Chapter 1987 Hidden Missions
"This... what kind of shit luck is this?"

"It exploded? Looking at the posture, at least a dozen things exploded out. I've been here for so long, and I've never seen more than three things drop at once!"

"Could it be that this is a novice halo? I didn't encounter such a situation when I killed a monster for the first time?"

"Coincidence! It must be a coincidence!"

This glittering image made everyone envious. As long as a monster of the level of the magic breath beast can drop a body part, it can be exchanged for at least a few thousand high coins. If it drops the most precious magic breath beast's reverse scale, it is said that it is worth [-] high coins!
"His strength is very strong!" Compared with this luck, Yingzheng is more concerned about Zhang Mengyu's strength that far exceeds what can be seen on the surface. The first-rank Taoist can kill a leader-level monster so simply, and many people under his command can't do it. "It's not someone who comes from the same place as me.

Zhang Mengyu instantly killed the Demon Breathing Beast with one move, but the consumption on his body is relatively clear. Under normal circumstances, he would not feel his own energy consumption after this move.

However, Zhang Menglong's energy reserves are thousands of times that of ordinary warriors. Even in the most intense battles, he can last for ten days and a half months.

Of course, once the physical strength and energy are exhausted, Zhang Menglong needs thousands of times more resources than ordinary warriors to replenish his state, so all things have two sides.

After the Demon Breathing Beast was killed, everyone immediately surrounded it. It is not very common to meet regular characters. Although those regular characters who stand in a fixed position will also issue tasks, the rewards are generally not very high. Most of these regular characters who run around are rich.

The warrior in front of him who was driven around by the magic breath beast was one of them.

"So many?" Just now, everyone only saw a ball of golden light, and they didn't know how many things were in this ball of golden light. They didn't see it clearly until they got close to Zhang Menglong.

These are more than a dozen items. As far as they know, there are a total of 57 items that may drop from the Moxi Beast. The drop rate of each item is different. The only 100% drop item is the highest coin, but the number of drops is also random.

As for the densely packed layer on the ground, they suspect that the magic breath beast even exploded last year's New Year's Eve dinner. Who has seen such a scene, even if they have never heard of it.

Zhang Menglong was squatting on the ground to check his spoils.

"A total of 1000 Supreme Coins have exploded to the limit!"

"A supreme crystal, Wuhu!"

"The reverse scale of the demonic beast, the feathers of the demonic beast, the sharp claws of the demonic beast, the thigh meat of the demonic beast..."

Zhang Mengyu didn't pick up anything, and there was a burst of exclamation from around. Killing the Demon Breathing Beast would drop 1000 Supreme Coins at most, but Zhang Mengyu really dropped all of them. The first time he killed a Demonic Beast, he would drop the Supreme Crystal. What kind of shit luck is this?
There are also various parts of the magic beast, which can almost be put together to form a complete magic beast!

"This warrior, thank you for rescuing me from the Demon Breathing Beast!" Although the regular figure is not a real person, he does not look much different from a human in appearance or expression, and he will also be injured and bleed.

"I am a person who knows how to repay you, and these 500 supreme coins are used to thank you for your reward!"

"It's a trivial matter, if you are so polite, then I won't refuse," Zhang Mengyu put away the high coins with a smile.

"I'm a businessman who travels all over the world to collect some very precious things. I just saw that you killed the Demon Breathing Beast and collected a lot of things from the Demon Breathing Beast. Are you willing to sell those things to me? I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward."

"Of course!" Zhang Mengyu took out everything except the thigh meat of the Demon Breathing Beast, "Take a look at which ones you want?"

"The reverse scale of the Demon Breathing Beast! This is very precious! I am willing to buy it with [-] Supreme Coins!"

"This sharp claw is a good material for making weapons, [-] high coins, I want it!"

"And this leather, it must be very durable when made into clothes, and the big shots in the city will definitely like it very much, 18000 to high coins!"


This magical beast dropped a total of 37 body parts, and even the hair can be sold for some money. Zhang Mengyu made a total of more than 50 high coins from this businessman!

"Warrior, since you have gained me a lot this time, this is my token. If you gain anything in the future, you can call people from my chamber of commerce, lest you look for us everywhere."

" this triggering the hidden benefits?" Zhang Mengyu asked in surprise, "Isn't it possible for me to collect things and sell them directly, and I don't have to look for these regular characters everywhere?"

"His harvest this time is definitely more than 50 high coins!" The others looked at Zhang Mengyu with envious expressions.

He once saved a lot of things at once, because these regular characters are not everywhere at all, so he saved for a long time before meeting one, and that time he made a full 52 high coins from selling things, and he also triggered this invisible benefit.

But you must know that it took the unlucky ghost more than ten years to collect these materials, and Zhang Menglong just killed a monster, and earned money that others could only earn in more than ten years.

This is not counting the supreme crystal!
Of course, in addition to the Supreme Coin, the Supreme Crystal, and the body parts of the Moxi Beast, some other things were also dropped.

For example, the thigh meat of the Demon Breathing Beast, Zhang Mengyu roughly estimated that it weighed at least a few tons, and the dropped blood and blue bottles were enough for him to replenish the energy he had just consumed.

"Miaoyu, your luck is really beyond heaven!" While lamenting Zhang Mengyu's strength, Ying Zheng was also a little envious.

Yesterday I picked up a supreme crystal, and now I have dropped another supreme crystal. Zhang Menglong's harvest in less than a day has already reached the accumulation of Yingzheng's decades of accumulation. He is really popular.

"Hahaha, I'm born with good luck," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Brother Yingzheng, now I can always go to the lair of the magic-breathing beast with you, right?"

"Of course! Your strength is more than sufficient!" Ying Zheng is also very happy. Zhang Menglong's strength is considered very strong in the entire survivor base. Working with them is definitely not a burden but a helper.

The others no longer dared to underestimate him as before.

"Brother, are you injured?" At this time, Zhang Menglong noticed that the regular figure's arm was bleeding, and his face was a little pale. Zhang Menglong immediately handed over a blood bottle. In his eyes, these regular figures were not so different from human beings. Zhang Mengyu even suspected that they were originally human beings, but were controlled by rules, just like the teachers in the super seminary.

"Warrior, you are really kind!" The regular figure was not polite, and drank the red bottle in one gulp. Immediately, his wound began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his face became rosy.

"Warrior, in order to thank you, I decided to tell you a secret that only I know!"

Zhang Mengyu was taken aback, her unintentional actions seemed to have triggered a hidden mission!

(End of this chapter)

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