Chapter 2107 You can’t win

"I'm sorry, there was a mistake. Everyone laughed," Zhang Mengyu hurriedly switched the BGM, and suddenly a scene of Gang Leader Qiao carrying a stereo appeared on the battlefield.

Beside Zhang Mengyu, Ying Zheng looked aggrieved like a child who had done something wrong. Just now, he accidentally pressed something and switched off Zhang Mengyu's voice package.

"The giant city of Redingleton... tsk tsk, tsk tsk, this area is a hundred times larger than our human giant city of Aiweier!" Zhang Mengyu stood on the ultimate war fortress and looked down at this city. If the main city of humanity is It is also so big that even if Zhang Mengyu spends a year or two, he may not be able to make the entire city take off.

When all races enter this battlefield, their city areas are exactly the same, and there is no difference at all. There are two conditions for expanding the size of the main city. One is that the level of the race must be improved accordingly, and the other is Every expansion requires the consumption of huge amounts of supreme crystals.

In fact, according to the current racial level of human beings, it is completely possible to expand the giant city of Aiweier to three to five times its current size, but they did not think of this for a while.

To develop the city to such a size, we can see how much effort the predecessors of Shenchu ​​Civilization put in. To be honest, Zhang Mengyu is still a little confused in his heart. After all, he destroyed a race and let them disappear from history. In the long river, it is still a pity.

Of course, there will still be people from the Shenchu ​​Civilization race who will come to this battlefield again, but at that time, the Shenchu ​​Civilization will become a brand new race, and they will have to grow and develop again from scratch.

However, such things are common on this battlefield. Races are disappearing every day, and new races are arriving every day. It is even possible that a race just disappeared today, and a new adventurer of this race comes here the next day. , rebuild this race.

Life will always find a way out for itself. Every race will always continue. Maybe humans were an extremely powerful race a long time ago, but they fell apart for a period of time, and now they are back to their peak. Maybe.

After figuring this out, Zhang Menglong immediately began to stop worrying about these trivial matters. Thinking too much made him seem to have a mother's heart.

He stood on the top of the ultimate war fortress with a very domineering posture and looked down at the people in this city. In fact, in the entire civilization of the early Gods, Zhang Mengyu could be beaten to death with his own strength. If he spits on it, the stars can be stained with it. There was a large group of such people, but at this moment, no one dared to act rashly.

All human beings also hold their heads high, and they are extremely proud of being human beings.

Zhang Mengyu glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on the golden-robed warrior of the early civilization of God. He looked the most different, and his aura was also the most majestic.

"You are the person with the most say in the early civilization of God, right?" Zhang Menglong looked at him and said, "Let me introduce myself. We are human beings. My name is Zhang Menglong. I hope you can remember it well."

Although the man in golden robe was in a very solemn mood, he still maintained the magnanimity and composure that the strongest civilization should have.

"My name is Kaos, and I am the leader of the original civilization of God." The man in golden robe introduced himself.

"It can be seen that you know that we are coming." Zhang Mengyu said.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time. From the moment your points started to increase, I knew that you humans would come here sooner or later, but I didn't expect it to be so soon," the man in gold robe said. "Actually, I was surprised. According to normal Under such circumstances, there should be no intersection between our primitive civilization and you humans."

"Yes," Zhang Menglong did not deny this speculation at all, "In fact, as long as those three idiots of your race don't mess with me, there will definitely not be so many things." Zhang Menglong opened his mouth and started to complain, "I really I'm speechless. It's a trade fair plus an auction. If you have money, you bid, and if you don't have money, you go to the theater. I won't look down on you because your race is poor. Those three idiots of your race have to take the initiative to provoke me. .”

"Actually, there was nothing wrong with it," Zhang Mengyu said. "It's normal for everyone to have some disputes at the auction. Even if you join forces, I don't care. You didn't say you can't cooperate with each other in the auction, right? I don't either. You say no, right? Anyway, even if you add up, you still don’t have as much money as I do!”

Zhang Menglong said this lightly, but it almost made people angry to death.

"But you sent people to Aiwell City to cause trouble. I can't bear this," Zhang Menglong said, "Whatever you do, it's just a matter of money, but you want to kill people and destroy the foundation of my humanity. Then I can't bear it anymore. If I hadn't made preparations in advance, our human city would have disappeared by the time the Ten Thousand Races Trade Fair ends."

"Yes, we did indeed make a mistake," the golden-robed man Kaos sighed, but at this moment, an invisible smile appeared on his lips.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Mengyu was a little confused.

"We made the mistake of not discovering the existence of your human civilization earlier," Kaos said regretfully. "If we had discovered your existence before the city defense battle, you humans would not have survived until now, because we would have been there. Let you disappear on this battlefield before you become a powerful person."

"Sure enough," Zhang Mengyu was not too surprised when he got this answer, "For you, there has never been any mercy for life."

"No," Kaos shook his head, "Our only purpose here is to survive and live a better life. Anything or anyone that is contrary to this purpose is what we must try our best to eliminate."

"Survival is the only meaning of this battlefield. The resources of the entire battlefield are limited. If you humans obtain more resources, then we will obtain fewer resources."

"Good guy, you can actually say such a thing. If you weren't from the earth, I would have suspected that you are a fan of Three-Body Problems," Zhang Mengyu joked, "But you are indeed right. For your entire race, "There is nothing wrong with your behavior, but it is a disaster for us humans. Since it happened, it must be solved. Now I need you to give me an explanation."

"Then let's fight," Kaos said, "Even if you humans are extremely powerful, our early civilization may not lose. We used an ancient relic to calculate our winning rate, although it is only 0.3. % probability, but as long as there is hope, we will fight to the end."

"0.3%? How did you calculate it?" Zhang Mengyu suddenly became a little curious about this ancient relic.

In fact, he could not imagine that humans would lose at the hands of their primitive civilization. In his opinion, the probability of humans winning was 100%.

"Is there a possibility?" Zhang Menglong said, "That ancient relic is lying to you!"

Zhang Mengyu took out a loudspeaker and said, "Recycle old refrigerators, old washing machines..."

"Damn it!" Zhang Mengyu quickly switched the loudspeaker mode in front of everyone's astonished eyes, and then said in an extremely unscrupulous tone, "You can't win!"

(End of this chapter)

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