I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2114 I'm just humiliating you

The people of the Modong clan did not expect that Zhang Menglong would start fighting immediately after a disagreement, without even giving them a chance to discuss.

Following a rotting aura, Chimera's slightly disgusting body descended.

Although its appearance is truly speechless, its power is truly incomparable.

In order to maintain the existence of Chimera, Zhang Mengyu directly began to pour various life-replenishing things into his mouth, and even his body was filled with a strong life force.

He stood with his feet on the bare ground, as if there were some sleeping seeds buried in the soil. Nourished by these vitality, the seeds immediately began to take root and sprout, and a large oasis spread under Zhang Mengyu's feet at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But the people of the Demon Cave Clan no longer had any extra thoughts to watch this beautiful scene. The Chimera's thick legs started running wildly on the ground, directly heading towards the main city of the Demon Cave Clan.

A super monster that surpasses the power of the battlefield can definitely destroy the entire city's defensive barriers with ease.

The leader of the Demon Cave Clan did not hesitate to tear open a Beast God Scroll. Facing a ferocious beast like Chimera, only the Beast God Scroll had a chance to stop it.


A deafening roar directly shattered the void, and a huge ape with blue flames burning all over it fell to the ground and ran out on all fours. In the area it passed, a crystal clear ice path appeared on the ground. The flames on its body were actually Extremely cold!

The ape jumped up high, and the ice ax in his hand actually condensed into two ice axes, and slashed hard at the Chimera's head.

However, when the ice ax hit Chimera's body, it only left a wound less than 10 meters deep. Compared with Chimera's tall body of several kilometers, this 10 meters was just a small skin wound.

Chimera was originally a dead monster, and it didn't feel any pain. The two axes hitting its body had almost no effect.

The flame also burned onto the Chimera, but only formed some small ice crystals on its surface. Obviously, the strength gap between the two sides was quite large.

The ape's body was almost half the size of the chimera. The chimera reached out and grabbed its ankle, lifted it up fiercely and smashed it to the ground.

"Boom!" The ape was immediately smashed to pieces, and the flames on his body became visibly weaker.

The chimera snatched the ice ax from the ape's hand and swung it, leaving a deep wound on its chest.

Regardless of strength or defense, the two monsters are not on the same level.

"Good guy, this ape is about to be beaten!" Zhang Mengyu could roughly judge that this Chimera was even stronger than the lion-headed Mobanang at that time. It probably had a fifth-level ultimate life form. Left and right, and the ape was at the fourth level when it was stretched to death. It was considered very powerful without being killed instantly, but it was obvious that it could not last more than a few rounds.

Seeing this state, the people of the Demon Cave Clan did not sit still and wait for death, but took out two other beast god scrolls!
Immediately, two more monsters joined the battle. The three monsters joined forces and were barely able to entangle the Chimera. After all, this Chimera was considered a zombie monster. It did not have high intelligence, only a powerful body and defense. , and power.

Although the current situation seems to be evenly matched, none of the warriors of the Demondong clan take it lightly, because they know very well that Zhang Mengyu has only shown the tip of the iceberg of their human heritage.

He probably also has a huge number of beast god scrolls on him, and this Chimera is probably just exploring the way.

"Are you having a group fight?" Zhang Mengyu snapped his fingers, "Let them all out!"

Hundreds of human warriors came forward and tore each of the beast god scrolls into pieces with extremely excited expressions. There were 200 scrolls in one tear!
When two hundred monsters were summoned and stood on the ground, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves echoed throughout the land.

"Tear down this city!"

After receiving this order, two hundred monsters directly joined the battlefield.They rushed towards the Demon Cave Clan's city like prolapsed wild horses.

"Fight them!"

The Demon Cave Clan was obviously broken. Countless warriors rushed forward, took out the ancient relics they had treasured for many years, and threw them into the battlefield without hesitation.

But most of them have no effect on the monsters summoned by the Beast God Scroll. The power of most ancient relics can only deal with ninth-level guardian beasts at most.


A figure flew out from the battlefield in front. It was the guardian beast of the Demon Cave Clan. It was thrown out like garbage by the group of demon beasts. Even they didn't have much interest in killing this guardian beast. beast.

The warriors of the Demon Cave Tribe threw themselves into the battlefield of these 200 monsters. They didn't even fight a single one of them. They were accidentally run over, and they didn't even slow down the sprint speed of the monsters in the slightest.

A moment later, huge shadows enveloped the walls of the main city.


With just one impact, the wall in front of the main city collapsed completely. The soldiers of the Demon Cave Clan were so frightened by the killing that they couldn't muster the slightest will to resist.

The entire city seemed to have been driven into by an excavator. Wherever the monster passed, there was ruins.

Chimera has also sent the three monsters back to their original world. It projected a scorching ray and instantly swept the entire city into two pieces.

"30% of the city was damaged!"

"50% of the city was damaged!"

Reminders sounded in the ears of the warriors of the Demon Cave Tribe. The bigger the numbers behind them, the more panicked they became. Once the order exceeded 80%, the city would cease to exist.

"79.99% of the city was damaged!"

"Okay, okay, it's done, everyone, let's go back!" At this time, Zhang Mengyu actually shouted to stop those monsters!

Although those monsters were confused, they had completed the contract and could leave work early. Naturally, they would not have any objections. They immediately disappeared into the void one by one, leaving only the Chimera, which exuded a rotten aura.

"Human, what do you mean? Are you humiliating our Demon Cave Clan?" the leader of the Demon Cave Clan asked.

"Huh? How do you know?" Zhang Mengyu lazily jumped on Chimera's shoulders, "There is still a small section of the city wall. Go and pee. It should be almost 80% full."

"My day!" Ying Zheng also blushed when he heard what he said. This is so embarrassing for humans!

He clearly had several ways to destroy the Demon Cave Clan, but he chose the most insulting one.

Even if the Demondong Clan disappears in the future, the legend will spread throughout the battlefield that they were destroyed by a drop of urine. If anyone from the Demondong Clan comes here again in the future, they will probably have to change their names, right?
... (end of this chapter)

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