Chapter 1938 Big Toys

In front of the barrier of Yushen Mountain, the disciples of the five superpowers all looked at the thousands of troops outside with uneasy hearts. This time, the Shenxuan Palace almost came with the purpose of destroying them. They recruited hundreds of people. In the Ninth Rank Empire, the number of troops is incalculable, and even this number is still increasing!
Just because of the huge crowds of people, there is a great pressure and psychological pressure. Although the soldiers of the Ninth Rank Empire can hardly compare with the disciples of the five major forces in terms of talent and reality, there is one thing, they have experienced the baptism of the battlefield Yes, with graceful combat experience and the iron-blooded aura that belongs to soldiers.

Although the disciples of the superpowers are very strong, the battlefield, the cultivation of the sect, and the usual exchanges are completely different things. If there is a real hand-to-hand combat, coupled with absolute suppression in numbers, the final result may not be known yet.

And now the most suffocating thing in front of them is the huge monster with a size of more than 5000 meters.

The Nine Prison Beast is the ancestor of all wolf creatures and fox monsters in the ancient times of this world. If it is of the round blood level, it is even higher than the Nine Tails in Naruto. He has nine tails, and he also has nine lives. The tails all represent different abilities.

Being imprisoned in that crystal palace for a long time, in fact, it hates the people of the beast control sect. Those damned garbage warriors will only use its breath to temper themselves, or help them tame the monsters, if they are not trapped in this In the Crystal Palace, it is absolutely unwilling to do these things.

In fact, he was not willing to help the people in Shenxuan Temple at all. After all, the superpowers combined have considerable power. Even Yushenshan has the powerful phantom god sitting in command. Even if it is to deal with it, it is not so easy.

But the people from Shenxuan Palace made a condition that he couldn't refuse, if the Nine Prison Beasts could help them break through Yushen Mountain, then they would release it from the crystal palace after that, and give it back its freedom!

As long as it can be free, not to mention just attacking the Yushen Mountain, it is willing to let it destroy the whole world. It has been imprisoned for too long!
A series of dark red energy balls formed in its mouth, and then hit directly towards Yushen Mountain. The power of each energy ball almost condensed the full blow of the peak martial artist in the Dao Realm. It was still the kind of energy that condensed The peak of the Dao Realm that has increased dozens or even a hundred times!


Every burst of energy from the energy ball can almost cover half of Yushen Mountain. Although there is no way to directly smash their defensive formations for the time being, the foundations of those formations have also become weaker to the extent visible to the naked eye.

On the cliff, a lot of fine cracks have appeared on the cliff carved with formation patterns, and the energy has begun to be seriously lost. This situation makes everyone frown.

"If this continues, our Yushen Mountain won't last long."

"Or let's go out and fight with them. I'd rather die standing than be a turtle here!"

"Go out to fight? Have you seen the thousands of troops outside? The number of people is tens of millions of times ours. How many people can you kill when you go out?"

"Look! The phantom god has been driven! The suzerain has made a move!"

In order to stabilize people's hearts, although the five suzerains were seriously injured in the previous fight, they did not show it in front of those disciples. They still believe that as long as the suzerain shows up, they will definitely be able to repel them!
But no one noticed that the aura condensed on the phantom god was significantly weaker than last time, and it even reached the point where it was about to fall apart.

The mountain shook for a while, and a huge phantom shadow came out from the back of Yushen Mountain. It was a blue giant with a height of more than 6000 meters. Its interior was made of energy, but it was wearing armor. This armor The dense and incomprehensible lines on the surface are the core structure of this phantom god.

With the appearance of the phantom god, all the disciples of Yushenzong cheered, as if victory was already ahead.

Seeing the appearance of the phantom god, the pupils of the Nine Prison Beast shrank a circle. It was this energy giant that made him suffer in the last battle, and now it still has some scars from that time on its body.

But sensing its weakened power, the Nine Prison Beast also showed a subtle expression. Its strength has become much stronger after swallowing a large amount of pills. Block it several times?

"Whoosh!" An energy ball went directly towards the phantom god.

The phantom god pulled out a huge slashing sword that was almost taller than its body from its back and slashed down fiercely.

The energy ball was cut in half immediately, and it also moved to the front of the Nine Prison Beast in an instant, raised its sword and slashed towards its body.

The Nine Prison Beast urged its two tails to hold the heavy sword directly. In the eyes of outsiders, the Nine Prison Beast is a mage who can only attack from a distance. Once it is approached, its combat effectiveness will drop, but in reality In fact, its melee ability is much more terrifying than its long-range attack!
Each of its tails has nine times the power of its own body!In other words, its tail is its most terrifying weapon!Coupled with its extremely flexible body, the phantom god's movements suddenly appeared extremely clumsy.

"Boom!" The power of the tail poured on the giant sword in front of the phantom god, knocking it back seven steps before barely stabilizing its posture.

In Yushen Mountain, the patriarch of Yushen Mountain's face was ashen, and blood donation had begun to flow from the corner of his mouth. He was already seriously injured, and the damage suffered by this phantom god would be transferred to himself to a certain extent. Every strong collision It was worse for his body.

Seeing this, several other suzerains immediately put their hands on his shoulders, and shared their remaining power with the suzerain of Yushen Mountain.

His face became a little ruddy, and the aura on the phantom god was also several times stronger.

"Borrow other people's strength?" Nine Prison Beasts are extremely intelligent, and immediately saw the clues, "But now that you are exhausted, can you really compete with me?"

All the tails of the Nine Prison Beast formed an airtight attack net and hit the phantom god. Although the phantom god could barely withstand the power of each blow, but after all, it was hard to beat the nine tails with two fists, and it was constantly being attacked by power. There were also cracks visible to the naked eye on the rune armor.

The five suzerains gritted their teeth tightly. They were almost at their limits, but the Nine Prison Beasts, which had recovered a little, were no longer what they used to be. For them, this was already invincible, and even they couldn't defeat it. retreat!


After a few minutes of high-intensity fighting, they finally couldn't hold their breath anymore, and the five of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and the phantom god was also knocked away by the tail of the nine prison beasts, and knelt down on one knee in front of Yushen Mountain , as if to resist the final blow of the Nine Prison Beast for it.


The Nine Prison Beast roared, and began to condense the next attack in its mouth. This time the attack condensed longer than every time. It wanted to completely destroy this damn phantom god!
But, it didn't seem to go so smoothly.

A voice sounded from the peak of Yushen Mountain, "Hey, this big toy is pretty good. It is much stronger than my Gundam. You guys can't play it anymore, so let me play with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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