I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1932 Are they floating?

Chapter 1932 Are they floating?
The news of being able to leave the Endless Land swept across the entire Endless Land immediately like a storm. Except for some people who grew up here and already had feelings for it, almost everyone chose to leave here, especially Those who have been trapped for a long time, even some almost cried bitterly. They have waited too long for this day.

Zhang Mengyu and others did not go back immediately, he gathered all the remaining people in the endless land into the fantasy city, at least in this place, they can be free from the persecution of the mysterious beasts, maybe when Zhang Mengyu will need to send This endless land serves as his warrior training base, and there are always some team members left behind.

After completing these, he left the Endless Land with more than 8000 Sunset Sect disciples. Calculating the time, they have been here for nearly three years.


Following a dazzling light, Zhang Mengyu and others came to a valley full of burning smell.

In fact, a period of time has passed since the incident of the bald man. During the period of Zhang Menglong's last stay, some people even returned to the Endless Land through the Gate of Infinity, and brought back some information at the same time.

Passing through that door is not the entrance to the endless land, but will be randomly teleported to a corner of the mainland, so Zhang Mengyu and others have already made psychological preparations, if the character is too bad It is not impossible to directly teleport to some kind of monster, and it may even be teleported to the master of Shenxuan Palace.

But this place, they obviously feel very strange.

The area of ​​the valley is very large, and it seems that there were people living in it, because there are many wooden houses around it.

But now, this valley seems to have encountered a fire, all the plants were almost burned out, there were some scorched marks on the ground, and some plants even sprouted some new shoots.

"This fire has been going on for at least half a year, and it's still burning pretty badly." Zhang Menglong glanced at it.

Suddenly, he squatted down and dug out a piece of what looked like a potato from the soil on the ground.

"This is not an ordinary plant!" A strange fire flashed across Zhang Menglong's palm, and the potato-like thing was burned and refined into some crystal clear liquid after a while.

He observed it again, and unexpectedly found several pieces of such things from the soil. These plants were at a fixed distance from each other, and Zhang Menglong also found some traces of artificial watering in the soil.

"This is the rhizome of a elixir!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Someone should have planted this thing here, it seems like a field of medicine!"

"Boss, look at this!" At this time, Wu Yang took a half-burned token from the people around him and handed it to Zhang Mengyu, "This is the identity token of the core disciple of Shennong Valley, and it has been burned. It's half done."

"This is Shennong Valley!?" Zhang Menglong suddenly felt that when he was not around, the sky might have changed on this continent.

Shennonggu is one of these 18 superpowers, and they are widely popular, know a lot of strong people, and their comprehensive strength is definitely in the top three. How did the whole Shennonggu become what it is today?

"Let's see if we can find any clues!"

Zhang Mengyu turned around in the valley. Sure enough, he found traces of Shennong Valley from many damaged buildings. The burned buildings were actually Shennong Valley!

"Boss, I found the storage room of Shennong Valley. Almost all the pills were looted and set on fire. There are still some low-level common pills left on the ground. It seems that someone broke through Shennong Valley. ah."

"Why is this Shennong Valley also one of the superpowers? How could it be breached? Where is the elder suzerain in the valley?"

"Boss, we found some traces of battle." In another direction, someone found some clues.

"Can you see something from the battle marks?"

"Half of them are the battle traces of the Shennong Valley warriors. Most of them practice fire-attributed skills, and there are usually burn marks in the battle, but the other side... no, it should be said that there are several parties. I found the Shenxuan Temple There are also traces of Jie Daozong's attacking moves, and there are even traces left by the martial arts and martial arts of Yujian Villa or other superpowers."

"How did this happen? Other superpowers united to rob Shennong Valley? This is illogical! They may offend one or two of them, but how could they offend so many at once and let people unite? There must be ghosts !"

"Yeah, what happened during our absence?"

"Even if something really happened, it's impossible for there to be no survivors, right? Could it be that the entire Shennong Valley evaporated overnight?"

"Everyone look for it again!" Zhang Mengyu also felt more and more strange.

The entire Shennong Valley, whether it is the planting base, the alchemy area, the cultivation area, or the living area, is empty, but almost all valuable things have been plundered, and even Zhang Mengyu has no way to contact Shennong Valley. valley owner.

"Patriarch! We found someone!" Just when everyone was at a loss, they finally found some traces of some living people.

Zhang Meng hurried over immediately, only to see a group of warriors wearing Shennonggu clothes standing in front of them soaked.

There were not many people, only one or two hundred. Everyone's faces were pale, and even their expressions became very tense. They observed everything around them from time to time, as if there was danger at any time.

"Are you the disciples of Shennonggu? I am Gu Xiao from the Sunset Sect, and these are all disciples of our Sunset Sect." Zhang Mengyu tried to communicate with them.

Unexpectedly, just after Zhang Mengyu uttered the word Gu Xiao, several disciples of Shennonggu immediately developed some murderous intent.

"You are Gu Xiao? It's all your fault!"

A martial artist of the seventh rank of spiritual cultivation manipulated the flames and attacked Zhang Menglong. It felt like there was really a deep hatred.

But with his little ability, he couldn't even break through the encirclement formed by the other disciples of the Sunset Sect.

A young man who buried his beloved family then knocked him to the ground. They were about to make a move, but they were stopped by Zhang Menglong.

"What are you talking about? I, Gu Xiao, have been away from here for a long time, how can I harm you?" Zhang Menglong asked, "Are you stimulated? Don't be nervous, you take it easy first, think it over before you talk. "

Zhang Mengyu asked his people to distribute some pills to them, especially some things for concentration, and they slowly regained their composure.

"Senior brother Gu Xiao, I'm sorry, brother was a little impulsive just now. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with you," said a female disciple from Shennonggu. .”

"Tell me first, who did it?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It's the Divine Profound Palace!"

"Shenxuan Temple?" Zhang Meng's eyes were narrowed, "It's been more than two years since labor and capital have left, have they drifted away?"

(End of this chapter)

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