I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2104 Giant City!take off!

Chapter 2104 Giant City!take off!
Like a rabbit, Zhang Menglu jumped repeatedly across the 100-kilometer border of the giant city of Ewell. While he was mocking the people outside and greeting their families, he had a mean expression on his face.

Ying Zheng was very worried about Zhang Mengyu's safety and followed him after he left, but he didn't expect to see such a scene.

As an emperor, Zhang Mengyu's behavior was really unethical. He covered his face, really wishing that he was not a human being at this moment, even a dog.

He is so mean!
Although the adventurers were furious, Zhang Mengyu used Three Thousand Thunderbolts and ran around as fast as the wind, unable to keep up with his rhythm.

There are even some people who are a little bit aloof and want to rush in and kill Zhang Mengyu at all costs. This is unbearable!
After jumping around for several minutes, Zhang Menglong scolded him as he should. He suddenly felt a little bored, so he simply moved a sofa and started eating. This behavior made people even more angry.

"Zhang Mengyu, no matter how proud you are, this is just one year. When the battle for hegemony among all races ends, according to your human points, you will definitely be ranked last. Even if we don't take action, the rules of this world will Your entire human race will be wiped out."

At this time, the adventurers calmed down. They knew very well that they were just incompetent and furious, and could not do anything at all.

A race that will be destroyed sooner or later, why should they be angry?
"I want to ask you a question," Zhang Mengyu saw that they suddenly became quiet, and he took the initiative to stir up the topic, "Do you think we humans have reached the end of the road?"

No one answered, but they all had a definite answer in their hearts.

Now humans have no way to use ancient relics. If they want to gain points, they must fight their way out of the siege, unless there are super powerful beings in the human race.

The Demon Cave Clan has conducted a very in-depth investigation of human beings. At present, human beings only have a few hundred Dao realm limits. In the eyes of adventurers from these top races, the strength of these powerful people cannot be said to be vulnerable. , it can almost be said that it can be trampled to death.

The only one who was a little special was Zhang Mengyu. Through some means, they actually found the battle scene when Zhang Mengyu singled out the adventurers of the Sacred God Clan.

His strength is only one or two hundred times the peak of the Tao Realm, but he can actually draw a level with adventurers from one of the top [-] races like the Sacrificial God Clan!
Although those adventurers were not the stronger ones among the Sacrificial God Clan, Zhang Mengyu's individual strength definitely far exceeded the normal level of humans.

They estimated Zhang Mengyu's current strength. After digesting the gains from the Warcraft siege, he would still have some improvement, but it would definitely not exceed 1000 times the peak of the Tao realm!
Even if his combat prowess is unparalleled, even if he can survive, he is still at the level of a warrior from a top race like the Shenchu ​​Civilization.

If the entire human race has this kind of fighting power, then they may really be able to counterattack and make a comeback, but if there is only one person like Zhang Mengyu, it doesn't mean much.

So they can almost conclude that mankind has no future.

"Actually, I'm a genius," Zhang Menglong suddenly said something nonsensical, "A genius like me can often do things that ordinary people can't do."

This sentence made everyone present confused.

"You all should be optimistic about other exit directions. Don't let Zhang Mengyu attract your attention and let other humans escape." Some people even thought that Zhang Mengwu was distracting them.
But Zhang Mengyu had no such idea at all. He continued, "I actually like to give others opportunities. While you haven't caused any losses to us humans, get out now! Remember, opportunities are just like that. one!"

"Listen clearly," Zhang Menglong continued to emphasize, "use a rolling one, a very round one!"

"Bluff!" Someone immediately sneered, "Do you want to scare us off in this way? Are you underestimating us?"

"Zhang Mengyu, in fact, if you humans develop in a low-key manner, you may not have no chance in the future. I can only blame you for being too arrogant and not understanding what it means to be patient." "Is there really no one leaving?" Zhang Mengyu confirmed again and again, "This is your last chance. Oh!"

However, none of the adventurers left. Being in a crowded place often gives people a special sense of security, and the same is true when standing in line.

And if you leave at this time, you will definitely become the laughing stock of all races.

"Well, in this case, don't blame me," Zhang Mengyu glanced at the time, "It's almost time, we can prepare to take off."


"What do you mean? He is planning to escape from the sky?"

"Hahaha, don't worry, no one can escape even from the sky. The warships of our race are already patrolling the sky with people. Even if they escape to the ground, there will be people waiting for them below!"

"I'm not talking about people taking off into the sky," Zhang Mengyu shook his head, "I'm talking about the entire Ewell City!"

Zhang Mengyu shouted unexpectedly, "Evil City, take off!"

Under Zhang Mengyu's command, a red light suddenly flashed on the ground of the entire Ewell City. In the distance, the entire Ewell City slowly floated up from the ground in the astonished eyes of countless people!

"This is impossible!" Someone immediately said in great surprise that Zhang Mengyu actually moved the entire city!

The weight of a huge city is so great that even if it is moved, its own structure may collapse, and it is impossible for it to be lifted up so completely!

"What you think is impossible is just limited by your knowledge level!"

During this period of time, Zhang Mengyu spent most of his time using formations to strengthen the structure of the entire city of Ewel. Although there was no way to increase its defense, it would only prevent it from collapsing due to its own weight.

In addition, it also used a formation to hold it up, and now the entire city of Ewell has simply turned into a city in the sky!
"Run! Fools! Run!"

Someone responded immediately.

Yes, the rules have restrictions. No race can use ancient relics beyond 100 kilometers of the main city. They only think about how to let enemies or monsters enter this range, and never think about moving their main city!

Of course, even if you think about it, there is probably no other race that can do such an incredible thing, but humans have done it!
Now, the main city of mankind is like a huge battleship, a terrifying battleship with a strike range of 100 kilometers.

Of course they can run away, but their main city cannot run away until the giant city of Aiweier flies to their main city.

tsk tsk.
(End of this chapter)

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