I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1947 Is this a friend?

Chapter 1947 Is this a little friend?
"Great, with these crystal nuclei, our five superpower disciples may be able to improve their strength by one or two levels in a short period of time. In large-scale battles, as long as those peak combat powers are restrained, You can definitely gain the upper hand in the battle with the disciples of Shenxuan Palace!"

In a battle, the combat effectiveness of the general is very important, but the combat effectiveness of the fighters is also very important, and when facing the Shenxuan Temple, the disciples of the five sects are the fighters on the battlefield.

Zhang Mengyu took out five rings and handed them to the suzerains of the five sects respectively, "I have reserved 100 billion ninth-level crystal nuclei in each ring, which should be enough for the disciples of our five sects to use. Divine pill, we will refine it as soon as possible."

"Great!" The five suzerains took over the rings with trembling hands. This gift brought by Zhang Mengyu is really too important.

"And these," Zhang Mengyu took out a few other rings, "The energy contained in these crystal nuclei is at the level of Dao realm warriors, but the elders should not absorb it so quickly, I guess it will have to wait until this matter. After it's over, suzerains please distribute it when the time comes."

"We have thanked all the elders of our sect!" Up to now, they have owed too many favors to Zhang Mengyu. These favors will definitely not be repaid in a while, so they can only be silently remembered in their hearts .

"Gu Xiao, you must have suffered a lot in the past few years, right?" The suzerain of the Sunset Sect patted Zhang Mengyu on the shoulder, the harvest must be directly proportional to the effort, Zhang Menglong got so much, I am afraid it was also a sacrifice Paid a lot of price and hardship.

"Not at all." Zhang Mengyu shrugged his shoulders. If it is hard, those who provoked him really suffered. When did he suffer?
Soon, under the management of the elders of the five sects, all the crystal nuclei were distributed, and the distraction pill refined by Zhang Mengyu and others was also soaked and diluted and given to them.

Many people have heard of the endless land, and even heard that in the endless land, it is a thousand times easier to improve the realm than the outside world. When they used the crystal core for the first time, they immediately felt the power of it. magic.

"Advanced! I have advanced with just one crystal nucleus!" A young man at the peak of the eighth rank of spiritual cultivation had only absorbed one crystal nucleus, and the aura on his body had a tendency to break through, and according to the normal practice speed , it will take at least three to fifty years for him to break through to the ninth rank of spiritual cultivation. This speed is simply amazing!
Seeing this, the others hurriedly began to use exercises to speed up the absorption of crystal nuclei. There must be countless casualties in the battle of Shenxuan Temple, but now that they have improved some realms, they might be able to save their lives by then!

"Hey, it seems that someone has already come!" At this time, Zhang looked at the sky with hazy eyes, and saw a tyrannical aura rapidly approaching the direction of Yushen Mountain.

"It's a martial artist at the peak of the Dao realm!" The suzerain of Yushen Mountain was the first to discover this person, and he couldn't help but seep some sweat on his forehead. Everyone is at the peak of the Dao realm. Energy is so unfathomable?

"Please cancel the mountain guard formation for a while," Zhang Mengyu said to the owner of Yushen Mountain, "It's my caller who is here!"

"Quickly, close the formation and welcome the guests!" Even if he is not Zhang Mengyu's friend, such a strong person is enough for the host of Yushen Mountain to entertain him warmly.

The big man landed next to Zhang Mengyu, who was the former city lord of Rose City, Orsay!
After returning to this original world, his spirit was much better than before.

"Gu Xiao City Lord!"

"Call me Brother Gu Xiao, we're not in the Endless Land now," Zhang Mengyu and Orsay punched their chests against each other, "It can be seen that things are going well recently!"

"Hahaha, I found my former clansman. Although they are gone now, some of my descendants are still alive. There are even a few bastards with good talents. I have been so busy during this time!"

Although Osai said he was too busy, he didn't have that kind of complaining expression on his face at all. As for the decline of his descendants... Now that he is back, he is still a Taoist peak whose energy concentration has reached dozens of times. Even opening up a top power or kingdom is easy, and they don't care about it at all.

"Thank you for coming to help in your busy schedule."

"What did Brother Gu Xiao say?" Osai suddenly became unhappy, "You first avenged me, and you saved our lives in that ghost place. I can't even repay this kindness, if I don't give you Do something, I can't sleep at night!"

In the meantime, Zhang Mengyu and Orsay sang together, and the other five suzerains didn't know how to approach him for a while. Unexpectedly, Zhang Mengyu met such a powerful person there, and it could be seen that the other party still respected him very much.

Of course, it may be that Orsay was not a particularly famous warrior before he entered the endless land, and none of the five suzerains knew him.

The two were still exchanging greetings, and another aura appeared in the sky above Yushen Mountain. This person was also filled with the power of the peak of the Dao Realm. Even because he swallowed a few drops of the bald man's blood, his energy reached More than 200 times that of the peak of the ordinary Dao realm!
The power of the five laws is lingering in his body, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Every time he takes a step, a step made of elemental energy appears under his feet, which is full of that kind of visual impact just by looking at it.

"Why does this person feel so familiar to me?" The owner of Tianji Valley thought for a moment.

"I also have a little impression. Do you remember that in our era, there appeared a martial artist who activated five divine veins at the peak of spiritual cultivation?"

"I also remember that it seems to be called Yake, but because every time a divine vein is activated, it not only requires more energy to break through the Dao realm, but also is more difficult. His lifespan is approaching, so he ventured into the endless land."

"Mr. Yake, you came very early!" Zhang Meng's address directly proved their conjecture.

This person is indeed Yake back then, and even his talent is far stronger than these five suzerains. All five of them activated three divine veins to break through the Dao realm, and Yake activated five of them!

Back then, he broke through into the Endless Land, and it seemed that he was indeed rewarded. He successfully broke through the Dao Realm, and has lived until now.

"Everyone, it's been a long time!" Yake seems to know these five suzerains. They are geniuses of the same era, but hundreds of millions of years have passed, and their identities and experiences are completely different.

More and more people appear in Yushen Mountain. Some people are very unfamiliar to everyone. There are also many super geniuses who once led an era. They did not expect that Zhang Mengyu actually made friends with so many people. For a while, some people did not know Overwhelmed.

They never thought that Zhang Menglong's so-called "knowing a little bit" is actually such a "little" way!
(End of this chapter)

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