Chapter 1996 Yanhuang City

The transformation of the survival base lasted a full night. Everyone seemed very excited that night. No one fell asleep because of fatigue. Even if they were really sleepy, they quickly poured a bottle of potion to restore themselves of physical and mental strength.

The next morning, a brand new city appeared on this land.

"Is this still our survival base?" The warriors in each survival base looked at everything in front of them in disbelief, and they even felt as if they had left this damn world and came to the bustling city where they used to live.

In fact, this survival base did not exist from the very beginning, and the founder of the base was not Ying Zheng, but a warrior who came here for more than 7000 years.

The first batch of warriors who came here were actually the most miserable group. They had no one to guide them, and no shelter left by their predecessors. They could only find the means of survival in this world by themselves.

In this world, there are actually countless cities, but those cities were not built by these warriors, but by those ruled people.

Those cities have also inherited the prosperity and beauty of those cities where everyone lived, and they also have a very comfortable living environment and various high-tech, but the only people who can survive there are those regular characters!
Of course, warriors can also live in those cities, but the price required is too huge.

Take the city closest to this survival base as an example. Its name is the Great City of Aiweier, and it exists like the main city in the game!There, you can enjoy various services and purchase various things, as long as you have enough Supreme Coins!

The city is very safe, there will be no attacks by monsters, and there will be no threat of extreme weather, but the price to be paid to live there is beyond the reach of ordinary warriors. If you stay in the city for a day, you need to pay 500 high coins cost!

Of course, there is another way, which is to obtain long-term residency in the city, in other words, to buy a house there, but the price of buying a house there will definitely not be less than 1000 million high coins, Everyone is dying of lack of money, who can come up with so much money?

In order to survive, apart from accumulating high coins every day, warriors also need to leave 100 high coins as the fee for entering the city, or risk taking all kinds of dangers to stay outside the city.

It is said that at that time, the city walls of the great city of Aiweier were brightly lit every day. After all, under the protection of the city, it was relatively safer than the area where monsters were rampant.

Knowing that later, someone got a message in the great city of Aiweier, warriors can build their own survivor bases anywhere!In the survivor base, warriors have complete independence!

But it is not an easy task to create a survival base. First, a thing called a land token must be dropped on the body of a monster. With this land token and 1000 million high coins, you can build a living base in any giant city. In the sphere of influence, exchange for a piece of land with a length and width of 500 meters, which is what Zhang Menglong saw when he first came to this world.

There is nothing but four solid walls and a regular figure.

But once they get this thing, warriors will have a way to live independently from the giant city, and they can also form their own forces.

The predecessor who built this survival base has long since fallen. He has lived in this place for 14000 years. In order to build this survival base, he can be said to have paid a lot of effort.

Not to mention how small the probability of dropping a land order is, it is already very difficult to collect 1000 million high coins.

But in this way, he also gathered a group of warriors, and everyone supported him very much. Everyone here, no longer need to worry about other problems, the only goal is to survive and save money.

Later, more and more land orders fell out, and the number of survival bases built increased, but so far, most of the survival bases are similar to theirs. After all, no one is willing to spend high coins to do it. Some irrelevant vanity projects.

But now, everything has changed. Although the luxury of this city cannot be directly compared with the giant city, it is definitely taking shape. This is the level that any warrior will be extremely envious of after seeing it.

The current living base has been expanded by Zhang Menglong to 16 times the original area, all the city walls have been reinforced, and various buildings have been built inside, such as hot pot restaurants, barbecue restaurants, Internet cafes, massage shops and so on.

All the waiters are replaced by artificial intelligence, as long as you pay enough high coins, you can enjoy almost anything here.

Everyone's residences are also completely new, and they are no longer the old dilapidated ghosts that seem to fall down when the wind blows. The regular figure has also transformed into the manager of a chamber of commerce.

To complete these, Zhang Mengyu spent almost 20 billion high coins, in order to be able to live a little more comfortably during this time in this place.

"This is simply heaven!"

"Yeah, after hundreds of years and thousands of years of hard life, we can finally get better."

"Living in such a place, I suddenly feel that the future has become hopeful."

"If people in other survival bases know that we live in such a comfortable place, they will definitely envy us?"

"Tonight I'm treating guests, and everyone won't return if they're not drunk!"

After finishing all this, Zhang Mengyu directly took out all the monster meat on his body and handed it to the restaurant in the survival base for cooking, and then bought a lot of drinks and snacks from the regular characters.

He didn't notice at all that there were many other things in the eyes of that regular figure looking at him, admiration, luck, anticipation
After all this extravagance, only twenty or thirty Supreme Crystals and less than 1 million Supreme Coins were left on Zhang Mengyu's body, but for Zhang Mengyu, this bit of Supreme Crystals was far from the "as many as possible" in his concept. Very different.

Now that his parents have reminded him, Zhang Menglong must do everything he can to obtain these things, one hundred and eighty thousand is not too little, and a million is not too much.

"Brother Yingzheng, I think our survival base should have a name now," Zhang Mengyu suggested.

"You're right, it's time for us to make a name for ourselves," Ying Zheng said after pondering for a moment, "You are responsible for the construction of this city, so it's up to you to name it."

"I've thought about it a long time ago." Zhang Mengyu was not polite to him, "Both of us are from the earth, from China, and we are both descendants of Yanhuang. Since this city is led by our descendants of Yanhuang, it is called Yanhuang. Let's go to the city!"

"Yanhuang City?" The name made Yingzheng's eyes brighten, "Okay, what a Yanhuang City! Hahaha, there are thousands of races in this world, so let the name of our descendants of Yanhuang resound throughout the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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