Chapter 1875 Patriarch dead?

"Gu Xiao, do you want to stay with our Shenxuan Palace forever?" Elder Xi said with a gloomy expression.

"Never die?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "No, no, don't you think that there is still a chance for me and your Shenxuan Temple to hold hands and be friends? Is it because you have something wrong with your brain or do you think I'm a fool?"

Zhang Mengyu said coldly, "When you sent people to the Yanlan Empire, we were already immortal. In addition, you killed me and the members of the Matt family, and this matter is even more bloody hatred!"

"Gu Xiao, you don't have any dead people, and all the dead people have been resurrected. Didn't you also suffer too much loss?" an elder of the Shenxuan Palace interjected.

"Then I killed you, how about you go find someone who can get you through?" Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes, "And their family members and Chinese people can't be resurrected at all, so how can these accounts be settled? ?”

"Those are just some insignificant people, some pariahs, and they die when they die. Our Shenxuan Temple is willing to give some compensation, which will definitely satisfy you. Why make it like this?"

"I bought a watch last year, wild dad!"

As soon as this sentence was said, not only Zhang Mengyu was furious, but also the disciples of the Sunset Sect who had lost their relatives and friends were full of evil spirits. Until now, the people in Shenxuan Palace still don't know how to repent, and they still look like He treats human life like nothing, but when he said such words, he still didn't change his expression and was breathless.

"Seniors, Gu Xiao has already done what I promised you," Zhang Mengyu said to the reinforcements of the other superpowers, "you should be pretty clear about what happened to me and my brother, now I want to Ask for justice from Shenxuan Palace, now is the time for everyone to fulfill their promises!"

"Mr. Gu Xiao," the Elder Gu from Shennonggu was the first to express his opinion, "Our valley owner has confessed that we Shennonggu owes Mr. Gu Xiao a great favor. We came here today, and everyone is at the mercy of Mr. Gu Xiao. Sending, as long as you don't go directly to the Shenxuan Palace, the old man can make the decision!"

"Brother Gu Xiao, our Jie Dao Sect is also the same," the elder of the Jie Dao Sect said with the same attitude, "Our suzerain said that there were many misunderstandings with you before, and Mr. Gu Xiao was wronged. We are willing to show all our sincerity, whatever you want today, we will do it!"

"So are we!"

"The same applies to the Moon Palace!"


All the superpowers have expressed their willingness to obey Zhang Menglong's dispatch.

In fact, they didn't have much confidence in the beginning, because fighting alone, no one is an opponent of the Shenxuan Palace, and they may even be retaliated by the Shenxuan Palace in the future, which will be very troublesome.

But it's different now, Zhang Mengyu gathered all the superpowers together, in this situation, Shenxuan Palace has fallen into an absolute disadvantage, they are stronger, and it is absolutely impossible to compete with more than a dozen superpowers.

Even if all the masters and deputy masters of their Shenxuan Hall come out today, they still have to weigh whether the current situation will end well.

Another point, and the most important point, is that other superpowers have long been annoyed by the Shenxuan Palace. A chance to stick together, and now Gushaw is giving them just that chance.

Now it is a matter of beating the dog in the water. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. Everyone is unwilling to let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"You..." Seeing everyone expressing their opinions one after another, the elders of Shenxuan Hall began to lose their temper.

"Thank you, seniors," Zhang Mengyu hastily acted accordingly, and slapped their flattery fiercely, "Everyone understands righteousness and hates evil like hatred. Gu Xiao and his friends will definitely remember everyone's assistance today. , When the matter is over, I will give each of you one trillion divine crystals as a reward, although it may be insignificant to you, but this is Gu Xiao's wish, please don't refuse."

"Hahaha, little brother Gu Xiao, you are being polite, we are just following orders, how can you be so embarrassing!"

Although those elders are all rich in the world, one trillion god crystals is not something that all ninth-rank empires can produce, and it is a lot of wealth for them. Of course, everyone is happy Incomparable.

"Elder Xi, please stay here as guests in Xuanyun City for the time being," Zhang Mengyu said, "You can send the news back first, we only wait for three days, if the corresponding responsible person is not handed over, every time One day, I will kill a hundred elders until I kill all of you, and I will do what I say, so you better not doubt it."

Zhang's dim eyes fell on Elder Xi, "I don't know if Elder Xi participated in that matter?"

Elder Xi's scalp was numb from Zhang Menglong's stare.

Although he didn't directly participate in the action, he was also involved when discussing the details.

If there were only one or two people involved in this matter, it would be fine, and it is estimated that with the attitude of calming down the matter, the Shenxuan Palace will hand it over to others.

However, in that attack and killing incident, the entire Shenxuan Palace invested more than 10 core disciples and direct disciples, and more than 1200 elders directly participated. These people are already a very large group of resources for the Shenxuan Palace. It is not too realistic for Shenxuan Palace to be willing to hand over this group of people to Zhang Mengyu.

"Gu Xiao, do you think this matter is still discussed?" Elder Xi said again, "It's impossible to hand over people, but if you want money, land and resources, we can give them to you!"

"I don't want to say it a third time!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I'm making a request with you now, not discussing things with you, don't think about bargaining with me again!"

"You...are you really not afraid of revenge from my Shen Xuan Temple?"

"I have dared to come here today, and I have never been afraid of your Shenxuan Palace!" Zhang Meng smiled lightly, "This is also your last chance, I hope you can grasp it well!"

"Gu Xiao, you are really the most daring young man I have ever seen. It's a pity, after all, you are not from my Divine Profound Palace!"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came from the sky, "But you are too young to keep the people of my Shenxuan Temple, just a group of super powerful elders, if you are their suzerain, Guzhu, It’s almost the same, I took all my people away, if you have the original, come to my Shenxuan Palace to ask for someone!”

"Hall Master!" The elders of the Shenxuan Hall seemed to have found a savior.

"It's the master of Shenxuan Palace!" Elder Gu said solemnly, "He actually did it himself!"

The sky can be torn apart, revealing a huge palm, which threw out what looked like a cloak, and the cloak became countless times bigger, covering all the people in the Shenxuan Palace, and then Just pack it up and take it away.

Then, the palm hit Zhang Mengyu directly, this time the attack was too fast, Zhang Mengyu didn't even think that he was so ignorant of martial arts, he could only immediately use all the strength in his body to resist in a hurry.

But that is a strong man at the peak of Dao Realm!Zhang Menglong's feedback had no effect. His position, together with a large area of ​​buildings around him, were smashed into pieces by the giant palm.

"This is a lesson for you, I hope you can survive the catastrophe!"

The master of Shenxuan Palace left the last sentence and disappeared into the sky immediately.


"The patriarch... is dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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