I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2094 Otherwise you will have no chance

Chapter 2094 Otherwise you will have no chance
"Humans, don't be too arrogant!"

An adventurer seemed to be stimulated by Ying Zheng's words, but his body had just stepped a few dozen meters when another astonishing explosion was triggered.

His body was thrown high into the air, and then fell to the ground like a tattered rag doll.

"Hahaha! I guessed it right, I said he will trigger B-33, give me money, give me money!"

On the city wall, a human adventurer spread out his hand and looked at the others around him with a smile.

"Fuck! Shit luck!"

"Is this all right?"

"I thought it would land on B-32!"

There was a sudden noise on the city wall, as if the enemies in front of them were just a pastime for them to make bets.

If those adventurers knew what they were doing now, they would probably be so angry that they died on the spot, right?

"Don't move! Don't even move!"

An adventurer shouted. He seemed to realize that there were ultimate bombs that they could not see hidden everywhere around this area.

Although he didn't know why these ultimate bombs were invisible to the naked eye and couldn't be sensed in other ways, his perception told him that dangers were everywhere around him.

The remaining dozens of people fell silent. Sure enough, they stopped rushing forward and the explosion did not continue.

"What's wrong? Are you all scared out of your wits?" The human adventurers stood on the city wall and taunted them wildly, with great enthusiasm.

But those adventurers have obviously learned well now and have not been fooled by them. They have also turned a deaf ear to their abuse and clamor. After all, everyone has been so mixed up that their own mother has been dead for thousands of years. Really I won't take these words to heart.

"City Lord, they don't seem to have been fooled. What should we do?" Several adventurers showed disappointed expressions. They also hoped that each of these intruders would die cleanly.

"Why are you panicking? Mountains will not change, water will not change, people will not change!" Ying Zheng laughed, "Go to the mirror world again and move the positions of those ultimate insurance policies as follows!"

After saying this, the adventurers suddenly showed wretched and sinister expressions. This mirror world is simply an artifact. It's a pity that its entrance can only be opened three times. Otherwise, in the human chassis, who can do anything wrong? .

"Sure enough!" The person who stopped everyone was the adventurer from the early civilization of God. The situation of love first obviously confirmed his thoughts.

"They have used a certain method to place many invisible ultimate bombs around the main city. If we rush around like headless flies, we will all be killed!"

"Brother, your guess is indeed very correct. If we stay still now, there will be no danger."

"As expected of people from the early civilization of God, their vision is broader than ours, and their observation skills are more detailed than ours."

The adventurers of several other races began to flatter him one after another, and a proud smile appeared on his face. As long as he didn't move around, nothing would happen. The next step was how to deal with this group of humans.

In fact, when they received the mission, the higher-ups of the race had already issued a very clear order, which was to do it at all costs, even if it meant using some precious ancient relics.

But they all regard ancient relics as very important, and they really don't want to waste those precious resources unless they are forced to do so.

However, before he could be proud for long, there was a violent explosion where he stayed, and the powerful impact blew him away.His face, which had been deformed by the bombing, showed a strong sense of disbelief. Didn't he move?Why was it still blown away? This is unscientific!
"Everyone, leave now! This place is too weird!"

"It explodes when it moves, it explodes when it doesn't move, it's really like seeing a ghost!"

"What kind of witchcraft do humans have?"

"They must have used some special ancient relic!"

Finally, someone analyzed something, which is very close to the real answer.

"What should I do?"

"We don't know how to deal with them now!"

Although everyone vaguely guessed the answer, there was no good solution.

"Dong dong!"

Several figures suddenly fell from the sky.

They looked very embarrassed, with very obvious injuries on their bodies. They were the adventurers who just went to delay Qinglong!
They originally thought that they had held back the human guardian beasts, and that others could easily break through the city's defenses.

But they waited until the flowers withered and no good news came. Human cities still stood like steel castles, but the adventurers suffered heavy losses.

They could not wait for support, and were defeated step by step by Qinglong's powerful and fierce offensive. Although Qinglong possessed the Wind and Thunder Pearl, he was only at the level of a second-level elementary guardian beast, but he could almost exert the energy intensity of about 15 units.

After only holding on for less than 10 minutes, they were all defeated by Qinglong, and two of them were even torn apart by Qinglong's claws.

"What I said above is correct. This race should not be viewed with conventional eyes. We are too arrogant." Among the remaining dozens of people, there were three adventurers from the early civilization of God.

Now they finally realize why the adventurers who went to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Trade Fair gave them such a warning. I am afraid that they also suffered losses from humans at the trade fair!

"If we continue to be entangled like this, our losses will become greater and greater, and we will directly use ancient relics!" said the adventurer who thought that the early civilization of God was here.

A scroll appeared directly in his hand. This scroll was not the scroll of the beast god. It sealed a very terrifying magic. The power of this magic was even comparable to the full blow of a top magical beast!In terms of value, it is no less than the Beast God Scroll!

This magic is called the Forbidden Light, and the coverage area is enough to make the entire giant city of Ewell fall under the attack of magic. Even the city's protective shield will become ineffective under this forbidden light.

He tore the scroll into pieces, and in an instant, a haze covered the sky above the entire giant city of Ewel. In the sky, a huge golden angel emerged with four pairs of wings behind it. Behind it, a A ball of light that looks like the sun.

"Forbidden-level magic scrolls," Ying Zheng was not surprised at all that they used such ancient relics, and was even a little disappointed. "Does something of this level want to destroy our human city?"

Ying Zheng also tore up a scroll almost at the same time. This was also a magic scroll!
"Lucifer's refuge!"

Another huge angel was born, but this angel was completely black, as if it had fallen into an endless abyss. The moment its power came into contact with the power of the "forbidden light", the power of the forbidden light was instantly destroyed. The power is isolated on the periphery of the giant city of Ewel.

"If you have anything else, take it out quickly, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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