Chapter 2102 just started
"Mengwu, do you have other solutions?" As soon as Ying Zheng heard Zhang Mengwu's words, he knew that he had other countermeasures.

The restrictions of the rules caused them to lose the greatest advantage of mankind. Now mankind is equivalent to returning to the starting point before Zhang Mengyu came here, but the situation they face is simply ten thousand times more difficult than before.

At least so far, no race has provoked all the races on the entire battlefield.

"Not yet!"

Zhang Menglong's answer made Ying Zheng, who had just had some hope, suddenly die down again. Zhang Menglong looked confident. He originally thought that Zhang Menglong had some solution, but in the end he got these four words. .

"But not now, not in three days." Zhang Mengyu left an ambiguous sentence, and then walked away alone.

"He will find a way, right?" Domik looked at Zhang's hazy back and said as if he was hypnotizing himself.

"There will be," Ying Zheng said in a very determined tone, "Since Brother Menglong is so calm, it means that this matter has not left him helpless."

In fact, Ying Zheng has never seen Zhang Mengwu helpless so far. Just like when he received the task of going to the Ice Demon Tribe to steal the Ice Demon Flower, everyone felt that Zhang Mengwu was already his own Seeking death, but he just created a miracle.

[Dean, this matter is indeed a bit troublesome! 】 Even Goudan was at a loss for a while.

[Dean, Ying Zheng is actually right. In three days, you can completely destroy all the top civilizations with the items you auctioned from the Ten Thousand Races Auction. By then, your enemies will be just Races in the second tier may not have a chance. 】

"This method is meaningless," Zhang Mengyu said, "Of course, an ultimate war fortress can kill them all, but have you ever thought about it, can I guarantee that no one will be left alive? ?”

Goudan fell into silence. Of course, this method can kill 99.9% of people, but there are more or less people who perform tasks outside the city. After they know the news, they can escape thousands of miles away and look for opportunities. To take revenge on mankind.

For a super race like the Shenchu ​​Civilization, each individual is comparable to a guardian beast. Even if there are only one or two left alive, it is a great threat to mankind.

And even if those top civilizations are solved, the remaining several levels of races are still insurmountable mountains for humans.

Zhang Mengyu also knows very well that even he can hardly rely on his own strength to make an entire race comparable to those top races in a short period of time. This kind of thing is obviously unrealistic.

Of course, Zhang Mengyu has not reached that level of despair, because his current strength is enough for him to use the power of any teacher among the super students. .

As Zhang Mengyu's strength continues to improve, the teachers of the Super Seminary have basically released all their power. It can be said that there are a lot of ultimate life forms, and they are all top-notch existences.

Now Zhang Mengyu just wants to explore. Apart from this last trump card, is there any other way he can help mankind survive this crisis?

"I don't know who made these damn rules, but they are definitely aimed at us humans," Zhang's hazy eyes returned to the sky, as if there was an existence exchanging glances with him.

"But if you want to kill us humans like this, it's not that easy," Zhang Mengyu said to himself, "I don't believe there are no loopholes in your rules!"

"Gene lock, open!"

Zhang Mengyu's eyes suddenly turned pale. This is the deepest power hidden in the human body's genes. In this state, Zhang Mengwu can completely enter a state of absolute calmness and think without any distractions.After a few minutes, his eyes returned to their original state.

"It turns out that the rules restrict me, so I will adapt to the rules. The rules say that I cannot use any ancient relics within a range of 100 kilometers around the giant city of Aiweier, so I will find a way to only use them within this range. use!"

A plan appeared in Zhang Mengyu's mind.

"Aren't I not allowed to use treasures within a range of more than 100 kilometers around the city? Okay, you have the final say!"

No one knows what Zhang Mengyu has been doing in the past three days. They can only see him appearing to the east of the giant city of Aiweier, and then to the west. From time to time, he is scribbling on the city wall, and he seems to be making calculations. what.

But no one bothered him, because everyone could probably guess that Zhang Mengyu seemed to be preparing for the battle for hegemony among all races!
"The battle for hegemony among all races begins!"

Three days later, as the voice of rules appeared, it was officially announced that the struggle for hegemony among all races had begun.

Countless light pillars appeared in every corner of the world, and each light pillar represented a magical beast. Some races did not have a single magical beast within their sphere of influence, and some unlucky ones had several appear at once.

Even among a sixth-level race, 12 beams of light appeared at once. I am afraid that what they need to do most is to quickly reflect on what evil things they have done to make their luck become so bad.

I don’t know whether it is the luck or misfortune of human beings, but not a single pillar of light appeared on the territory of the entire human species.

This also means that unless some unlucky guy takes the initiative to enter the human sphere of influence, if humans do not leave the giant city of Aiweier to hunt Warcraft, then their points this time will be 0!

"City Lord, there are a lot of foreign scents in our human territory!" Almost at the same time, someone reported the situation to Ying Zheng, "They are all staying outside the 100 kilometers of the giant city of Aiweier. There are a lot of them, probably hundreds of millions. Our way out has been completely blocked!"

"Sure enough!" Ying Zheng was not surprised by this result.

Many races have been prepared for a long time, and have already started killing mode the moment the race begins to fight for hegemony.

They can see the points and rankings of their own race at any time. For top races like the Shenchu ​​Civilization, their points have begun to skyrocket.

As for humans, they are currently the only race with 0 points!
Now, I don’t know how many people are laughing at humans, and I don’t know how many people are waiting for them to fall into the trap.

"Where's Hazy?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Brother Menglong is still busy. He asked us not to disturb him. When he finishes the work, we will start to work."

"Really?" Ying Zheng also breathed a sigh of relief, "In this case, then we choose to believe him, and we will stop with silence. This race of thousands of races has been fighting for hegemony for a full year, and now it is just the beginning. The winner is the king or the loser, let’s look at Brother Zhang’s methods!”

(End of this chapter)

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