I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1970 They are killing each other

"Enhanced G virus? What is that?" Everyone looked at the blue reagent in Zhang Mengyu's hand.

"A virus," Zhang Mengyu said, "can greatly strengthen the human body, endow the host with enormous strength, agile speed, enhanced reaction ability, recovery ability, etc.!"

"This is a very common thing," someone immediately said, "This kind of virus can be seen everywhere in the lower world, but it is impossible for this kind of low-level prokaryote to infect our body!"

Not to mention Dao realm fighters like them, even ordinary perfect creatures are almost invulnerable to a hundred poisons, how could they be infected by viruses?

"This virus has been upgraded to the ultimate life form after my transformation!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Even Dao realm warriors, it can be infected, and the speed of infection is terrible, you can try it and you will know!"

"There won't be any side effects, right?" A worried voice immediately appeared.

"Of course, although the body of the warrior is very strong, most people infected with the virus have only been strengthened by cells, and there are no sequelae, but there will also be some people whose life level is too weak to accept this sudden evolution. When it crashes, you turn into a walking dead body and lose your consciousness."

"No! The consequences of this thing are too serious, absolutely not!"

"Don't worry," Zhang Mengyu took out another green test tube, "I also have a virus neutralizing agent, as long as it is used at the same time, it can make this violent and rapid change mild, and it will not There is such a thing.”

After finishing speaking, he threw a few test tubes into the crowd without waiting for others to make suggestions.

In an instant, the faint blue mist mixed with the green mist filled the air. The warriors shrouded in the mist only felt some unusual aura, but after a while, the blood on their bodies began to flow rapidly stand up.

The blood vessels on each of them exploded, some of them even roared like beasts, and their eyes began to turn scarlet.

It's just that the mist is not very diffuse, and only a dozen disciples of Tianji Valley are infected.

At that time, something that people will never forget happened, these people suddenly became extremely powerful, and even forgot the pain, one of them was cut off an arm in the battle, but from the wound on the arm, something like It was a granulation-like tissue, and in less than two seconds, the broken hand returned to its original state.

Even the warrior himself didn't know what happened. He hadn't mobilized his recovery ability to regenerate his limbs just now, as if it was the autonomous consciousness of his arm.

"I'll go! I can't die if my head is chopped off?"

"Hahaha, I also have the voice of immortality, so I'm afraid they are a basket! Kill!"

"My strength is at least three times stronger than before, and I still have reflexes. It's even more agile than practicing body skills!"

"This... I have never cultivated spiritual power before! Where did this huge spiritual power come from!"

After the dozen or so warriors discovered the wonderful changes in their bodies, they immediately became excited.

"Hurry up, go bite your own people. This is a virus that can be transmitted through blood. Be careful not to infect people in Shenxuan Palace!" Zhang Mengyu transmitted his voice to their brains.

"Senior Brother Gu Xiao? It's the voice of Senior Brother Gu Xiao!"

"I just said why I suddenly became so fierce, it turned out to be the virus from Senior Brother Gu Xiao!"

"This thing is too fierce, can it infect people?"

"What? Just bite someone?"

"Ah? What, biting a beautiful woman?"

"Huh? Bite their necks?"


"What are you doing?" A female warrior from Yueyue Palace was fighting when she was suddenly pulled over by a disciple of Tianji Valley. Just drilled through the wound.

"Student! You dare to do such a mediocre thing at this time, men really don't have a good thing!" None of the women in the Yueyue Palace is easy to provoke, and their tempers are even more violent.

"Beauty, don't worry, do you want to see if you have more strength?"

"I'll kill you!" The female warrior was obviously a bit over the top, but before she could fight back, the virus had already taken effect in her body, and afterward, the aura on her body also began to rise, which made her have to stop Feel carefully.

"How about beauty, I left something in your body, isn't it great?"

"This feeling is really good!" The female warrior from Yueyue Palace had a hint of intoxication on her face, the power is indeed too easy to be addicted to.

"This is a virus developed by Senior Brother Gu Xiao. Remember, you can infect someone by biting them, understand?"


"What are you doing! Why are you biting me?"

"Are you a spy from Shenxuan Palace?"

"What? The virus invented by Senior Brother Gu Xiao can make people almost immortal?"

"Demand! Bite me!"

"Hey, hey, beauty, it won't work there!"

After several rounds of spreading, the alliance fighters suddenly became rioted, they bit each other like crazy, even the ground in front of Shenxuan Temple was dyed bright red.

"What's the situation?" The people in Shenxuan Palace were also dumbfounded, who has seen such a scene?Why are those people biting each other by themselves, are they all crazy?
After being bitten, many warriors of the alliance lay on the ground in disorder, as if they were dead. After all, not everyone can bite so gently, and some people even have half their heads covered by their own The companion bites down.

After being infected by a large number of viruses, their bodies couldn't bear it for a while, and they entered a semi-dormant state of suspended animation, and even their breath began to become faint, which gave people a feeling that they were all dead. illusion.

Just as the warriors in Shenxuan Palace were at a loss, the corpses on the ground opened their eyes one after another, and the power emanating from them was more than three times stronger than before!
Moreover, the wounds they just left on their bodies are healing rapidly, and their flesh and blood are also being regenerated, and this rebirth is completed almost instantly, without even a process.

"It feels great!"

"Yeah, there seems to be endless power on my body!"

"This is simply immortal! Compared with my original recovery ability, I don't know how much stronger it is, and it consumes almost no energy."

"Senior brother Gu Xiao is too capable!"

Those warriors who were infected by the enhanced G virus seemed to have been injected with chicken blood.

Everyone has immortality, and we have ten times more people than you, and our individual strength is several times stronger than yours, who is afraid of whom! (end of this chapter)

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