I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1913 Is the Urban Management Brigade Still Short of People?

Chapter 1913 Is the Urban Management Brigade Still Short of People?
Orsay has never felt his body become so relaxed.

Ever since he accidentally came to this world and killed the first phantom beast, he has been obsessed with the smell of this power.

At the beginning, he used his own strength to forcibly suppress this erosion, but as more and more phantom beasts were devoured, he gradually had no way to completely control it, even when there was no attack, he needed to It takes a lot of energy to suppress.

Although he experienced extreme pain for half an hour, he felt as if he was reborn the moment the black shadow disappeared.

Although he has not completely eliminated the erosion of his soul, he can clearly feel that a layer of shackles has disappeared from his body, and he can even feel that if there are two or three more such things, his soul erosion may be completely eliminated. eliminate!
"How is it?" Zhang Meng looked at Orsay with a smile on his face, "I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"This pill of yours is so powerful, do you have any more?" Orsay looked at Zhang Mengyu excitedly.

Before that, if he wanted to stay rational, it might be difficult for him to exert [-]% of his strength, but with this pill alone, he can even exert more than [-]% of his strength

He roared loudly twice, and Zhang Mengyu even got the news from Goudan that a large group of mysterious beasts were scared away. He didn't have a single mysterious beast within 100 kilometers of their area. Leave!
"It's amazing!" Zhang Mengyu felt this kind of power. The stronger Orsay was, the better news it was for him.

Of course, he couldn't make this elixir too cheap, otherwise others wouldn't take it seriously.

"This pill is so easy to refine," Zhang Mengyu sighed deliberately, "It took me a long time to collect the materials, and refining this pill requires more energy. So far, only one has been refined."

"That's right!" Orsay didn't suspect him at all. After all, so many alchemists in the endless land have studied for so long, but they still haven't refined the elixir that can cure the soul attack. In his eyes, the distraction pill, which was refined dozens of pieces in half an hour, has undoubtedly become the kind of top-quality pill that can only be refined by exhausting the right time, place and people.

For a moment, he even felt that he was somewhat indebted to Zhang Menglong, as if he had taken a huge advantage.

But the more he felt the preciousness of this elixir, the more he couldn't wait to get the second one. As long as he swallowed one, he had the confidence to recover more than 70% of his strength, and he had enough confidence to fight one-on-one by then. One-on-one, rub Vic on the ground.

In this world, perhaps only Zhang Mengyu can refine such a pill.

"Brother Gu Xiao, how long does it take you to refine such a pill?" Orsay asked cautiously.

"On the premise that the materials are sufficient, it will take half a year to refine one."

Orsay thought for a moment and continued, "Brother Gu Xiao, I won't hide it anymore. My soul has been severely eroded by the soul fragments of those phantom beasts. I need these pills very much. If you can help me Refining one, I am willing to protect you in the fantasy city for a year!"

"One year..." Zhang Menglong said in an unsatisfactory tone.

"No, no, no!" Orsay hurriedly said, "Ten years! One elixir, I will be your bodyguard for ten years. During this time, even if Vic does something to you, I will help you twist his head Come down, it is absolutely impossible for him to take the fantasy city away from you!"

"But Vic has a lot of people under him," Zhang Mengyu said, "I know Mr. Orsay, you are not afraid of him one-on-one, but if they bully the few with more, I am afraid..."

"Hmph! He has people under Vic, so is there no one under my Orsay?"

Although Orsay was kicked out of the city of Rosai like a bereaved dog back then, he was the lord of the city after all, and even the brothers who were born and died at the beginning are gone, but there was still a group of very strong in the city of Rosai at that time. The warriors are here.

At that time, Orsay was driven away, and these people were directly cleaned by Vic. Although some people were directly killed by him, some survived. They were scattered in various cities in the endless land, and some of them also Orsay also became a lone ranger who practiced alone.

Although they could not be regarded as Orsay's cronies at that time, their pain of leaving home was the same, and they had the same enemy!

After so many years of accumulation, these people, no matter how bad they are, still have the realm of the peak of the Dao Realm. Even because of the high-intensity fighting and obsession in their hearts, the results of their cultivation over the years far exceed that of Vic's group of people.

As long as Orsay raises his arms, he is confident that some of them will join him!
"I'm afraid these people's souls have been eroded very seriously, right?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Yes," Orsay sighed.

"Mr. Orsay, although I don't have any distraction pills here, I still have some distraction potions," Zhang Mengyu said, "Although its efficacy is far less than that of distraction pills, it can also restore some soul erosion to a certain extent. The trauma it caused can even protect you from being affected by their soul fragments when you hunt the mysterious beasts in the next period of time."

"There is such a thing?" Orsay was overjoyed after hearing that, even if this thing can't compare with that elixir, but compared with the soul fragment inhibitor, it can kill ten streets in seconds, this is also a good thing!

"You can try it!"

Zhang Mengyu took out a potion, "The production cost and difficulty of this distraction potion are much lower than that of the magic pill. In my fantasy city, although it is not sold directly for the time being, it is provided as a benefit for free every month. A member of my urban management brigade."

"Urban management brigade?" This is really a strange term for Orsay.

"It is a team composed of some Dao realm warriors, mainly used to resist the invasion of foreign enemies. This number can only be regarded as a small fight for the time being."

"I'll try." Orsay finished the potion, and sure enough, the soul erosion on his body recovered a little bit, although the degree is very low, but he can really feel the curative effect, it is definitely not the soul fragment suppressing it agents can be compared.

"This is also a good thing!" Orsay looked at the potion, "Brother Gu Xiao, is your urban management brigade still short of people? If so, can you count me in? I don't want other things, give me one a month." The distraction potion is enough, if I still have some meat to eat occasionally, I can do it for a long time!"

What Zhang Mengyu wanted was this sentence, "Hahahaha, Mr. Osai, what you said, isn't your ability to do this urban management brigade? Isn't that a shame? This is not possible. If you think highly of me, you will be the director of the urban management bureau." , I will start you with the highest salary, not only one distraction potion a month, but also free food in the canteen of our Urban Management Bureau, enough meat!"

(End of this chapter)

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