I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1911 I'm Your Nobleman

Chapter 1911 I'm Your Nobleman
"Brother Gu, this is the Illusory God Valley. With my ability, I can only send you here. If you go further in, the aura on my body may attract high-level phantom beasts."

"Thank you, Brother Barnack, I'm very satisfied with sending me here," Zhang Meng said gratefully.

"Are you really going to find the former city lord of Losai City? I heard that he spends more than 80% of the day in a frenzy. I'm afraid you won't be able to deal with him then, why don't you think twice."

"Don't worry," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Since I've come to this place, I can do something about it. During the time I'm not here, just help me keep an eye on the fantasy city."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Menglong went directly into the deep valley.


Illusory God Valley, one of the most dangerous places in the endless land, the phantom beasts that haunt this place, the lowest level phantom beasts are all at the peak of spiritual cultivation, as long as warriors below the Dao realm dare to take a few steps inside, they can almost There is no way to survive.

Originally, this was an excellent place for Daoists to practice and hunt for phantom beasts, but ever since the previous Lord of Luosai Heavy City entered this place, it has become a restricted area for humans, because you don’t even know Is it the phantom beast or him that rushed out to tear you apart in the next second?

The name of the previous city lord was Osay, and he was once a well-known strong man in this endless land. He also led a group of brothers to build this important city of Rosai.

But in his era, soul fragment inhibitors were still under development. At that time, soul erosion was still difficult to control, and even when he was not mad, his temper would become very irritable, so in this long-term process , Some of those brothers were killed by him, and some left him.

As long as those brothers who started the business back then are still there, he will not be reduced to this end now.

Now, for Orsay, the idea that supports him to become stronger is to kill Vic and regain his own city of Rosay.

As for the current strength comparison between Orsay and Vic, it's really hard for outsiders to say.

One has the resources of the entire city for him to practice, while the other is a madman who devotes himself to the battle.

After cultivating to the Dao state, everyone began to condense energy crazily. They believed that when the quantitative change accumulated to a certain level, a qualitative change would occur. Perhaps at that time, it would be a new state.

But no one knows what the limit is, 99 times, 999 times, or even 9999 times.

It is said that Vic has now condensed his energy to about 50 times. In other words, with the same amount of energy, he may be more than [-] times stronger than ordinary peak warriors!As for the previous city lord, Orsay, his strength is still an unknown to most people.


Soon, Zhang Menglong went deep into the Illusory God Valley, and he gradually became more cautious. Just now, he had seen several phantom beasts of the Dao realm passing by him, just because he had completely restrained his power, Those phantom profound beasts didn't notice him.

"Goudan, can you find that Orsay?"

[No, the entire Illusory God Valley is too large, and it is more difficult to find a person than it is for me to find an ant in a country! 】

Although Goudan's detector is very powerful, it is still a bit difficult for him to find a needle in a haystack. Unless he is engaged in some kind of intense battle, Goudan may still be able to find it through energy reaction.

[Wait, Dean, it seems that I really found it! 】

Goudan suddenly became quiet, it should be increasing the precision of exploration.

[There is a huge energy reaction, the number is more than 300, and it is far away from us, but because the battle fluctuation is too strong, I am not sure if it is the Orsay, after all, I have never seen it, should we go and see? 】

"Since there is such a lively event, even if it's not the Olympiad, I'm still very interested," Zhang Mengyu said, "Go and have a look, and help me lead the way!"

Under the guidance of Goudan, Zhang Menglong quickly headed towards that area. Along the way, Goudan told Zhang Menglong that the energy reaction in that area is getting bigger and bigger, new energy reactions are constantly being added, and energy is constantly being added. Responses are disappearing, and now it has grown to over 500!
The strength of each of these energy reactions has almost exceeded the sixth level of Dao Realm, and there are even dozens of Dao Realm peaks. Zhang Mengyu has never encountered this level of battle before. After all, in the original world, Dao Realm Strong ones are very rare.

Zhang Menglong flew in that direction for nearly two days, but this battle was not over yet, it was just coming to an end, and there were probably more than 100 life reactions left.

Finally, Zhang Mengyu came to the core area of ​​the battle.

Even though it was tens of kilometers away from the center of the battle, Zhang Mengyu felt that the surrounding energy became extremely chaotic. If someone was slightly weaker, he would vomit blood even after staying for a few seconds.

Despite this powerful coercion, Zhang Menglong still didn't get close to the most central area of ​​the battle, but he could barely see the figure that looked like a war god.

It really was a human being. He was wearing tattered clothes and a beard. He looked like he should be close to three meters tall. This size alone gave him an extremely powerful oppressive force.

At this moment, he is trapped in the encirclement of more than 100 phantom profound beasts.

But he didn't show any signs of timidity at all. He was holding the tail of a mystical beast with one hand, swinging it wildly like a weapon, and the other mystical beasts that were besieging him didn't dare to come close. .

This phantom beast is more than 2000 meters tall, but in front of his three-meter body, it is thrown around like a toy.

The phantom beasts he hit were all a little unstable in shape, as if they were about to dissipate at any moment.

[Dean, this person is awesome. Those 100 mysterious beasts are all at the peak of Dao Realm. This person is not at all inferior to one enemy, maybe he is not much worse than the master of the Shenxuan Palace up! 】

"They are all phantom beasts at the peak of Dao Realm? Why is this person so fierce!"

[It's just that the fighting skills are a bit poor, and the fights are completely relying on brute force, and it seems that they have been eroded a lot, Dean, I guess this person is the person you are looking for. 】


Zhang Mengyu just hid on the sidelines and watched the battle silently. This person has been fighting for so long, but it seems that his physical strength has not declined. His body was disfigured by the beating.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and as a phantom beast turned into a spot of light, the battle finally came to an end.

A huge amount of energy was devoured by him, but it didn't seem to make his aura significantly improved.

All of a sudden, Zhang Mengyu felt the power lock on him, and his breathing became a little difficult.

The strong man appeared behind him in an instant, and a heavy voice sounded from behind him, "Who are you? I noticed you a few days ago, are you from Vic?"

"No, no, no," Zhang Meng said with a smile on his face, "I'm not from that Vic, so I should be considered your nobleman!"

(End of this chapter)

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