I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1926 Comprehension Beyond Dao Realm

Chapter 1926 Comprehension Beyond Dao Realm

Everyone did some research at the entrance and didn't gain much, so they just flew straight to the depths of the passage.

This passage seemed to have no end. For three whole days, the surroundings were surrounded by exactly the same scene. Due to some psychological pressure, many people couldn't control the erosion of their souls, and some out-of-control situations appeared.

But this can only be regarded as a small episode. Relying on the distraction potion provided by Zhang Menglong, most people came to the end of that passage without any danger.

"Good guy, this really looks like a miracle!" Zhang Menglong looked at the endless starry sky in front of him and said with emotion.

At the end of this passage is a high platform like white jade. There seems to be a barrier between this high platform and the starry sky in front of you. Passing through that barrier, it seems to be another world.

And in the middle of the starry sky, there is indeed a figure floating, he is like a shadow, the surrounding space is distorted by his existence, and the light around him presents a strange halo.

"Is he still alive?" Zhang Meng asked Goudan.

[Alive, but in a dormant state of suspended animation, it may wake up under the stimulation of some external forces, or it may wake up by itself at any time. 】

"Is that an ultimate life form?" Zhang Mengyu asked again, "Does it have anything to do with the owner of this skeleton?"

[It should be the owner of the skeleton. I feel a special connection with this world from him. The entire endless land is actually formed by the body of the owner of the skeleton, and this black shadow is the owner of this world. Ontology! 】

"The whole body has turned into this world. Those who don't know think he is Pangu!" Zhang Mengyu sighed, and at the same time, he felt a greater awe of the ultimate life body. It is really amazing that he can turn his body into a world. People are amazed.

[Compared with Pan Gu, it is far worse. This guy has not yet fully reached the ultimate life body, but just touched some thresholds. The Great God Pan Gu is a real ultimate life body. Don't insult Pan Gu! 】

Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes. This dog is talking less and less about him as the dean now, but the identity of this person still makes Zhang Mengyu very curious. Who is he and why his body Turned into the entire endless land, why is he suspended in this starry sky like this now?

He may not know all these answers until he really passes through this barrier, but what will he face after passing them over?

"Whoosh!" A huge meteorite hit head-on, and some people were about to dodge, but it just hit the diaphragm so hard that they couldn't even hear the sound, let alone feel the slightest vibration.

Someone reached out and wanted to touch the diaphragm, but from this end they could pass through directly, as if it was a one-way passage.

"There is one last chance, maybe if we cross here, we will not have the chance to turn back, everyone, please make your final consideration!" Beixu City Lord looked at everyone and said, "In any case, I still plan to go in and have a look, some Things always make people willing to pay a lot of price to understand."

Speaking of this, Beixu has a look of death on his face, which may tell many people that chasing the truth is really a more important thing than life.

"This old thing is usually very annoying, but this time he is much more pleasing to the eye." Orsay beside Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

"Monsieur Orsay, what do you think?"

"After I killed Vic, I didn't have any obsessive things. To be honest, I have already lived enough. Many things are meaningless to me, but if I can explore this endless The most special place in the land, I think it will be a very interesting thing."

During this process, most of them chose to continue walking, but some people still chose to give up, because they originally came with the mentality of fishing in troubled waters, and now they are more or less retreating. There are many things that are not willing to give up.

"Whoosh!" Another meteorite struck, and at this time, someone unexpectedly reached through the barrier and grabbed that meteorite!At least before entering that starry sky, they want to analyze any factors in that place, such as the texture and constituent elements of the meteorite.

"This... this is not a meteorite!" The warrior took back the hand holding the meteorite. It was a piece of green jade the size of a thumb. It looked ordinary, but when he swept his consciousness, he found that it was One recorded something about breaking through the Dao Realm!

His complexion changed drastically!Originally, I wanted to put this thing away quietly, but the impact frequency of this meteorite is not very low, and several other people also obtained these jade stones!
They exchanged glances with each other, put away their things silently, and prepared to pass through the barrier.

Their abnormality was naturally noticed by the people around them. Several of them were going to leave here, but after obtaining the jade, they chose to stay. You said that this jade has no ghosts, will others believe it?

"Up here, there is the secret of breaking through the Dao Realm!" At this moment, a voice rang out from the crowd.

In an instant, everyone was boiling, especially those warriors at the peak of the Dao Realm. They have stayed at this end for a long time, and they don't even know if there is a higher level of life above the Dao Realm, but now it looks like There is.

The secrets of breaking through the Dao Realm are recorded on the jade, so what about those planets floating in the starry sky?Will it also be a carrier of some kind of information?And that figure, could he be the living body that transcended the Dao Realm?

For a while, the meaning of all this has surpassed exploring the starry sky, finding a way to leave the endless land, and even if they are asked to leave the endless land, they are not so willing!
"Okay, don't grab it!" Beixu looked very dissatisfied when he saw that there was some noise and even a small-scale fighting crowd, "This is just the beginning, are you going to consume our own internal strength like this? Maybe this There are many things in the starry sky, there is no need to fight for these things, are you in such a situation?"

Beixu's words made many people calm down.

He looked at the silent crowd, took a deep breath, and then stepped directly into the starry sky.

Many people also walked in behind him.

Sure enough, as I guessed just now, if you pass through this diaphragm, you can’t get out again. Unlike the meteorite just now, you can grab it through the diaphragm and bring it out, but if you pass through it, there is no way. Came out this way again.

They tried to destroy the diaphragm, but even with the most powerful attack, the diaphragm remained motionless.

"Let's go and have a look too!" Zhang Menglong also led the disciples of the Sunset Sect through the barrier.

No one noticed that the dark figure suddenly opened his eyes at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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