I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1940 I am your father

Chapter 1940 I am your father
"He can really manipulate phantom gods!?"

The disciples and elders on and off the Yushen Mountain all showed surprised expressions when they saw this extremely explosive scene.

The difficulty of manipulating the Phantom God is unbelievably high.

To manipulate it, there are two main points.

First of all, one must clearly understand all the structures and energy flow systems of phantom gods. This alone is enough for a person to learn for a lifetime. This thing is like subject one of the driver's license test.

So far, in the entire history of Yushen Mountain, there have not been more than ten people who can master all the knowledge of phantom gods in the realm of spiritual cultivation!
Second, there must be extremely huge spiritual power and soul power.

Don't look at this phantom god as a whole, which has millions of small formation mechanisms. If you don't have enough mental power and soul power, you will be very clumsy when manipulating it, and you may even kill yourself in just two steps. stumble.

Furthermore, when fighting, he also needs to enter into a state of mind synchronization with the Phantom God. He needs to immediately reflect which part of the formation is needed during the battle, and at the same time input energy into it to drive it.

And the energy intensity and efficiency input affect every attack and defense.

Since the creation of the sect, there has only been one person who can barely control the phantom god at the peak of his spiritual cultivation. He can command the phantom god to cause an attack of about five or six levels of dao realm, but he is very clumsy in action, and he can't even evade the phantom god. The attack of the high-quality warrior.

Those who can really display the fighting power of phantom gods to a certain extent are at least the elders of the third rank or above in the Dao Realm, and usually, they are jointly manipulated by multiple people.

Only the Suzerain of Yushen Mountain can truly control it alone and exert its full power!

But judging from Zhang Mengyu's current level of operation, he is definitely above those elders. He is like an old driver!

He even used his own means to strengthen the phantom god, and the armor covering its body at least doubled the phantom god's strength!
In fact, he has learned things more complicated than the formation energy body of phantom gods. To Zhang Mengyu, operating this phantom god battle is like a racing driver driving an ordinary bicycle. As a fighter pilot, it is as easy as driving an ordinary toy plane.

"He is much better than me in terms of formation skills!" The suzerain of Yushen Mountain looked at Huan Shen, and the expression on his face gradually became dull.

Others couldn't see it, but he could see it clearly. When Zhang Mengyu manipulated the Phantom God to walk forward, it seemed that he was just walking, but from the ground, energy was constantly pouring up in the direction of the Phantom God.

This stream of energy is exactly the luck of the dragon veins located under the Yushen Mountain. It is not only repairing the wounds suffered by the Phantom God in the previous battle, but even slowly increasing its strength and strength!

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao, slaughter that animal!" On the Yushen Mountain, the disciples of the Sunset Sect shouted loudly, and the grievances that had been suppressed in their hearts for a long time all burst out at this moment.

Seeing this, people from the other four sects also began to cheer for Zhang Mengyu.

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao, avenge our dead fellow disciples!"

"Senior brother Gu Xiao is invincible in the world!"


Sensing the murderous aura emerging from Zhang Mengyu's body, the Nine Prison Beast actually felt a little uneasy, and the phantom god walking towards him gradually gave it a kind of pressure.

"It's a bluff, it's just the peak of the spiritual cultivation, with this phantom god, it's like killing me?"

The Nine Prison Beast spewed out an energy ball, and rushed towards the phantom god with incomparable flexibility.

Zhang Mengyu manipulated the phantom god to slap the energy ball to the side, and immediately the land within a city was covered by the energy, and even the surrounding forests were crumbling.

The Nine Prison Beast suddenly approached him, and its two tails contained terrifying power and smashed towards the chest of the phantom god.

Phantom God also stretched out his hands, and directly received the two attacks, the power was transmitted to the ground, and even a large piece of the ground collapsed.

"You only have two hands, and I have seven tails!" The other seven tails of the Nine Prison Beast were raised high. These tails seemed to be its arms, and it didn't take any energy to control them.

"Really?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, and a terrifying spiritual force erupted from the body of the phantom god. This phantom god's body not only possesses power, but also possesses various energies such as spiritual power and soul power. It depends on manipulation. Can those who play out.

It's a pity that the suzerain of Yushen Mountain is not a warrior who specializes in cultivating spiritual power, so he has never used this ability, but Zhang Mengyu has used it!

On Huan Shen's body, the other seven arms condensed by mental power hit the seven tails, and the force of this collision even smashed the space into fine fragments.

Nine Prison Beasts are suffering, originally this was an easy task, who knew that that damn brat would be so fierce when manipulating this phantom god, and the recoil caused by every collision made his blood surge .

"Good guy, it's quite powerful," Zhang Menglong was also secretly startled. As expected of an ancient race, it's so powerful. I'm afraid it's really hard to find other opponents in the Dao Realm.

"The guy with nine tails, in that era, was there any monster with a bloodline more powerful than yours?" Zhang Mengyu asked suddenly.

Nine Prison Beast was taken aback, he didn't know why Zhang Mengyu suddenly asked this question.

The answer is naturally yes. In that ancient era, there were countless more terrifying creatures, and his bloodline ranking was at the fifteenth or sixteenth place at most.

It's just that those species have long been extinct, and even if there are descendants left, they are all incomplete bloodlines, and there is no way to compare with it, a pure ancient race.

"Human, what trick do you want to play?"

"It's nothing, I just want to see what grade your bloodline is!"

"Destroy the blood of the dragon, open!"

When Zhang Miyun's pupils turned into another color and a dark red phantom appeared on his body, the Nine Prison Beast felt something called destruction coming.

The blood on its body quickly condensed into ice cubes under this aura. Even the strongest bloodline races in ancient times could hardly make it feel such oppressive force.

"I have long heard that Senior Brother Gu Xiao has an ancient monster bloodline, but I never thought that even these nine prison beasts would be shocked."

"I've also heard that Senior Brother Gu Xiao used his blood power during the selection process. It seems to be called Qilin Arm."

"The bloodline restraint among monsters is innate. In this contest, Senior Brother Gu Xiao is very confident that he can win!"

"Let's fight quickly!"

Phantom God pulled out the long sword from behind, and various weapons appeared on the other seven arms. These weapons were collected by Zhang Mengyu in the endless land. Although many of them are incomplete, as long as it is hard enough , that is a good weapon!

Under the blessing of the phantom god's power, those weapons are directly energized to form the same size ratio. The phantom body at this moment is simply like a demon god standing upright!

"You... Are you a human or a monster?" Nine Prison Beast finally felt some fear. How could there be such a terrifying blood of a monster in this person?
"Me?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "I'm your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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