I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1958 There Are 22 Ways Stronger Than You

"Really?" Li Yang raised his head and looked at Zhang Mengyu. He suddenly discovered that there was a large group of Taoist warriors present, and there were even thousands of them who were stronger than him, but these people actually vaguely thought that this was just a Taoist. The young people who are at the top of the world are the leaders.

"Such a big Shenxuan Temple, you can't let me take care of it? Whoever wants it, whoever wants it, I think you happen to be the founder of this Shenxuan Temple, so you are very suitable!"

"Who are you?" At this moment, Li Yang remembered to ask Zhang Mengyu's identity.

"Me? It's just an ordinary outer disciple of the Sunset Sect," Zhang Menglong pointed to the Sunset Sect badge on his body.

"Outer disciple?" Naturally, Li Yang couldn't believe that he was just an ordinary outer disciple. If he was really just an ordinary outer disciple, how could he be able to command warriors in the Dao realm?

But Li Yang is also a smart person. He knows what he should ask and what he should not ask. This kind of time is obviously not the time to entangle Zhang Mengyu's identity.

"The criminal prison has disappeared." Long Sen who was beside Zhang Mengyu said calmly.

Zhang Mengyu turned around, and the last inch of the prison was completely engulfed by karma, and they could still hear some screams coming from the prison.

"There are still many people in this criminal prison!" Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

The people he rescued from the prison are only a small part, and the rest of the people still become the nourishment of the karmic fire of the prison.

Where did this prison karma swallow so much life energy at once?These people are simply ten times and a hundred times what they swallowed before!
After countless years of growth, this flame has already produced some weak wisdom, but under the current situation, it suddenly entered a ferocious growth period.

Zhang Mengyu clearly felt a huge will being produced, and those flames also began to consciously gather, as if they had been summoned by some power.

"The surrounding temperature has dropped."

"What's going on? The karmic fire of sin and hell is going to disappear? Could it be that because the old bastard is dead, the karmic fire will die with it?"

"Is what happened just now a death-defying counterattack?"

"No, don't you feel a rapidly expanding force, brothers?"

"I'll go, you say so."

"I feel that the karmic fire of the prison seems to have come alive suddenly."

"It's alive." Zhang Menglong's expression was flat, and he just looked in the direction of the fire of sin and hell.

The sin prison has completely disappeared under the burning of the karmic fire, and the flames that almost covered half of the fortress will gather into a fireball with a radius of only about 10 meters.

As the fireball continued to gather, a body completely condensed by flames appeared in front of everyone.

It is about two meters tall, and its body structure is almost the same as that of a human being, except that its gender cannot be seen.

He touched his head calmly, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was enjoying the body he had just acquired.

"Hello, are you okay?" Zhang Menglong waved his hand towards the prison karma.

Guilty Karma froze for a moment, then looked at Zhang Mengyu and the others, "I just felt a lot of power, did you kill the master of Yanyang Divine Kingdom?"

"You guys freed me?"

"That's right," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "You don't need to thank me too much, my name is Lei Feng."

"A lot of energy!" Sin Hell Karma licked his tongue, and he felt a large amount of energy in front of him.

It seems that because it has absorbed too much negative energy and the breath of death, the wisdom of the sinful karma has been an extremely evil existence since its birth. In its eyes, everything is the nourishment for its growth.

"As a thank you, I'll turn you into a part of my energy, Sin Prison Karma smiled evilly, and started walking towards Zhang Mengyu and the others.

Everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back. The eyes of the karmic fire of the sin prison were full of blazing heat, as if they were going to burn everyone dry. After devouring the energy of all creatures in the prison, it become stronger.

"Brother Gu Xiao, this prison karma fire is originally a wonder of heaven and earth, with infinite possibilities. Now it has swallowed up so much power, and its power has become so strong that it is almost uncontrollable. Even I can't do anything about it." Easily resist this roasting of soul and body."

Beixu rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead, he had seen too many extreme things in his life, flames, ice, and strong wind, but none of them could compare with this karmic fire.

"Yes, Brother Gu Xiao," the owner of Shennong Valley also stood up and said, "As alchemists, we have seen too many flames, but none of them can reach such a temperature. It is tens of thousands of times that of ordinary Taoist peak warriors!"

"With such a thick energy, even if its body is smashed, I think it may recover in an instant."

"I know," Zhang Mengyu was still very calm, "There are two things that I am best at in my life, one thing is playing with show operations, and the other is playing with fire. In the matter of playing with fire, I have never Never lost."

Zhang Mengyu also walked towards the sin prison karma, his expression was even full of playfulness.

"Oh?" Guilty Karma looked at Zhang Mengyu with interest, "I feel that there are several strands of flame power hidden in your body, and they are not weak. I didn't know that after I devoured them, I could grow into a To what extent?"

"I think you are pretty good too," Zhang Mengyu said, "I have several kinds of different fires on me, some are used for cooking, some are used for heating, and I just lost one for lighting cigarettes. I think You are pretty good, how about it, do you want to hang out with me?"

"Don't be ashamed!" Sin Prison Karma pointed forward, and a path of flames suddenly moved towards Zhang Meng. Wherever it passed, the space appeared strangely distorted, and the ground was filled with a strong burning smell.

"You don't think that my flames are inferior to yours, do you?" Zhang Menglong suddenly burst into a cloud of strange flames, which also went along the ground.

As Zhang Mengyu's strength grew to the peak of the Divine Profound Realm, he could only use one-tenth of the power of the Heavenly Fire, but now what he sacrificed was the most complete Heavenly Fire!
When the different fire comes out, the ten thousand fires surrender!

Although this prison karma fire is extremely powerful, its level is still a notch lower than that of the strange fire.

The face of the sin prison karma suddenly changed. He thought he was strong enough, but he didn't expect that the golden flame in front of him was more terrifying than it, and it even felt that those flames were shrinking towards its body.

Its own energy is terrified of the flames on Zhang Menglong's body!

"What kind of fire is this?" The prisoner's expression was full of fear, "Why? Why can't I swallow so much energy!"

"Brother, don't be too disappointed," Zhang Menglong sighed, "Better than you, not only this one kind of flame, but also 22 kinds!" (End of this chapter)

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