"It seems that something is not quite right!" Zhang Menglong rubbed his chin. Although his tone sounded a bit dignified, if you observe his expression carefully, you can still see the confidence in strategizing.

"Boss, what should we do? That day's formation diagram really looked a bit powerful!"

"That's right, that formation can even imprison the Blood Demon Soldiers. That thing is probably already the most powerful fighting force among us."

"Why don't we call Mr. Beixu over to help? With the armor of our patriarch, it should be able to break the formation, right?"

"It's useless," Zhang Mengyu said, "Unless the formation is beyond the realm, it is difficult to break it with external force. Even if it is possible, it will require a huge price and effort!"

"Need to transcend the Dao Realm?" All the outer disciples of the Sunset Sect fell silent, surpassing the power of the Dao Realm. They only saw Zhang Mengyu perform it once when they were in the Endless Land, and they could guess it, probably. Using that kind of power requires paying a huge price.

"So, breaking that formation is almost impossible?"

"Then what should we do? Could it be that we have all arrived here, and we are still going home?"

"That's not necessarily the case," Zhang Mengyu said, "It looks like we're going to fight a formation today!"

"Give way!" Zhang Mengyu walked to the front of the crowd, and even the super-powerful palace masters and suzerains gave way. They knew that Zhang Mengyu was about to make a move.

"Brother Gu Xiao, the situation has become very tricky now! Today's formation diagram is really amazing!"

"Yes, I heard that there are millions of formations in this map, 100 million ordinary formations, [-] medium formations, [-] high-level formations, and [-] taboo formations. He used them just now. I'm afraid it's some kind of taboo formation, and these are just two types!"

"I know," Zhang Mengyu nodded and said, since he got the Yantu array in the ancient cave, he already knew the power of this array, but he didn't expect that it would end up in the hands of Shenxuan Palace.

"I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on for long!" Seeing those trapped in the formation and beaten violently, everyone was a little worried, and they clearly felt that Lie Yang's aura had begun to decline.

Once the shackles of war are disintegrated, those warriors who are forcibly promoted to the peak of the Dao realm by the shackles of war will probably be beaten into dead bodies in an instant.

"Let me do it!" Zhang Menglong stepped forward, groping around for a while, and then took out a crumpled paper ball, which he spent several days preparing, specially used to deal with this Tianyantu array.

"This is such a thing?" Everyone stared at the ball of paper in Zhang Menglong's hand.

"It's also a formation diagram," Zhang Mengyu said, "I gave it a name, called the eight formation diagram!"

This name was chosen casually by Zhang Mengyu, a tribute to the great Mr. Wolong.

"Eight Arrays?"

Hearing that this torn paper ball was actually a formation diagram, everyone was stunned. How could this ordinary paper ball be called a formation diagram?
When other people's formation diagrams are taken out, it is called a crazy and cool hanging bomb, which not only triggers the vision of heaven and earth, but is even so powerful when it is displayed, but what about the so-called eight formation diagrams?Throw it on the ground so that no one will take a look. Is this thing really a formation?
But someone immediately erased that doubt from his heart. You know, the last time Zhang Mengyu took out the so-called divine armor, he also had the same style of painting. At that time, he directly threw off the shackles of the war ten streets?

"Eight Arrays! Open!"

The ball of paper began to slowly unfold. On the white ball of paper, there were some messy lines, which even looked like graffiti made by children.


Zhang Mengyu pinched the fingerprints with both hands, and the area that was being bombarded suddenly seemed to grow mushrooms, and umbrella-shaped protective shields appeared. Those fists hit the protective shields, although they still burst out. There were bursts of loud sounds, but they couldn't be defeated.

Lie Yang and the others quickly took advantage of this time to evacuate from that area. He looked particularly embarrassed, with some faint blood stains on his body, obviously injured, and the rest of the people were almost the same as him. In a dozen or 20 seconds, the shackles of war disintegrated, and none of them survived.

"What is this?" Jiu Ze's eyes widened. Just now he was going to laugh at Zhang Mengyu's so-called Eight Formation Diagram, but at this moment he couldn't laugh at all.

"The Tianyan diagram formation has 16 taboo formations. Let me see how many of your torn paper balls can block it!" Jiu Ze once again cast his handprints, and immediately activated the third taboo formation.

The biggest feature of this Tianyantu formation is that it can activate all the formations at the same time. Once the 16 taboo formations are activated at the same time, the destructiveness will be absolutely devastating!
"Ice monster!"

A huge formation appeared in front of the Shenxuan Hall, and a monster that seemed to be carved out of ice slowly crawled out of it. Its appearance was like a liger, and the surrounding area was filled with a threatening coldness. Fine frost appeared in the air.

The Ice Demon Beast, a powerful monster comparable to the Nine Prison Beasts in ancient times, after being sealed into this formation by Tianji Valley, became ten times stronger than before under the domestication of various secret techniques!
"Summoning formations, right?" Zhang Mengyu also urged the eight formations in his hand, and a force not weaker than ice monsters appeared in one formation. After a while, the formation was divided into ten, which was terrifying. His breath also becomes ten ways.


"War God Tyrannosaurus!"

"Vajra Martial God Beast!"



Horror creatures from other worlds were summoned one after another, and under the power of this formation, each one's power was not inferior to this ice monster.

Big Ten, the Ice Demon Beast didn't even have much resistance, and was completely destroyed by Godzilla's atomic breath.

"Damn! Where did he get so many taboo summoning formations?" Jiu Ze was in a hurry, and once again activated a domain formation, and Zhang Mengyu followed suit and cast another domain formation.

In one's own field, being able to greatly reduce the opponent's strength and enhance one's own attack is also the secret of many formation masters defeating the strong with the weak.

But the two formations canceled each other out, which immediately made this field meaningless.

"Damn it, the rest are all offensive taboo formations, let's see how you block them!" Jiu Ze gritted his teeth and directly activated all the remaining taboo formations.

More than a dozen taboo formations were activated at the same time, and the entire Shenxuan Hall was filled with an aura of death.

"A dozen taboo formations just want to play with my eight formations?" Zhang Mengyu sneered, "Let me see, what is a real formation! Your thing is not worthy of lifting my shoes!"

Zhang Mengyu activated the entire eight formations, and tens of thousands of taboo-level attack formations appeared... (End of this chapter)

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