I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1935 Let them wash their necks

Chapter 1935 Let them wash their necks
"Gu Xiao! He's really Gu Xiao! It's exactly the same as the one on the Zongmen arrest warrant! And the people around him, they're all back!"

"There is really someone who can come back from the Endless Land. That place can improve the realm very quickly. Now his aura has reached the peak of spiritual cultivation! He can hang up those direct disciples when he is still at the second or third level of spiritual cultivation Wouldn’t it be even more terrifying to choose where to fight!?”

"Oops, our communication here is blocked, and there is no way to send the message!"

"Run! Run quickly! Run separately, count as many as you can walk, Gu Xiao's news must be brought back to Shenxuan Hall!"

The moment they recognized Zhang Mengyu, all the disciples of Shenxuan Palace found that there was no way to pass the news on, and immediately made the decision to run away. Annihilated!
They immediately tried their best and fled in all directions, even ignoring the other people in Shenxuan Hall.

The reaction of Shenxuan Temple made the disciples of Immortal Valley quite strange. After all, they had never been on the opposite side with Zhang Mengyu and others, and his powerful and terrifying only existed in the rumors they heard, even just now When the people from the Shenxuan Palace attacked, they never thought that those people from the Sunset Sect could save them and block those attacks so easily.

"Hey, why do you want to do this kind of meaningless escape?" Zhang Menglong sighed, "Don't let any one go! It's a special group! This time, what do you want to do? For Shenxuan Palace, Don't have any fear!"

"Damn it, Laozi has been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Three years, three full years! Do you know how I survived these three years?"

"You've survived the food and drink! Still don't do it?"

"Today is a warning to your Shenxuan Palace. You'd better wash your necks and wait for us to pass. You have ruined my family. We should settle this grudge!"

In an instant, one attack after another appeared in the sky, covering this area airtightly. The disciples of the Shenxuan Palace were swat down like flies, and then trampled to death.

The disciples of the Sunset Sect have been suppressed for too long, and some of them do have blood feuds with them. Some of them have their family members killed, some of them have their country destroyed, and some of them have been killed by their designs. If it weren't for Zhang Mengyu, they wouldn't even have a chance to be resurrected now!

These three years have made them too strong. Everyone's life level has reached the peak of the super life body. Everyone enjoys the best cultivation resources. Under Zhang Menglong's devil cultivation, they don't know how to compare How much stronger than the ordinary peak of spiritual cultivation!
Even if it is normal, you can entangle with some weaker Dao realm warriors. These disciples of the Shenxuan Palace are simply vulnerable to their current strength, and they don't need to use too much strength.

While they were chatting, they shot down those warriors from the Divine Profound Palace who wanted to break out of the encirclement.

Mainly because they were hit by their attacks, those people in the Shenxuan Palace were either killed or seriously injured in the world. This can even be regarded as a one-sided massacre!
"Why are they so fierce!" The disciples of Shennonggu were dumbfounded. Is this the weakest superpower they ever thought?Now each of these outer disciples is strong enough to stand alone.

"It's no wonder that the Shenxuan Palace is so afraid of them. No, it can be said to be fear. Don't forget that they wanted these people three years ago."

"I don't know what they went through during this time..."

This battle didn't last long, because none of the disciples of the Shenxuan Temple could take two hits from them, and those who could still breathe were considered God's favor for them. There were only a few dozen people, and there were only four or five left. Take a breath.

They were lying on the ground miserably, with despair in their eyes, just like the moment they raised their butcher knives at other super powerful people.

"I'll leave the rest to you, let you have a little sense of participation!" Zhang Mengyu said to the disciples of Shennonggu.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Gu Xiao!"

The disciples of Shennonggu had regained some strength. Seeing these disciples of Shenxuan Palace who could barely move, they immediately became angry. It was these bastards who turned the whole Shennonggu into what it is now. They attacked Shennonggu, The scene of slaughtering their brothers and sisters is still vivid in my mind.

"How dare you..." The disciples of the Shenxuan Palace still didn't forget to threaten them again with blood foaming from their throats.

"Go to hell!" The disciples of Shennonggu mercilessly set their bodies on fire with flames, and they wanted to make these people pay for their actions in the burning fire.

The screams of the disciples in Shenxuan Palace became weaker and weaker, and finally they lost all signs of life.

"Thank you Brother Gu Xiao for saving your life today, I, Ling Yi, will definitely keep it in my heart!"

"Brother Ling, you don't need to be so polite. We just happened to be teleported to this place in an endless journey. It's a matter of convenience. These show that your lives are not worth dying," Zhang Mengyu said politely, "The thing we choose to do should be Hurry up and find the other five major forces to discuss how to deal with Shenxuan Palace."

"I'm afraid their current situation is also very bad," Ling Yi said, "Actually, there are still some superpowers that can survive, but they are too pedantic and unwilling to move away from their original places. Now the other four superpowers are gone. Abandoned the gate of his own sect, and gathered directly on Yushen Mountain."

"This is a good choice," Zhang Mengyu nodded. Yushenshan is good at formations and mechanisms. Their fighters are the weakest in their own strength, but once they occupy the right time and place, they are also the strongest!
The entire Yushen Mountain should be covered by various powerful formations and organs, even if the Shenxuan Temple wants to break through them, it will not be an easy task.

Now there are other four major forces joining, especially Tianji Valley. They are good at calculation and deduction, and have the ability to seek blessings and avoid disasters. Together, they should be able to persist for a long time.

But this situation will definitely not last long. After all, both formations and organs require energy, and God knows if their Shenxuan Temple will get some means of dealing with them from the information of other superpowers.

And according to the despicableness of Shenxuan Palace, even things can be done, they may not be able to hold on for too long.

"I originally planned to kill them directly," Zhang Mengyu shrugged, "Now it seems that I have to save people first, brothers, can you hold it?"

"I've held back for three years, do you still care about those few days?"

"That's right, saving people is the most important thing, just give them some deterrence first, these people are not enough for us to vent our anger today!"

"Let them clean their necks. We were plotted and hunted down by them back then, like dogs with broken spines. Now it's our turn to fight back. It's best to let them be in fear all day long!"

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu nodded and said, "Then go save people first, as long as there is revenge, we can do it anytime!"

(End of this chapter)

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