I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1944 is not impossible

Chapter 1944 is not impossible

"Have you found the exit to the Endless Land?"

Hearing this news, the suzerains of the other four superpowers showed envious eyes.The Endless Land has gone through countless histories, and only one person escaped after taking a huge risk. They originally thought that Zhang Mengyu and others also used some opportunistic method.

But he didn't expect that he actually found the exit of the endless land!

That being said, wouldn't the Sunset Sect be able to directly send the disciples of the brigade to that endless land in the future, and then start cultivating talents in large quantities? Does that seem to be affected by aftereffects?It seemed that he had also found a corresponding solution.

"Brother Gu Xiao, thank you for your generosity to save Yushen Mountain this time." The suzerain of Yushen Mountain sincerely thanked Zhang Mengyu. If he came later, I am afraid that he would have to repeat the actions of other superpowers. It's gone the wrong way.

"Senior, you're being polite," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Let's not say that you, Yushen Mountain, have protected our Sunset Sect for so long, otherwise my fellow sect would have become bereaved dogs."

"Furthermore," Zhang Menglong glanced at the majestic Yushen Mountain range, "if it weren't for this phantom god, I'm afraid even if I came, I wouldn't be able to deal with the nine prison beasts, so I have to rely on Yushen Mountain In terms of background, I should be the one to say thank you!"

Zhang Mengyu flattered the suzerain of Yushenshan calmly, and did not directly take all the credit for himself. This made the owner of Yushenshan very fond of this young man who was only meeting him for the second time.

Soon, the disciples of the five sects finished cleaning the battlefield. Except for the deputy master of the Shenxuan Palace, all the elders and disciples of the Shenxuan Palace were directly killed on the spot, and the rest were also blocked. Gained strength and caught him alive.

As for those minions gathered in the secular Ninth-Rank Empire, they also directly captured those key figures and temporarily imprisoned them in Yushen Mountain. When the Shenxuan Temple was resolved, they had plenty of time to trouble those Ninth-Rank Empires.

At this moment, Zhang Mengyu has become the common hero in the minds of the five super sect disciples, and his figure when he controls the phantom god and fights the nine prison beasts is deeply imprinted in their minds.

Before getting in touch with Zhang Mengyu, they only knew that this disciple of the Sunset Sect was arrogant and conceited, and was useless except to cause trouble. Now they knew that Zhang Mengyu was not the kind of person they imagined. Those who had conflicts with him were those who provoked him first, but he had never taken the initiative to provoke others.

Based on such an analysis, he is simply excellent in both character and learning. Although revenge is not a good character, it is definitely not a shortcoming, and his advantages have been infinitely magnified in everyone's hearts.

"Senior brother Gu Xiao, take us to revenge!"

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao, my elder brother is in Yujian Villa, and the entire Yujian Villa was almost never robbed by Shenxuan Palace. My brother also lost contact. The actions of Shenxuan Palace are too much!"

"How can this be described in two words too much? They are afraid that we will surpass their Shenxuan Temple with a complete inheritance before, so they preemptively strangle us in the cradle and rob us of our resources by the way. It is simply a matter of common anger!"

"I beg Senior Gu Xiao to take us to Shenxuan Palace for revenge!"

The sky-shaking voice resounded over the entire Yushen Mountain, and the five superpowers became extremely united at this moment.

"What's the matter with you?" The suzerain of Yushenshan shouted angrily, "Is this something that can be done if you say it? Do you know what kind of background the Shenxuan Temple has obtained from other super sects? If you recklessly kill Shangshen Xuandian, do you know what the result of this will be? Can this be done with passion and impulse?"

The words of the Sect Master of Yushen Mountain woke up the disciples who were still a little hotheaded.

Indeed, they have been a little dazzled by the victory just now, which made them forget the scene where the master of Shenxuan Palace severely injured the five suzerains with one move, and also made them forget that the nine prison beasts attacked Yushen Mountain, making the whole Yushen Kamiyama fell into a scene of panic.

This is just the background of the two superpowers. It is not yet known what kind of resources and cards are in the hands of the Shenxuan Temple. They are not fighting with a Shenxuan Temple, but with 12 other superpowers. In more details!
However, these five super sects did not get any hole cards from Zhang Mengyu's hands at all. What they got were things that took a long time to see the effect, such as some secret law inheritance or kung fu. Dharma inheritance, in a short period of time, cannot form combat effectiveness at all.

It seems that they won a big victory today, but in fact, the gap between the two is still very large.

"Actually, it's not completely impossible." Zhang Meng touched his chin, "But before that, we must be fully prepared. Do you know where the other 12 superpowers are imprisoned? They always Wouldn't it kill everyone?"

"That's not enough," the suzerain of Yushen Mountain said, "Before we were besieged in Yushen Mountain, there were still many disciples who were purchasing supplies or performing tasks outside, so they could move freely. Although some people were arrested, but There are still some people lurking down, and they have brought a lot of valuable news."

"In the sphere of influence of their Shenxuan Temple, there is a super-ninth-rank empire called the Yanyang God Kingdom. All the arrested people of the 12 superpowers are imprisoned in this empire!"

"The Kingdom of God?" The suzerain elders of the other four sects frowned.

Not all empires can be called the Kingdom of God.

The area of ​​the entire continent is extremely large. In addition to these super powers, ordinary powers, and imperial powers, there are naturally some empires and powers that surpass ordinary powers, but are slightly inferior to those super powers.

This Kingdom of God is this kind of power!
For an empire to be titled the Kingdom of God, it first needs to have a territory that is more than a hundred times that of an ordinary ninth-rank empire.

Ordinary eighth-rank empires have only one Dao realm warrior, and ninth-rank empires can generally have more than 10 Dao realm warriors, but a divine kingdom must have tens of thousands of Dao realm warriors, and there must be warriors above the eighth rank of Dao realm Sit down!
Such an existence is equivalent to a super powerful deputy hall master or deputy suzerain!
This Yanyang Divine Kingdom is a very powerful one in the Divine Kingdom, at least it can be ranked in the top ten. They have more than 8000 Taoist warriors. It's not that the foundation is a little worse, and it can even be compared with superpowers like the Sunset Sect.

It is said that the Yanyang Divine Kingdom was supported by the Shenxuan Palace, and the first king was a person of the same era as the first master of the Shenxuan Palace.

"Going to Yanyang Divine Kingdom to save people, this is not an easy thing."

(End of this chapter)

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