I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1963 Gu Xiao is enough to break all sense of security

In the past few years, it is not unknown that the Shenxuan Palace has caused a bloodbath on the entire continent. All major empires and forces are paying attention to their every move. Even the conflicts between them and other superpowers in the past three years are actually not Be seen by the public.

The disciples of the Sunset Sect's outer sect came back powerfully with someone and rescued him from the Yanyang Divine Kingdom. This matter was known to all in just a few days. Every move in an area.

After a period of recuperation, almost all the seventeen super powerful people have recovered their vitality. Of course, the group of disciples from the Shenxuan Palace have almost been tortured to the point of being inhuman.

But what surprised everyone was that in the face of this kind of provocation and humiliation, the Shenxuan Palace still maintained a very calm attitude. Not only did they not lose their temper and attack aggressively, they even began to shrink their sphere of influence , and even changed from the usual arrogant and domineering attitude.

Many people are speculating, is it possible that now that the seventeen superpowers have united together, they are starting to be afraid?So showing weakness in this way?
But those super-powerful people know very well that although it seems that there is a big gap between seventeen and one, in fact, the Shenxuan Palace has all kinds of powerful trump cards, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

The more people in Shenxuan Palace are like this, the more people can't help but wonder if they are holding back a big move!
Finally, the leaders of those superpowers couldn't hold back any longer. They held a core meeting and invited Zhang Mengyu over.

The person who initiated this meeting was the owner of the God of War Palace. His character was originally as fierce as a flame. Now that they have fought a beautiful turnaround, and everyone has recovered some vitality, it is time to ask the God of God Palace for help. a statement.

Because he could clearly feel that something was going on secretly in Shenxuan Palace, and if it was delayed any longer, some accidents might happen.

"Everyone, today I think you should have already guessed the purpose of everyone's gathering here," said the owner of the God of War Palace, "In order to prevent us from developing, the God of Profound Palace attacked us one by one, destroyed our sect, and killed us. Killing our disciples and elders, and imprisoning many of you in prison, our conflicts have grown to the point of irresolvability."

No one spoke loudly, but most people nodded silently in approval.

"I think everyone has noticed the recent movement in the Shenxuan Palace, which is too abnormal," he analyzed, "The people in the Shenxuan Palace have always been very high-profile and arrogant, but now they not only put away that Such an attitude, even low-key and terrifying, as if they want to erase their own existence, I have great confidence to suspect that they are working on some ulterior secrets."

"Hmm!" There was still no objection to this sentence, and everyone also had such suspicions during this time.

"We have been recuperating here for three months now, and almost everyone's injuries have recovered. Although the power of our sect has been reduced to a certain extent, it is definitely a very strong force when everyone unites. , "The owner of the God of War Palace has the shackles of war in his hands, and he is full of confidence in his heart.

"I mean the same thing," the lord of the Tiankui Palace also chimed in. After the two of them took back the shackles of war and the blood demon soldiers, they both vaguely felt superior to others, and they even hugged each other a little bit. Relationships have never been better.

Although everyone can see it, the fact is that their two sects are far stronger than other sects, and they have a greater right to speak, which seems to be unreasonable.

"I suggest that we unite now, flatten the Shenxuan Palace, and ask them to settle this account!"

After saying this, the two of them fell silent, carefully observing everyone's expressions.

"I agree!"

"I have no opinion!"

"I agree too!"


In fact, everyone has already had this idea, but no one took the initiative to propose it before, and now someone is finally willing to do this, and they naturally don't have any opinions.

"I have no objection either," Zhang Meng said with a smile, he just happened to have this idea, he is a very vengeful person, the trick of Jiu Xuan almost killed him back then, he still remembers this incident vividly, This is a life and death enmity.

Hearing that Zhang Mengyu also agreed, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now Zhang Mengyu’s weight is very huge in their eyes. If he raises objections, everyone needs to rethink. Of course not, it’s not because they are afraid The more than 2000 million Daoists who Zhang Mengyu got acquainted with were mainly because they liked to listen to Zhang Mengyu's advice.

"Since everyone has reached an agreement on our goal, let's prepare in the next few days. We will go to the Shenxuan Palace in three days. This will definitely be a very difficult battle."

"Okay, let's go back to rectify the manpower now and make all the preparations."

"We must do our best then, this time we must seek justice for the dead!"

The seventeen superpowers are filled with righteous indignation, they have been waiting for this day for a long time!


Soon, the seventeen superpowers were all rectified. Of course, everyone did not come out in full force. The key to this battle is not the number of people, but the enough spirit.

The disciples below the Dao Realm are all waiting for orders in the Yanyang Divine Kingdom. When they really break through the Shenxuan Palace, they will search for the remnants.

This time the real main force is the elders above the Dao Realm, the deputy hall master, and the deputy suzerain. Of course, these people also include Zhang Mengyu and the outer disciples of the sunset sect.

155 million Dao Realm warriors, this is the full background of these 10,000 superpowers, and the Dao Realm warriors in the entire Shenxuan Temple are only [-]+ people.

A few days ago, the people in the Shenxuan Palace had observed their movements, and they had already made preparations to resist the coalition forces. At this moment, outside the mountain gate of the Shenxuan Palace, all the elders and disciples were fully armed and waiting for the enemy 's arrival

The person in charge of resisting the characters this time is Jiu Ze, the deputy hall master of the Shenxuan Palace. In the entire Shenxuan Palace, his personal power is second only to the hall master Ji Xuan!
"Is there any news from the Palace Master?" Jiu Ze's detectors are showing that a large number of lives are approaching here.

"Not yet," said the subordinate, "Lord Jiuze, hasn't the Palace Master already handed over all the things he got from the super sect to you? Don't we have enough to protect ourselves?"

Jiu Ze nodded, "The things that Lord Palace Master gave me really give people a sense of security, but the word Gu Xiao is enough to break all the sense of security!" (End of this chapter)

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