I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1919 I don't mind multiple affiliated cities

Chapter 1919 I don't mind multiple affiliated cities
The battle that took place in this manor ended so quickly that not many people in the entire fantasy city noticed that a battle of peak Dao realm fighters took place here.

It wasn't until the next day that someone suddenly discovered that there was a foot bath shop in the central area of ​​the fantasy city. The technicians in this foot bath shop were all experts in the Dao realm. Only a few people knew that these Dao realm warriors were all A subordinate of the once majestic Lord of Rose City,
Except for those key figures, in fact, other people don't have much loyalty to Vic. They belong to the kind of people who can sell everything if they have a profit, but this kind of person is the most For a group of people who are easy to deal with, Zhang Menglong only used the distraction potion that was diluted countless times to make them fall in love with him.

Diluting a distraction pill can almost make tens of thousands of people feel that the erosion of the soul has been significantly weakened. Isn't this much better than some soul fragment inhibitor?Naturally, they were all firmly grasped.

Soon, all the Taoist warriors who once belonged to Luosai Heavy City joined the urban management team of Huancheng. Zhang Mengyu adapted and integrated this big pair, and finally Aosay was in charge. Every captain and small captain below People Zhang Mengyu trusts are all in charge.

There are more than 150 million Dao realm powerhouses in the entire Fantasy City, old and new, and this number is even larger than that of Rose City at that time.

The performance of Zhang Menglong's fantasy city during the period of space chaos is also obvious to all. The population of the entire city also surpassed the original Luosai city in the third month, and the number of crystal nuclei every day is increasing by a very scary indicator.

Zhang Mengyu and others also started to do business again. Their main purpose of coming here this time is not to do business, but to improve their own life level!
Except for sleeping, eating and leisure, they spend almost all their time absorbing those crystal nuclei. After all, absorbing crystal nuclei also has a speed, even if this speed is tens of millions of times the normal energy absorption, it still needs a process.

Except for Zhang Mengyu, when they came to this endless land for a year, all the more than 8000 disciples of the Sunset Sect had advanced to the peak of spiritual cultivation, and then they took some time to stabilize their realm, otherwise this fast It is easy to have that kind of unstable state when the improvement is high.

As for Zhang Mengyu, the energy he needs to advance is too huge, the crystal nuclei swallowed by more than 8000 people are just a drop in the bucket of his own.

When the last person reached the peak of spiritual cultivation, he was only at the 7th rank of spiritual cultivation, and finally from the peak of the [-]th rank of spiritual cultivation, the ninth-level crystal nuclei he consumed even reached a huge amount of hundreds of billions, which is already Enough to cultivate a group of Dao realm warriors.

Everyone waited anxiously at the door of Zhang Menglong's training room. Everyone knew that Zhang Menglong was going to leave the customs today, and even Orsay came here to welcome him.

As the door opened, Zhang Meng came out energetically.

His life level is obviously only the peak of spiritual cultivation, but it makes many Taoist warriors feel a feeling that it is difficult to look directly, as if standing directly opposite them is a strong Taoist like Osai!
"Welcome the city lord to leave the customs!" Orsay shouted.

"Welcome the city lord to leave the customs!" The rest of the people also shouted loudly. Zhang Menglong was able to build such a large city by himself. It is not only rich in resources, but he is also abnormally incredible. Those who are responsible for cleaning the crystal nucleus for him The person who knows best knows exactly how many crystal nuclei he has consumed during this period of time.

When the power of so many crystal nuclei is gathered on one person, how perverted will this person become.

"Is there nothing wrong with Huancheng during my retreat?" Zhang Mengyu asked. It has been almost two or three months since he entered.

"No problem," Osaihui reported, "The entire fantasy city is in order, and there are no other major cities to provoke, because we have already released the news of Vic's death. They want to move our fantasy city, and they have to weigh it. Is my life as hard as Vic."

"Very good," Zhang Mengyu nodded in satisfaction, "I have worked hard for you during this time."

"City Master, our Fantasy City has established a firm foothold here. What are your plans next?" Orsay is a very ambitious person. After he was the City Lord of the important city of Rose, he also thought about annexing other important cities. City, the current fantasy city, definitely has this strength.

"Why, do you want to become king?" Zhang Mengyu said that he didn't reject Orsay's idea.

When Osai looked at Zhang Miyu's eyes, he couldn't help but feel a little horrified. It was incredible that a single look of his could make him, a warrior at the peak of Dao Realm, feel some pressure.

"The city lord has the final say, I'm just making a suggestion, hahaha," Orsay seemed a little stiff.

"City Master, some time ago, we received an invitation letter from Beikun Zhongcheng," Banac is now in charge of the foreign affairs of the entire Fantasy City. , Most people are still very cooperative with his work.

"Beikun Heavy City? Why did they invite us? Is it another Hongmen feast?" Zhang Meng smiled.

"We didn't look at it. The other party just said that we should go as far as possible. This matter may have something to do with leaving the endless land."

As soon as the words fell, everyone was stunned, especially those in Orsay, whose expressions on their faces became extremely excited.

Unlike those who grew up in the endless land, those people come from the outside world, and the biggest dream in their hearts is to leave here and return to the original world, but this dream of most people has long been was buried in the ages.

Now that I suddenly heard such news, it is really a bit contradictory.

Because everyone has been looking for a way to leave the endless land for too long, and has even regarded this as an unrealistic fantasy. If someone says that they can leave here, most people's first reaction is that this is a lie.

But such news, no one is willing to give up.

Zhang hazy opened the letter.

Lord Gu Xiao:

Once again, I invite you to go to Beikun Heavy City to attend an important meeting. This matter involves whether you can leave the Endless Land. Please be sure to be present at this time.

Lord of Beikun Heavy City: Beixu

The letter didn't contain any substantive content. It seemed that to know the truth of this matter, one had to go to the heavy city of Beikun.

"City Master, could this be a trap?" Orsay reminded, "This Beixu is not a cheap lamp, he is much more difficult to deal with than Vic."

"I'm not a good guy either," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "If he dares to mess around, I don't mind adding a subsidiary city to our fantasy city. I'm very interested in this news. Who would like to accompany me to see it? of?"

(End of this chapter)

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