I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2119 Your whole family is a slave

On the battlefield, soldiers, prisoners, and slaves from both sides were fighting fiercely, while at the military fortresses on both sides, war generals were observing every move on the battlefield.

The middle-aged man holding the telescope is named Siwat. He is the Mansha Kingdom represented by the red-armored warriors. They are in a state of war with the Hongteng Kingdom opposite them all year round. In order to support this war, they have almost destroyed the entire kingdom. All the country's troops were invested in it, even the prisoners and slaves were used.

These two countries are both highly civilized countries. Unlike Zhang Mengyu's extreme development of science and technology or martial arts in other worlds, these two empires do not have any focus. , while developing science and technology, they also vigorously promoted martial arts, and even completely combined the two.

In this supreme world, all life levels have reached the ultimate life form.

However, as the same ultimate life form, the gap between individuals is still very obvious. Generally speaking, the society of every country is divided into three types of people.

One type is warriors, who combine human body training with the assistance of technology. They are the backbone of a country. Whether it is the military or other fields, they all have the shadow of warriors.

The second type is war researchers. This type of researcher also includes two roles. One is to study how to assist the human body in evolving and becoming stronger, and the other is to purely research weapons of war.

The third type is the most ordinary members of society, who also constitute the ecology of the entire society.

Although the life level of the latter two types of people has reached the level of the highest life form, under the premise of the powerful laws and material composition of this world, they are actually similar to ordinary people on the earth, at most slightly stronger.

When you become a warrior, you have embarked on a completely different path. A powerful warrior can still turn over rivers and shatter the void. Of course, in this world, there is a unique name for warriors. They are called transcendents. .

Beyond human limits, beyond the shackles of life, beyond everything.

Once you become a transcendent, you can hold important positions in a country's army, and even become a general.

There is a very special stage between ordinary people and transcendents. This stage has become a shackle that most people find difficult to break through in their lifetime. Only a very small number of people can cross this threshold and become a true transcendent. .

Of course, between ordinary people and transcendent people, they also have quite good physical fitness. Therefore, in wars, they often become those charging soldiers, or play roles in society such as security guards, thugs, and bodyguards. These people are called beginners.

But even those who are called beginners have certain thresholds, and this threshold is the soul level!

In this world, most people's soul level is only elementary. If you want to become a transcendent, you need at least a first-grade soul level. And some people's soul level is higher than elementary, but cannot reach first-order, so they can only be in a different level. A level that cannot be lowered, this is a beginner.

Of course, there are no absolutes in everything. Some people only have an elementary soul level, but they still become transcendants, but the upper limit of their growth is very low.

As for things like soul level, it is related to genetics to a certain extent, but it is not so absolute. Therefore, some people are born as slaves, but have good talents and eventually become big shots. This kind of thing is not new at all.

On this battlefield, most of the people wearing armor are beginners. They are divided into ordinary soldiers, second-class soldiers, first-class soldiers and elite soldiers according to their strength.

The man in blue armor that Zhang Mengyu had just knocked away with one blow was a private. Although he was still cannon fodder, he was definitely a relatively advanced being among cannon fodder.Looking at Zhang Mengyu's attire, he is obviously a slave from their Mansha Kingdom. When did such a powerful slave appear in their slave camp?
Although there are some novices in their slave camps and prisoner camps, they are at the level of second-class soldiers at most. In addition, they have not received adequate training and do not have suitable weapons. They are no match for those real second-class soldiers. A dozen people can Killing one is already pretty good.

As for facing the second-class soldiers, I'm afraid it would take hundreds of lives to kill even one.

"Father, he is just a slave with a naturally high soul level. This is not a rare thing." Beside the middle-aged man, there is a young man wearing armor. He has a handsome appearance and a heroic spirit between his eyebrows. , he is Charon, the only son of Siwat, the general of Mansha Kingdom.

Charon inherited the talent of his father's second-grade soul quality. At this age, he has become a high-level novice. He is one step away from becoming a true transcendent. He is the leader among this generation of young people in the Mansha Empire.

"It's not that simple," Siwatt said. "The blow he just made was not with brute force, but with extremely strong control to release a burst of energy. This ability to control energy is probably even ordinary. No one who has just entered the Transcendent can reach it.”

"Father, is it such an exaggeration?" Charon was a little unconvinced. Over the years, he had never heard his father make such a comment about himself. The first time it appeared, it was actually used on a slave.

"It's not an exaggeration at all! Come here, point the war monitor at that slave!"

On this battlefield, there seemed to be an eye observing everything from a God's perspective, and an instrument behind them suddenly released a picture of the area where Zhang Mengyu was.

The war has entered a white-hot state, and almost everyone is red-blooded. Just now, Zhang Mengyu knocked away a private with one blow, which actually made him the target of many blue-armored men.

More than a dozen blue-armored men came towards Zhang Menglong with eager eyes. There was even a blue-armored man riding a mount similar to a dinosaur, and his aura was even stronger than that of the private just now.

"That slave, stand back, that's an elite soldier, you can't win!" At this moment, Zhang Mengyu suddenly realized that he could understand their language!
It seems that Goudan has completed the language parsing.

But why the hell did he become a slave?

When they saw the cavalry appearing, the people in red armor took a few steps back timidly. It was obvious that the elite soldiers they mentioned were certainly not weak.

"Up!" The cavalryman raised his weapon and pointed forward, and a dozen men in blue armor pressed towards Zhang Mengyu.

"I'm so annoyed. Is it over yet?" Zhang Menglong was already annoyed that he was inexplicably involved in a battle. These people were still chasing after him, and Zhang Menglong was already a little angry in his heart.

"Kill this slave!"

Zhang Mengyu's eyes were cold: "Slave? Fuck you slave, your whole family is a slave!" (End of Chapter)

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