I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1916 Your relationship is like a ball of loose sand

Chapter 1916 Your relationship is like a mess of loose sand

"You guys, catch Gu Xiao for me!"

The appearance of Orsay directly shattered Vic's plan. Although he said it calmly, he was under a lot of pressure in his heart. He didn't have much confidence in facing Orsay. The only thing that could give him a little confidence It is Orsay's severely eroded soul.

Several times when they encircled and suppressed Osai, he was eroded by the soul when he devoted himself to the battle, which affected his body control and knocked him back. In his opinion, this time must be just a reenactment of the scene at that time That's all.

"Stop them!"

Zhang Menglong gave an order, and several people wearing city control uniforms appeared in front of him. They were all the former Orsay department, and they were directly deceived to Huancheng by Zhang Menglong's treatment of a staff.

"It's you!" Vic and the others recognized them immediately, "We didn't kill them all back then, but we were too kind!"

"Vic, let's settle what happened back then today!"


"Crack!" Osai's body screamed, and the power belonging to the peak of the Dao Realm directly turned the entire manor into flat ground in an instant. Zhang Mengyu had to admire the coverage and fineness of this power.

After all these years of hard work and courage, after lifting the suppression of soul erosion, Orsay's strength is simply an essential improvement!

"Vic, do you think my soul has been seriously eroded, and you can take advantage of it?" Orsay sneered, "This time, put away your expectations, and I will let you know what fear and despair are!"

Orsay's body appeared behind Vic in an instant, and Vic reacted very quickly, turning around and elbowing towards Orsay's cheek.

But such a counterattack seemed powerless in Orsay's eyes, and before Vic's elbow hit his cheek, he had fled from his original position in a flash.

Vic only felt a burst of murderous intent coming from in front of him. Orsay's forehead had already touched his forehead, and he suddenly felt a chill. If Orsay attacked him at this time, his head would have been blasted to pieces.

"Your strength..." Vic is very clear. When he fought Osai last time, he was still vaguely suppressed by him. Why is there such a big gap in strength now?
"Fuck! Awesome!" Zhang Mengyu and Wu Yang watched with gusto from the sidelines. According to Zhang Mengyu's estimate, one Olympiad can at least beat ten Vic, but from now on, it seems that this has been a bit underestimated him.

"I killed Vic like I killed a chicken!" Orsay said this, not arrogant at all!

"You're surprised, aren't you?" Orsay laughed, "I'm really disappointed, half of my soul erosion has been cured, and now I can at least display more than [-]% of my strength. Are you afraid of me now? "

Vic was indeed scared. Now his hands and legs were trembling uncontrollably. Vic, who had regained [-]% of his strength, really wasn't something he could defeat!

But how is this possible?At present, there is no way to resolve the erosive damage of soul fragments. The alchemist in the endless land has been researching for so long and still has nothing. How did he do it?
Suddenly, his attention fell on Zhang Mengyu.

What kind of person Orsay is, he, Vic, knows best. Orsay is arrogant and powerful, and it is impossible for him to be inferior to others, unless the other party presents some conditions that make him fall in love!

Now that he actually brought his former subordinates to join Zhang Mengyu's urban management brigade, wouldn't he just become Zhang Mengyu's subordinate?Could it be that Zhang Menglong holds something that can heal the wounds of the soul?

"Boom!" With the sound of breaking through the air, one of Vic's peak Taoist warriors was shot down from the sky. As a strong man who was twice as old, he lost the suppression of soul erosion, and they finally broke out. Gain the power you should have.

"Spicy stuff!" The warrior in the air spat, and went directly to another of Vic's subordinates.

"Is there still time to see others? Vic, have you forgotten how I beat you half to death and threw you out of the city lord's mansion the first time?" Orsay punched Vic in the abdomen, and Vic appeared. A force invisible to the naked eye blocked the abdomen, but in an instant, this force shattered.

Vic's body retreated tens of meters, feeling a sense of suffocation in his chest.

"In recent years, your strength has not improved much. It seems that you have lived a very comfortable life in my heavy city of Rose!" Orsay attacked without showing any mercy.

Zhang Mengyu didn't expect that Osai was actually a Zaun player, and every word crazily stimulated Vic's nerves, which made him feel more uncomfortable than beating him up.

Although Vic has not been defeated yet, he is clearly at an absolute disadvantage. Orsay's attack is full of power. Every time he can even kill an ordinary warrior at the peak of the Dao realm, it is not ugly from Vic's expression. Show how hard he resisted.

"I thought he was so awesome. It's really interesting." Zhang Mengyu and others were watching the fun from the sidelines, and suddenly said sarcastic remarks.

"That's right. I was so scared that I almost peed just now. I really thought he was invincible. It turned out to be just a wax head with a silver spear."

"Brother, it's not fun to say that, do you know what this word means, just use it indiscriminately?"

"Come on, if you persist for another 20 seconds, it will be 1 minute. How can a man not last for 1 minute?"

The influence of Zhang Mengyu and others here distracted Vic a little. In this kind of contest, especially since Orsay's strength is still higher than him, even a distraction may directly kill him.

Sure enough, at this split second, Vic was directly punched in the chest by Orsay, and that terrifying force poured into his body, directly smashing his chest into pieces.

At this level, the influence of martial arts and other things is not very great. They don't need any martial arts at all, they only need the purest power, unless it is the secret technique to increase speed and strength.

A martial artist at the peak of Dao Realm has a very strong body recovery ability, and his body recovered in an instant, but Osai's second punch had already hit his shoulder once.

At this moment, the scenes at the scene became very yellow and violent.

"Those who are hiding in the dark, if you want to do something, you'd better think clearly," Zhang Mengyu could already feel the aura around him ready to move, "You are going to tear me apart for a Vic who is about to be killed. Shameless, or be honest?"

"You retreat now, I will not blame the past, if you continue to stay here, when Vic is killed by my people, you will be next!"

Zhang Mengyu's warning took effect immediately, and those auras immediately scattered and fled. Don't be too clear about the current situation. Everyone knows that he will die soon. The strength of this Orsay is too terrifying. The first batch of people.

"Hey," Zhang Mengyu shook his head and said to Vic, "Look, your relationship is like a loose sand, and it will fall apart when the wind blows."

(End of this chapter)

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