brother.

"One word," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "absolutely!"

(End of this chapter)

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