After confirming that the meeting gifts given to him by Zhang Mengyu were indeed supreme crystals, Charon let people know what it meant to be a miser. None of the other lieutenants or even Siwatt's generals were able to deceive even a single supreme crystal from him.

That night, under his father's guidance, Charon used all the supreme crystals, and his soul level was successfully upgraded from the second level to the third level.

And with the breakthrough of soul level improvement, Charon, who was originally expected to take about five years to become a transcendent, actually broke through this limit overnight and became a true transcendent!
This directly made Charon almost worship Zhang Menglong as a god. His cheap master simply brought him too many surprises!Although he may not have anything to guide him in cultivation, even the sixth-level transcendent in the Qinglan Empire is absolutely impossible to help him become a transcendent overnight. This alone is without any Comparable to people.

Charon, who became the Transcendent, truly became one of the core figures of the army at this time.

On the afternoon of the next day, Siwatt gathered everyone in the war room. The war between them and their opponent, the Hongteng Kingdom, was coming to an end. These years of war had depleted the national power of both of their countries. Otherwise, there would be no way to defeat them. It may be to the point where even slaves have to join the battle.

As they harvested two Transcendents, Zhang Mengyu and Charon, the strength of their Mansha Empire's army has been greatly improved invisibly. At this time, they are decisively preparing to launch a general attack on the Hongteng Kingdom. , if they can win this battle, then this war will end immediately!
In the war room, Sitat carefully analyzed the current strength comparison between the two countries' armies.

Originally, the strength of the Hongteng Kingdom was slightly stronger than theirs. Their legion commander was also a second-level transcendent. His strength was on par with Siwatt, but he had six deputy legion commanders at the transcendent level under him. , when the two armies fought, it was their Mansha Empire that always suffered slightly.

But now, their peak combat power has surpassed that of the Hongteng Kingdom. Taking advantage of the fact that they have not received the information, catching them off guard may end this war in the blink of an eye.

"Maybe Mengyu doesn't know about our grievances with their Hongteng Kingdom," Siwatt looked at Zhang Mengyu's confused expression and suddenly realized that he needed to explain some background to him.

"Indeed," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "I may need to know more information, which may help me increase my ability to analyze the battle situation."

Siwatt looked at Zhang Mengyu, and he suddenly felt that Zhang Mengyu didn't look like a slave at all.

First of all, in just one day, he adapted to his current status, and his living habits, words and deeds did not look like a slave at all.

As a soldier, he seemed to feel a very familiar smell from Zhang Menglong's body, which was the kind of iron-blooded smell that could only be possessed by soldiers.

Secondly, Zhang Mengyu’s thinking and analytical abilities are not like those of a slave. He is very unfamiliar with many basic things, but his ability to adapt is very strong.

Finally, there is Zhang Mengyu's terrifyingly powerful fighting skills. This is definitely not a fighting ability that an untrained person can display.

He repeatedly watched the video of Zhang Mengyu on the battlefield. He obviously used some transcendent skills when he took action!

The so-called transcendental skills are actually things like martial arts and martial arts in other worlds. However, in this world, they are more diverse in categories, but they are collectively called transcendental skills. As the name suggests, transcendental skills are abilities and skills that only transcenders can display. Its premise is that one must have the physical quality of a transcendent and extremely strong control.

However, this kind of control ability cannot be acquired in a short while, and it requires very systematic training to master it.

It is really incredible that Zhang Mengyu has this ability just after becoming a Transcendent.Although Zhang Mengyu said that he may have better talent, talent is reflected in his ability to draw inferences from one instance to other cases. If the teacher teaches you basic mathematics, you can deduce some very profound formulas. That is called talent.

But you don’t even have a teacher. If a person who has never been exposed to mathematics suddenly solves a high-level math problem, there is definitely something wrong.

He boldly guessed that Zhang Mengyu might have had some opportunities when he was still a slave.

He thought about it in his mind and began to describe the relationship between the two countries.

Mansha Kingdom was the one who started this war.

In fact, a long time ago, their Mansha Kingdom was a very weak kingdom. They also had dynasties change. The previous royal family was incompetent and extremely cowardly. When faced with oppression and invasion from surrounding countries, they repeatedly lowered their bottom line. The Mansha Kingdom A large amount of land and property was lost.

Later, the ancestors of the current royal family rose up, overthrew the rule of the royal family at that time, and led the entire Mansha Kingdom to gain independent rights. Then they paid huge sacrifices to drive out the invaders from the Mansha Empire.

They have been growing for a period of time, constantly accumulating national power, until they have grown to their current scale. At this time, they decisively launched a counterattack, preparing to regain the lost land and plundered national treasures.

"Although we know that war brings more bloodshed and sacrifices, our current war actually has strong internal resistance. Many people think that it is not easy for us to have such a situation now. Those who have already lost should be treated as Zuo has never owned it, and if our current peaceful situation disappears for those things, it will be more than worth the loss."

"Fuck their own mother's shit!"

After listening to Siwatt's narration, Zhang Mengyu breathed out the fragrance as soon as he opened his mouth.

The past of Mansha Kingdom is exactly the same as the history of China!
Who says history is past? If someone stood in front of him now and said that he should put aside the past and focus on hatred, Zhang Mengyu would definitely pull out his father's seven wolves and slap the opponent's big ears hard.

He can say without mercy that those people are mentally retarded!
Siwatt was startled by Zhang Menglong's reaction. He didn't know where Zhang Menglong could resonate so much. It was as if Zhang Menglong had experienced all this personally.

"This war is well started!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Those who belong to our kingdom should all be brought back. If they don't give it, we will fight until they do. None of those anti-war factions have any seeds. You weakling, I will scold every one I see!"

"The teacher is right!" Charon was obviously an angry young man. "As long as we can win this war, we can regain all the lost territory, and we can also ask them to return all the things that were once slightly right!"

"It's not enough!" Zhang Mengyu said, "I still need them to pay compensation, double the amount!" (End of Chapter)

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