I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1989 It dropped the egg

"How many more eggs?" Looking at Zhang Mengyu's confident look, Ying Zheng couldn't help but wonder why Zhang Mengyu was so confident?Was it the big explosion just now that made him float or did he have any plans?

Of course, it’s not that no one has received such a task, and there are even people who have richer rewards. At that time, the warrior got a character who stole a dragon egg from the lair of a dragon monster. The rule character offered 2000 million high coins A sky-high price to buy this dragon egg.

But when the warrior came near the monster's lair, he was stunned. There were at least 2000 monsters guarding the lair, and the weakest were king-level monsters. There were a lot of emperor-level monsters, and there were even two. It's only emperor-level, even if he puts his life in it, it's very difficult for him to steal this dragon egg from so many monsters.

The difficulty of Zhang Mengyu's task this time is naturally not so outrageous, but it is definitely to break into the dragon's pond and tiger's lair. According to Ying Zheng's estimation, there are definitely many king-level demon-breathing beasts guarding the lair of the demon-breathing beast. There are many people and it is difficult to break in.

And there is a very real thing, the others are not related to Zhang Mengyu, so why would they risk helping him for a task that has nothing to do with them?

"Everyone be careful, there are monsters nearby!" At this moment, Ying Zheng stopped suddenly, and everyone in the world restrained their breath at this moment.

In the distance is a large lake. On the edge of this lake, a group of magic beasts are drinking water. The smallest of these magic beasts is less than 1 meter in length, and the largest is nearly [-] meters!
Ordinary Moxi Beasts are 10-20 meters long when they grow up, and those who can grow to 100 meters are definitely the leaders of Moxi Beasts. They may already have the strength of a king, that is, 1000 to [-] times the peak of the Dao Realm Strength!

"A total of 271, are you confident?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Some news shouldn't be a big problem." The others gave him a gesture.

"Leave the leader of the magic-breathing beast to me to deal with. The rest of the magic-breathing beasts are freely distributed. Be careful not to procrastinate quickly. If you can fight in groups, don't single out. There is no need to have any morals with monsters!"

"it is good!"

After Yingzheng finished speaking, he flew out first. This was the first time Zhang Mengyu saw Yingzheng make a move. The majesty of the emperor was indeed extraordinary. A majestic purple-golden energy suddenly burst out from his body, like a mountain. Let people look up.

"This Yingzheng is probably about 1200 times the strength of the peak of the Dao Realm!" Zhang Mengyu made a rough estimate. If it were placed in the world of the Protoss, it would definitely be No.1 without a doubt!What exactly did he go through to reach such heights in more than 2000 years?

"Ziwei Emperor's Art!" Yingzheng's firepower was fully fired, a set of light golden armor appeared faintly on the surface of his body, and a sword made of energy appeared in his hand.

"The field of swords!" Ying Zheng said silently, and the area 200 meters around the leader of the magic breathing beast was suddenly shrouded in golden light, and countless golden lightsabers fell from the sky and hit its scales, causing the magic breathing beast to emit light. There was a painful growl.

The other magic-breathing beasts also entered a state of combat readiness. At this moment, warriors also swarmed up, and almost every four or five people besieged the magic-breathing beasts. This kind of scene is simply like the kind of guild in the game.

The leader of the Demon Breathing Beast does have king-level strength, but it is estimated to be five or six hundred times that of the peak of the Dao Realm. Compared with Ying Zheng, there is still a huge gap.

After being tortured for a few minutes in the domain of the sword, the scales on his body finally couldn't bear it, and large cracks appeared.

"Emperor's Seal!" Ying Zheng pinched a string of handprints with both hands, and a boxy thing condensed in the sky. Zhang Mengyu had seen the Jade Seal left by Emperor Qin, and the shape of this Emperor's Seal was actually the same as that of that Guo Yuxi is exactly the same, he actually connected all his warriors with his own identity.

As an emperor, this status is the pride of Ying Zheng. All his martial arts and martial arts are closely related to his status as an emperor. It is this kind of emperor's mentality and majesty that allows him to continue to advance in martial arts.

"Boom!" The emperor's seal hit the leader of the magic-breathing beast, almost crushing the entire body of the magic-breathing beast into pieces. In the light, the body of the magic-breathing beast disappeared, leaving only a small Stack to high coins.

"530 high coins, really unlucky!" Ying Zheng curled his lips. Faced with such a result, he has long been used to it. The explosion rate in this world is so low that it is outrageous. Sometimes it can explode once or twice. A blood bottle and a blue bottle are already a big profit!
530 Supreme Coins are only enough to buy one blue bottle. Such income is pitifully small. After all, the energy replenished by one blue bottle is only enough for him to perform the attack just three times.

At this moment, several weaker magic breath beasts also wailed under the siege of the crowd, but there were very few high coins dropped, the least was only 12 coins dropped!There are only 287 pieces at most, and there are four people to share.

"It's dropped! It's dropped!" Suddenly someone shouted in surprise, and saw that after a magic breath beast died, besides about 100 Supreme Coins, there was also a bloody eyeball dropped on the ground!
"The eyes of the Demon Breathing Beast, this thing is worth 2000 Supreme Coins!" The warrior said excitedly, even if it is divided between four people, one person can get 500 Supreme Coins, which is already a big gain for them up!
In this world, the saying that everyone believes in the most is that a little makes a lot.

"Ah," looking at their appearance, Zhang Mengyu sighed and shook his head. Just such a little harvest made them happy. It really is poverty that limits their imagination!

"It's absolutely impossible to kill the next magic breath beast!"

Zhang Mengyu has to act too!

After triggering the power of management science, Zhang Mengyu also found a single magic breath beast. This magic breath beast was slightly stronger than Zhang Mengyu just killed. Seeing a human warrior come to the door, it also Flapping its wings, it soared into the sky.

"Don't fly, let me go down!" Zhang Mengyu condensed a powerful force, "The Great Wilderness Prisoner Sky Finger!"

A huge finger came from the void. Ying Zheng was stunned by such power and power. Compared with his emperor's seal, this martial art is probably even worse than his emperor's seal, especially the fingertips. The power of an emperor is not inferior to him at all, the founder of this martial arts must also be an emperor!
"Misty, are you also the successor of a certain emperor?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Yes, I am the successor of socialism!" Zhang Menglong replied casually, and his eyes had already fallen on the corpse of the magic breathing beast that shone with golden light.

At this time, Ying Zheng noticed that after killing this magic breath beast, Zhang Mengyu exploded again!And it was the kind that even the underpants fell out, and the shining supreme crystal made his eyes almost turn red.

The most outrageous thing was that among the pile of dropped items, there was an egg with a diameter of about 30 centimeters!

"The egg of the magic-breathing beast? It's the egg of the magic-breathing beast! It fell!" (End of this chapter)

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