I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 1998 Giant City Mission

"Do we humans have any allies or mortal enemies?" Zhang Mengyu thought of this question.

It sounds like human beings should be in an equal position in this world. Since they can survive until now, it must not be accidental, there are always some allies.

Of course, Zhang Mengyu is also very aware of the inferiority of human beings. Human beings are not a peaceful race, so there must be some mortal enemies.

"Our human popularity in the whole world is actually quite good," Ying Zheng said. "At present, human beings have a total of 238 allies. Together, they are enough to head-to-head with some powerful races."

"But you also know that as allies, everyone must have common interests. This kind of relationship is not very strong, and it may collapse at any time." Ying Zheng has been in both the military and political circles. Things, he played the most 6.

"What about the mortal enemy?"

"There are also many," Ying Zheng shook his head helplessly, "but generally speaking, it is not difficult for human beings to survive here, but it is difficult to expand and reach a certain height!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that the giant city of Evil is the base camp of our human race. Currently, there are about 5000 survival bases like ours. The total number of human races is probably tens of millions. "

"It's really not that many," Zhang Mengyu said. This population is not even comparable to the population of some metropolises on Earth.

"Those have nothing to do," Ying Zheng said, "Although human talents are generally not strong, there are actually not many people who can reach the level of the ultimate life body, but those who have the courage to open that door There are really not many people."

"Yeah," Zhang Mengyu still remembered the superpower suzerains in the protoss world, and when they touched that door, they started to retreat. Maybe he was the first person to come here in that protoss world!
In a world where there are tens of millions of warriors in the Dao realm, only Zhang Mengyu came here alone. It is conceivable how low this ratio is. In many worlds, there is no life at all that can reach the level of the ultimate life body, and there is no Dao realm. You don't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder here.

"There should be many strong people among us humans, right?"

"Yes," Ying Zheng replied, "Our human race has more than a hundred extremely strong Taoists. As long as they go one step further, they may be able to touch the highest realm. Some call it the creation realm, and some call it the ultimate life body. .”

"More than a hundred people." Zhang Mengyu is not surprised by this number. In the Protoss world, no one has reached this level. There are more than a hundred people, and even Zhang Mengyu feels that it is already a lot.

"It's those people who lead our entire human population to thrive here, and they have also established their own survival bases," Ying Zheng said with a sudden smile, "But even their survival bases are not as good as ours. The city is so bustling."

"By the way, there is one thing you'd better be mentally prepared for," Ying Zheng said, "This once-in-a-thousand-year war of ten thousand races is about to begin, and it's really time for you to come."

"Oh? So exciting?" Zhang Mengyu not only didn't feel any pressure when he heard the news, he even became a little excited.

He still feels sad that he can't find any stage to let the Yanhuang civilization shine. This opportunity has come so soon?
"Exciting?" Ying Zheng smiled wryly, "I heard from the previous leader of this survival base that the human race suffered heavy casualties in the last war of ten thousand races. We have provoked a race called the Nian God Race, and the number of human races has shrunk by 30% ! And do it!"

"Shrinkage by 30%? Isn't that tens of millions of people dead?"

"If I tell you that there are only a few hundred people who have done all this, do you still find it exciting?" Ying Zheng said, "At that time, it was only because humans offended a strong man from the Nian God Race when they were fighting for the treasure in the mission. , he led the massacre of 300 million people in my race!"

Thinking of this number, Ying Zheng was still a little ruthless. When the Seven Kingdoms were fighting for hegemony, massacre was his strong point, but now humans are being killed here like chickens.

"Nian Protoss, right? I remember." Zhang Mengyu wrote down the name of this race.

"Don't underestimate them. The number of Nian Shen clan exceeds 500 billion, and they are born with extremely wide brains. Among the Nian God clan, there are more than one million Taoist powerhouses!"

"So many?" Zhang Mengyu was also quite surprised. According to what Yingzheng said just now, there are many races whose population is less than one million, and they have so many people just at the limit of their dao realm.

"However, don't underestimate some small races," Ying Zheng said, "Although some races are small in number, they are extremely strong. For example, there is a race called the Motan race. There are only tens of thousands of them here. But these tens of thousands of people are all at the limit of the Dao Realm, and their fighting power is terrifyingly powerful."

"It seems that this race of hundreds of millions is still very interesting." Zhang Mengyu was even more looking forward to it.

"Not only that, although some races may not be powerful in combat, they have some weird abilities. They are sometimes more difficult than those purely fighting races."

Just when Zhang Mengyu and Ying Zheng were chatting, the regular figure in Yanhuang City suddenly rushed out of his chamber of commerce building, holding a crystal ball that was beating red light in his palm.

"Huh? Will he still take the initiative to find us?" Zhang Mengyu felt very surprised, because the regular character had never taken the initiative to speak to them so far. Zhang Mengyu thought he was a simple businessman NPC.

"Yes, but there is only one situation for him to come to us. The giant city has issued a mission!" Ying Zheng said, "We are attached to the giant city of Aiweier, and the city will occasionally issue some missions to the survival base of all people, and the rewards are often very rewarding. It’s rich, but the difficulty is not low.”

"Have you done it before?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"It has been done several times. I have been here for more than 100 years. There are probably thousands of missions. A mission is released almost every month. Of course, it is our own business to go. This is not a mandatory mission. We don't need to pay too much attention to him."

"Huh? Why? Don't do the task if you have a task?"

"The tasks in this place are not easy. I have taken over a dozen times in total, and only one of them succeeded. The few times I failed were almost a narrow escape, and I was desperate. But my two supreme crystals are the rewards of the task. "

"It can be seen that the reward is quite generous," Zhang Mengyu said, even if he completed the task of collecting the magic breath beast egg, it was only 800 million high coins. "

"Of course you can give it a try if you're interested, but it's best to look at the content of the task first..." Ying Zheng said halfway through, a wry smile appeared on his face, because Zhang Menglong had already taken over from that regular character. light ball.

"Brother Yingzheng, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing..." Ying Zheng was speechless, "I haven't told you yet, receiving the ball means accepting the task. If you accept the task and don't execute it, the consequences will be terrible."

"What consequences?" Zhang Meng asked curiously.

"You will be marked with rules by this world. As long as you kill you, the killer can 100% drop a Supreme Crystal from you!" (End of this chapter)

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