I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 208 The Master of the Rothschild Family

Chapter 208 The Master of the Rothschild Family

The conversation between Zhang Mengyu and those wealthy people attracted the attention of many people, but because of the language barrier and the distance, others could not hear what they said clearly.

However, looking at the embarrassment they left in a hurry, some people wondered if they also suffered from Zhang Mengyu's hands.

"I remembered, he is the Chinese man named Zhang Mengyu!" Finally, someone recognized Zhang Mengyu.

"The one from Huaxia who almost brought down Qingqiu's economy? Isn't he too young?"

"Hahaha, I still remember that song now, just like that!"

"My friend, you sang it wrong, it's 'You conquered the sun!"

"No, no, it's 'this is how I was conquered!"

After confirming Zhang Mengyu's identity, it seems that he can get a destroyer and make those world's top rich men leave in disgrace. Such a thing doesn't seem too incredible.

But in this way, more attention was focused on Zhang Mengyu, a person with the halo of "the real richest man in the world", who must be the core focus of everyone wherever he goes.

"Let's go, let's go to the venue!" These gazes made Zhang Mengyu a little embarrassed.

"Hmm!" Several people nodded, and under the leadership of a staff member of the Rothschild family, the car that took the passengers to and from the hotel and the port headed towards the hotel.

"Let's all go too!"

"Well, because there should be no more special people appearing!"

Seeing this way of appearance, I am afraid that no matter how it appears, it may not be able to surprise these rich people. The party is about to start, so everyone simply returned to the hotel.

At this time, there were already many people in the hotel. The guests who had come to this auction had packed up their rooms and had all gathered on the private beach in front of the hotel.

Good wine, food, music, lighting, although it seems a little envious, but it does not have the noise and chaos of the bar, surrounded by rich people in suits and dresses and their female companions, making this a large top-level social gathering place.

Zhang Mengyu and the others randomly found a place, and gradually blended into the elegant atmosphere around them.

"I'll go, there are quite a lot of people!" Wang Ling looked around at the people around, "Hey, hey, look, isn't that Christine? The one who plays Twilight!"

Zhang Meng looked in the direction Wang Ling said, and sure enough, not far away, a blond beauty was chatting and laughing with several rich men around her, and one of them looked familiar to him, as if she was a big man in the energy business. guy.

"What's so strange about this," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "In a place like this, you always have to bring a good female companion. If you want you to be rich, don't you choose those international film and television actresses?"

"Look!" Zhang Mengyu pointed in another direction, "Harry Potter's heroine Emma! And AnnaSophia..."

"Really! A real person is more beautiful than a camera!" Wang Ling didn't show her kind of appreciation at all. In Western countries, that kind of sneaky praise is a relatively wretched behavior.

"Come here!" At this moment, there was a commotion around, and a passageway enough for three or five people suddenly appeared in the crowd. A middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old was not far away. Walked over from the hotel.

"Who is that!" Zhang Mengyu asked, "It's such a big row!"

"I don't know him either." Wang Ling couldn't remember where he had seen this face before. Logically speaking, the person who can make those top rich people give way to face like this should not be someone unknown.

"Mr. Zhang, this is Bilois Rothschild, the second son of the leader of this generation of Rothschild family. He is responsible for organizing this auction." Ye Yin immediately introduced to Zhang Mengyu road.

"Oh, so it's from the Rothschild family, no wonder." Zhang Mengyao showed a clear look, although no one from the Rothschild family appeared on the Forbes list, but this It doesn't represent anything, the wealth and strength of this family is comparable to a country!
Under the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes, Billows did not go directly to the rostrum, but walked straight towards Zhang Mengyao's direction.

"Look, Mr. Billows is walking towards the Oriental over there!"

"That face is so familiar, why do you feel like you've seen it before?"

"That's Zhang Mengyu! Have you forgotten? It appeared on the international news some time ago. It is said that his grandfather was the initiator of the economic crisis in the 20th century."

"real or fake?"

"Shh! It's very likely to be true! At the beginning, several countries questioned this matter, and even publicly ridiculed and insulted it. Later, more than a dozen of these countries experienced sudden economic turmoil, especially Qingqiu country. You haven't heard about them, have you?"

"Huaxia really has such a powerful person?"


There was a lot of discussion around, and some people even explained the fact that Zhang Mengyu came to the island on a destroyer just now, and suddenly Zhang Mengyu became the most concerned person besides Biros!
Sure enough, Billows finally stopped in front of Zhang Mengyu, his eyes shone with an indescribable excitement, as if a person had met his idol.

"Are you Mr. Zhang Mengyu?" Billows bowed deeply to Zhang Mengyu under the surprised eyes of thousands of people.

"Wow!" This behavior immediately caused a burst of exclamation.

As a super family, Rothschild's mystery in Europe is only reflected in their family origins, but their people are active in the political and business circles, even in the face of the head of a country, Rothschild No one in Walter had ever been so humble.

"It's me." Zhang Mengyu said.

"Mr. Zhang, I wonder if you are satisfied with this venue?" Biros asked cautiously.

"Well, it's not bad," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Mr. Birose, don't be so polite, don't worry about me, you can entertain other guests."

"It's not necessary!" Biros said firmly. For the Rothschild family, they don't need to curry favor with anyone. Let Biros take another look.

Although this sentence sounds a bit harsh, everyone present also has to admit that the members of the Rothschild family are qualified to say such arrogant and arrogant words, and even when these words came out of their mouths, there was no any sense of incongruity.

"Mr. Zhang, the Rothschild family is a branch of the Doreiras family. The Doreiras family is your servant, and we are naturally too. How can a servant not entertain the master?" Biros said seriously.

Billows still didn't lower his voice, as if he was speaking for everyone present.

But this time the scene was completely silent.

Among these people, almost no one knew the Doreiras family, but what they heard was that members of the Rothschild family actually claimed to be servants in front of this young man from the East!Is there any more shocking news in the world than this?
 Are there any hotties and beauties still have tickets?No, I'll ask again tomorrow!a ha ha ha!

(End of this chapter)

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