"Senior brother Gu Xiao is awesome!"

"Senior brother Gu Xiao is mighty!"

When Zhang Mengyu stepped on Ji Xuan, the alliance fighters came back from the sluggishness just now. They cheered and jumped. They won the final victory in this battle with Shenxuan Palace!

"Ji Xuan, our grievances are over!"

Zhang Mengyu exerted a little force under his feet, and his head burst directly. The power of the limit of the Taoist realm directly destroyed his body and soul.

The elders of Shenxuan Hall and several deputy hall masters looked at the shocking corpse on the ground, and they were all terrified.

No one can deal with Zhang Mengyu's dominance now, as long as he wants to, he can kill all the people here in an instant.

"Brother Gu Xiao, what about the remaining people in Shenxuan Palace? Are they dismissed or abolished?"

"It's not necessary," Zhang Mengyu said, "The so-called top beam is not upright and the bottom beam is crooked. The reason why Shenxuan Temple has become so arrogant and domineering is from the leadership. In the final analysis, Ji Xuan is ambitious and wants to annex all His super power is also because he connives at the people of Shenxuan Palace to continuously create friction, even if it is not his instruction, it has nothing to do with him."

"So according to what you see?"

"Let's change a group of leaders. I don't believe that the entire Shenxuan Palace can't find a few good things. As long as the leadership's thinking changes, they will naturally strictly restrain the disciples of the Shenxuan Palace. As for the position of the master .”

"Senior Li Yang!"

"Brother Gu Xiao!" Li Yang could already predict what was going to happen next. Even though he was suppressing his excitement, his body couldn't help but start to tremble slightly. He had waited too long for this day.

"Mr. Li Yang was originally one of the founders of the Shenxuan Palace. Now that you are in charge of the Shenxuan Palace, it can be regarded as returning to the original owner. I hope that Mr. Li Yang can rectify the entire Shenxuan Palace and strictly restrain the Shenxuan Palace. Disciples of the temple."

"Brother Gu Xiao, don't worry, what happened to Ji Xuan will never happen again in Shenxuan Palace," Li Yang immediately assured.

In fact, everyone's heart is the same as Ming Jing's. Although Zhang Mengyu is still an ordinary outer disciple of the Sunset Sect, the bosses of the 18 superpowers have already convinced him.

In other words, he is already an invisible overlord, but no one will take the initiative to mention this matter, but this is already a fact.

As long as Zhang Mengyu thinks, any leader of a super power can be replaced immediately, he is the master of this continent!

The battle of Shenxuan Palace is over, and all the superpowers have returned to their original places and began to rebuild the mountain gate.

Although this time every super power has been seriously injured, and it would be good to have two or three out of ten of the preserved power, but this may not be a new opportunity to be invincible.

All the superpowers have obtained the inheritance of the ancient superpowers from Zhang Mengyu. They will spend a long time digesting the harvest this time, and then start to cultivate a new batch of talents. At most, it will take hundreds of years. Superpowers will have a new look, even more powerful than the original.

After that day, Zhang Mengyu disappeared mysteriously. His vengeance has been avenged, and he has nothing to worry about in this place. All he has to do now is to complete his mission, and before that, he still has to do one thing.

He has been attached to Gu Xiao's body for a long time. Before, because he was in the realm of spiritual cultivation, he could only hold Gu Xiao's chance of resurrection, but now, he is ready to break through the Dao realm, and then he will have enough ability Gu Xiao has been revived.

Zhang Mengyu sat cross-legged on the edge of the continent, with countless crystal nuclei entangled around him, the turbulent energy even made the air so thick that it was hard to breathe.

Countless monsters gathered nearby, and even a little bit of leaked energy was a great tonic for them, and for some reason, it seemed that monsters were almost completely immune to the soul fragments contained in the crystal nucleus energy.

Zhang Menglong's energy needed to advance to the next stage was too great, so that this state lasted for more than a year.

During this period, many people sensed the energy here, but after learning that it was Zhang Mengyu, no one dared to disturb him, and even warned their friends and disciples not to approach that area.


The energy in Zhang Mengyu's body has accumulated to a limit, and his life level has already reached the limit of life evolution. At this moment, the accumulation of energy has changed from a quantitative change to a qualitative change, and he has successfully entered the Dao realm.

"The strength is a hundred times stronger than that of the peak of spiritual cultivation," Zhang Mengyu roughly felt the power of his body. He is only at the first rank of Dao Realm now, but his energy reserves have surpassed the usual peak Dao Realm fighters!
With the improvement of the realm, many martial arts and martial arts practiced by Zhang Mengyu also made progressive breakthroughs at this time.

"Ah, it's been a long time since I used my body!" Zhang Mengyu detached from Gu Xiao's body, who was still in a deep sleep and semi-comatose state.

"It's really cheap for you. You have been with me for a few years, and you have changed from a waste to a Dao realm warrior. You must not have thought of it?" Zhang Mengyu said to himself.

Although he had left Gu Xiao's body, Zhang Meng used Gu Xiao's body when he practiced, and his own body and Gu Xiao's body were growing at almost the same speed.

During this period of time, Gu Xiao only had some very indifferent willpower. To put it a bit exaggeratedly, he just fell asleep, and after waking up, he became an all-powerful figure in the entire continent.

Gu Xiao's current body is filled with the blood of the Demon Dragon of Destruction, and his perception of the power of luck has reached the peak level of the Nine Nether Sunset Art. It's like a huge treasure trove waiting to be discovered by himself.

Zhang Mengyu input a beam of energy into Gu Xiao's body, and soon, Gu Xiao woke up from a coma. His eyes were full of confusion. He remembered clearly that he should have been in his own room before he passed out. right.

It was as if a meteorite had hit the house, and he lost consciousness.

"Gu Xiao, hello!" Zhang Mengyu greeted him.

"May I ask who you are?"

"Oh, my name is Zhang Mengyu, I'm your friend." Zhang Mengyu told him all the things after he was attached to Gu Xiao's body, and all this was like a stormy sea in Gu Xiao's heart.

He... No, Zhang Menglong actually did so many earth-shattering things!
It took him a long time before he finally accepted this fact, because he just slapped a mountain directly, and the force flowing in his body made him unable to believe everything Zhang Mengyu said.

"Then what am I now?" Gu Xiao asked, "Am I the son-in-law of the Yanlan Empire, or an outer disciple of the Sunset Sect, or..."

"You are now the overlord of the entire continent!"

Gu Xiao moved his lips several times before he could say a word, "I... am I so powerful?" (End of this chapter)

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