I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1873 My rescuers haven't arrived yet

Chapter 1873 My rescuers haven't arrived yet

"Huh!" Qi Heng breathed a sigh of relief, touched the sweat on his forehead and walked out of the conference hall. Fortunately, Zhang Menglong didn't bite his previous offending behavior, otherwise he really didn't know how it would end.

"What about the suzerain, is he willing to return the Dijun armor to us?" The elder immediately rushed forward impatiently.

"It took some price, but it calmed down his anger," Qiheng said.

In the end, besides dispatching members of Jie Dao Sect to Xuanyun City for rescue, he also spent ten times the price to buy the Emperor Jun armor.Fortunately, this price has not taken off for a long time, and it is not to the extent that their entire sect can't afford it, but they have been blackmailed a little bit.

But that's only for super sects. If it's a secular empire, even thousands of ninth-rank empires can't make such a big fortune.

"That's good!" After hearing this answer, the First Elder breathed a sigh of relief.

"But we have to hurry. Gu Xiao is now besieged in Xuanyun City. God knows how long his formation can last. We must arrive before breaking the city, otherwise our efforts will be in vain. Take it back from Gu Xiao. Dijun armor is much easier to get back from Shenxuan Palace."

"Well, we understand!" The Great Elder nodded, and immediately issued a call from the sect, "All the junior elders and intermediate elders gather immediately and set off for Xuanyun City!"


In half a day, Zhang Mengyu contacted the bosses of all the superpowers, and finally got a consistent result. They all completed the recruitment of manpower in the first time and came towards Xuanyun City.

Their attitudes are simply extremely eager, and it can even be seen that they are all more nervous than Zhang Mengyu now.

It’s fine if they don’t know where those treasures are, but now they all know that these things are on Zhang Mengyu’s body, and they all wish to appear beside Zhang Mengyu immediately, for fear that he will be caught by Shenxuan Hall first!

"Boss, where did you get these things?"

During this process, the disciples of the Sunset Sect listened to the conversation between them.

After the exploration of the ancient cave, everyone knows that it is the birthplace of super powers, and they also know that because of reasons such as blood demons and night demons, they were forced to leave here, and the helms and core members of various super powers disappeared. Xiao Luo left the ancient cave and became the core figure of these superpowers now.

However, all the treasures that these superpowers originally held on the leaders were lost. So far, those treasures have disappeared, but now these things are all in Zhang Mengyu's body!

Shennong’s Zunwangding Ding, Jiedaozong’s Emperor Jun armor, Yujian Villa’s Shenyuwangjian, Bailian City’s Founding Hammer, etc...

None of the Shamate family members were outsiders, so Zhang Mengyu told them how he had found that special underground space.

"Patriarch, you are making a lot of money!"

"I'm sour, I'm sour!"

"You are capable, and if you have the ability, you have to get in! Are you able to deal with so many blood demons single-handedly or do you have other skills?"

"The patriarch is simply holding the lifeblood of all superpowers in his hands."

"It's no wonder that the patriarch knows so much about the martial arts of other superpowers. It turned out to be a golden finger. Fortunately, we joined the Sunset Sect wisely at that time, otherwise we wouldn't be here today!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, those super powerful people are about to cry now, right?"


"It won't be a problem for me to hold on to this formation for another three to five days," Zhang Menglong glanced at the elders of Shenxuan Temple who were still outputting at full strength, "It should be enough to hold on until the arrival of reinforcements, everyone take it easy, and when the time comes Don't kill them."

Zhang Mengyu yelled at them, "Hold on, don't stop, the formation is about to be broken, hold on!"

Outside the formation, Elder Xi and the others gritted their teeth fiercely, this hazy man is really full of cheap bones, and he is still being cheap now.

"Don't be complacent, no one will come to save you, when we break the formation, we will be the first to tear you to pieces!"

"Come on everyone, this time the sect should have given everyone supplies, don't be stingy with your strength, let's break the formation as soon as possible, and end this farce this morning!"


Three days passed in a flash, and the elders of the Shenxuan Temple still looked like they were working hard, but Zhang Mengyu and the others were so comfortable that they would go shopping and eat when they had nothing to do, and then went to find the city criminals in Xuanyun City. To be cheap, or to go to the front of the formation to provoke the elders of Shenxuan Palace and say a few dirty words, anyway, it is not doing serious things.

In the eyes of the elders of Shenxuan Palace, this kind of behavior is really abnormal, they shouldn't be so relaxed, it even looks like a carnival before the end, but there is a vague feeling of uneasiness in my heart , It is really confusing.

"Crack!" Finally, there was a crisp sound in the sky. After three days of day and night attacks, they finally made some cracks appear in this formation!

"Everyone concentrate on trying to break the formation at once!" Elder Xi was already a little tired, but seeing this scene, his face became excited.

The elders of Shenxuan Palace also swallowed several pills to restore their energy, this is the final blow!

Following a bright ray of light, several dragon-shaped auras circled Xuanyun City several times, and amidst a burst of unwilling roars, they slowly faded and disappeared...

"Hahaha! Gu Xiao, I see how you can escape this time!" Elder Xi laughed extravagantly, "Elders, follow me to capture this damn group of Sunset Sect disciples, and others can kill them on the spot. Gu Xiao must be captured alive!"

For three days, all the elders were holding their breath, and at this time they finally found a vent.

"Boss, it's broken!"

"Have the reinforcements arrived yet?"

Seeing the menacing elders of Shenxuan Hall, everyone panicked.

"It's almost there," Zhang Mengyu nodded and smiled, "Seniors, after watching the show for so long, it's about time to show up?"

"Hahahahaha, Elder Xi, you group of Taoist elders, you are not ashamed to deal with a group of young people who are only one-tenth of your number!" With a jeering sound, the first batch of reinforcements arrived.

"Could it be that group of annoying guys who smell disgusting and herbal?" Elder Xi looked at the sky with an unfriendly expression, "Why are those guys from Shennong Valley here?"

The people in Shennong Valley are relatively weak, but almost every one of them controls one or even several powerful flames.

Even the network of relationships around each of them is intricate, and often a single person has great appeal. Therefore, if you don't provoke people in Shennong Valley, even people in Shenxuan Palace will not easily provoke you.

With the appearance of one after another aura, tens of thousands of people suddenly appeared in the sky. These people are all elders of Shennong Valley, and their strength is above the Dao realm!

"How could this be?" Originally, the elder thought that Zhang Mengyu might have a private tutor with the people from Shennonggu, and at most they would just come to help, but seeing their large number of people, he definitely wouldn't insist on it.

But how could he imagine that all the junior elders of Shennonggu were dispatched, and even some middle-level elders. What kind of magical power does this Gu Xiao have to make Shennonggu help him like this?
"Are you surprised?" Zhang Mengyu said to Elder Xi, "But this is just the beginning, my rescuers haven't arrived yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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