"Brothers, go! Try to catch those alive!" Zhang Menglong pointed forward, and countless warriors swarmed forward, and the entire Yanyang Kingdom gradually fell into a commotion.

"I'm going! This punch is so powerful? I killed it directly. The patriarch won't kill me in a while, right?"

"I'll go, I'm faster and stronger than him, why can't I beat him... Ah, it's over, I'm going to die... Huh? This fist hit me, why is it only a little sore..."

"Stinky boy, you have a lot of power, but you don't know how to use it, so don't be ashamed here. You should leave this kind of Taoist warrior to us. You go to deal with the disciples of the Shenxuan Palace and the young people of the Yanyang Kingdom. Hey guys."

Although many disciples of the five superpowers have power, they don't know how to use it, and there are even some cases where they accidentally hurt their own people.

There are also people who overestimate their abilities and compete with some warriors who are originally in the Dao realm, but the proficiency and method of using power by the Dao realm warriors are obviously much stronger than them. Beaten situation.

But even though they were being beaten... they found that even if they were punched and kicked a few times, it didn't seem to hurt much.

The huge advantage in numbers combined with the huge advantage in realm puts this battle in a one-sided situation. Even the disciples of the five superpowers have forgotten that they are facing people from the Shenxuan Palace today, and they have also forgotten that they are facing the people of Shenxuan Temple today. It's here to save people, just immersed in the novel experience of this power.

The battle ended quickly, and the emperors of Yinyun and Yanyang Divine Kingdom were captured. The others either surrendered or were beaten to death. On the side of the five superpower coalition forces, except for tens of thousands of people, they suffered a little. In addition to minor injuries, five people were seriously injured and no one died!

"Let's deal with this group of people, and the rest will go rescue them with me!" Zhang Menglong said immediately.

At this moment, the emperor of Yanyang Divine Kingdom suddenly started to laugh, his face still had some blood stains, this kind of smile looked a little sinister.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Menglong's stepping out suddenly stopped, and the smile of the emperor of the Yanyang Kingdom made Zhang Menglong feel uneasy and strange in his heart.

"Gu Xiao, you are here to save people, right?" said the emperor of Yanyang Divine Kingdom, "What should you do if the last thing you see is a group of corpses?"


In the military fortress of the Yanyang Kingdom, apart from various military buildings, there is also a very special place. Its name is the prison, and it is used to guard the most vicious criminals in the entire Yanyang Kingdom.

The murderous demons of the Yanyang Kingdom are imprisoned here, as well as the political leaders of the enemy countries, and even some young palace nobles of the Yanyang Kingdom will be thrown here for punishment after they do something wrong. The sharpness in them.

Although this prison is just a prison, it is the safest place in the entire Yanyang Kingdom. So far, no one has successfully escaped from here, and no one has ever successfully robbed the prison.

First of all, there are countless strong guards here, and secondly, there are some special devices in this prison. When a problem is really encountered, the prisoner can even be executed directly. All he got was a corpse, or even a corpse.

Legend has it that when this prison was built, a huge formation was built underground. Those who were imprisoned were to be branded with some special marks, and they would be deprived of all their power. Apart from physical fitness, there is almost no difference from an ordinary person.

Not only that, but the builder of the sin prison also buried a flame here. This flame is a kind of miracle, it can absorb the resentment in this sin prison to grow itself.

It has been here since the beginning of the construction of this prison. The resentment in the prison is very strong, especially those vicious people or those who have been affected by the park. Their resentment is almost condensed to the extent visible to the naked eye. It is the best nourishment for that flame.

Even when some people are executed, they will be thrown into the flame, and their strength will also be turned into the nourishment of the flame.

Up to now, the flame has become very terrifying. It is dark green with some gray in it. Just looking at it gives people a feeling of despair.

At this moment, the flame that was slowly burning at the bottom of the prison flicked coldly for a moment, and then began to jump up as if there was wind helping the combustion.


"What are you going to do?" Zhang Menglong stared at the emperor of the Yanyang Kingdom.

"I know that our group of people can't survive. If this is the case, then the other super powerful people can't survive!"

The emperor of the Yanyang Empire blew himself up without any warning, but Beixu just drew a space cage at random, and eliminated all the explosions.

"Do you still want to pull a few backs after you die? Don't look at how much you are!" Bei Xu patted his sleeves, but his expression suddenly changed, because in this Yanyang Kingdom In the depths of the military fortress, a huge energy suddenly appeared, this energy was cold, violent, negative...

"It's a criminal prison!" Immediately, someone familiar with the Yanyang Kingdom said, "That's the place where the sinners of the Yanyang Kingdom and Shenxuan Palace are detained. I think other super powerful people should also be detained here. I have long heard that under the prison of sin there is a flame that grows with the power of resentment and death, and it seems true!"

"I am afraid that this flame can only be controlled by the power of the emperor of the Yanyang Kingdom. Now that he has self-destructed, he has no strength to suppress the flame. I am afraid that it will burn the entire prison... No, at least the entire prison." The Yanyang Empire, the countless grievances gathered together, I am afraid that even I can't resist the power!"

"Did you create a strange fire?" Zhang Mengyu also became gloomy, "Let's go and have a look!"


Sin Prison is a huge infinite black Rubik's Cube, which is suspended in mid-air and slowly rotates in an irregular order. Each small cube is a cage, and inside the cage is an independent small space.

At this moment, under the Rubik's Cube, a group of dark green flames is spreading. As long as it touches anything around it, it will be ignited, even the space.

Half of the entire black Rubik's Cube has been ignited by flames, and some tragic screams can even be heard from the prison, which are the last screams and cries of the prisoners who were swallowed by the flames.

At this moment, all the superpower fighters who were imprisoned in the prison felt that the surrounding air became hot, but the flames hadn't reached them for a while.

"Oops, the karmic fire in the prison is out of control!" The guards in the prison immediately realized this, and they escaped from the prison immediately, without even having time to think about the prisoners, because they knew very well that Once it is swallowed by karmic fire, it is hopeless.

"Huh?" Long Sen and the others, who were adjusting their breath, also felt the strangeness around them. Since each cage is an independent space, even if the people inside were burned to death, others would not hear any movement. Those guards , There is also a strict system to keep quiet in the prison. Most of the time, the prison is very quiet.

But now, the entire prison revealed a trace of commotion, and they could feel the surrounding air becoming hotter.

Long Sen sneered, "What? Are they going to burn us to death?"

... (end of this chapter)

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