I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2127 I also picked it up

Chapter 2127 I also picked it up

"You can make ordinary warriors fly with their own abilities?" Siwatt exclaimed.

"It's unlikely for an ordinary soldier, but if it's a soldier above second class, then it shouldn't be a big problem!"

"Are you telling the truth? Can you really make all those first-class soldiers and above fly?" General Siwatt's eyes shone brightly, and he looked at Zhang Mengyu with an expression that looked like a god descending to earth.

Their army has tens of millions of people, of which ordinary soldiers account for the majority. There are about 500 million second-class soldiers, about 20 first-class soldiers, and more than 1 elite soldiers. If it is true Just like what Zhang Mengyu said, if soldiers above the second class can fly, then they will have more than 500 million air power!

More than 500 million people will launch an attack from the air against the Duanqian City occupied by the Hongteng Kingdom. Even if they take advantage of the right time, place and people, they will definitely be torn out a hole.

But it is obvious that most people have no hope or trust in Zhang Mengyu's words.

Although Zhang Mengwu's strength has won their recognition, it is still a bit unbelievable to let someone who is not a transcendent fly into the sky. Although they no longer talk about Zhang Mengwu being a slave, There is not much prejudice in my heart, but this is still a fact after all.

"Have you tried making some individual soldier armors?" Zhang Mengyu described Iron Man's armor.

After hearing Zhang Mengyu's suggestion, the expressions on their faces suddenly became much darker. For them whose technological level has reached a certain level, how could they not have thought of such a thing?

The concept of individual armor was ruined by the world a long time ago.

Their Mansha Kingdom even established a powerful steel corps a long time ago, and it has gained some reputation in the surrounding area.

But it seems that the Hongteng Kingdom has already considered this problem. Their air mines have extremely powerful jammers. Although their armor does not rely on electromagnetic waves for communication, the Hongteng Kingdom is not weaker than They, and the country that has developed far longer than theirs, naturally cannot be disturbed by this small difficulty.

So this kind of technological weapon is absolutely unworkable!

"Hazy, the method of technological weapons is not very good," Siwat said. "Our leaders of the Mansha Empire put forward a very correct concept a long time ago. In terms of life, economic development, and improving people's livelihood, the development of science should be the core. , but on the battlefield, personal strength must be the core, and any technological means can only be used as a supplement."

"This concept is very correct." Zhang Mengyu still quite agrees with this view. The end of science is theology.

"Although we have a considerable number of warships, our military's annual investment in scientific and technological weapons is not even 10% of the training of soldiers."

"Okay, let's pass plan one first." Although Zhang Mengyu can create a more powerful Iron Man, according to the current situation, it will undoubtedly prolong the time of this war and even consume a lot of money. The resources put a lot of pressure on Mansha Kingdom's financial expenditure. "

"In this case, let's use plan B," Zhang Mengyu said, "I have a way to let warriors below the Transcendent fly with their own abilities.

"Are you talking about the pair of wings that you spread out when you fly?" General Siwatt asked.
A pair of light wings suddenly appeared on Zhang Mengyu's back. The light wings opened and were more than five meters wide. "Yes, it's this pair of wings!"

Everyone looked at the wings behind Zhang Mengyu with great interest, and even couldn't help but reach out and touch them. The principle of the transcendent's flight is to form a position through the energy of one's own body. This position repels gravity, thus achieving flight.The first time they saw Zhang Mengyu flying into the sky, they were still very surprised by the pair of wings of light.

"Is this a transcendent skill?" Siwatt asked, "But isn't it something that only transcenders can learn?"

"It doesn't count," Zhang Mengyu said, "Learning this skill requires some energy in the body. I think as long as you are a beginner, you should be able to learn it. According to my estimation, as long as you learn this flying fighting skill, a second-class soldier or above The warrior should also be able to fly."

"It is true that some energy can be initially born in the body of a beginner, but neither the control of energy nor the total amount of energy can reach the level of a transcendent," several lieutenants said, "Even we have to use our abilities It’s impossible to condense such energy wings.”

"Actually, these are not pure energy wings," Zhang Mengyu took out an ancient scroll from his body, and three words were written on the scroll - Purple Cloud Wings!

"What is this?" They couldn't understand the words on the scroll, but they could infer something from some of the pictures on it.

"It seems to me that this pattern is based on the bones on the wings of some kind of creature?"

Zhang Mengyu was a little surprised by General Siwatt's powerful reasoning ability. With these pictures alone, he could almost understand the principles of the Ziyun Wing. He was indeed a well-informed general.

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "As expected of General Siwatt, we can deduce the general principle from these pictures. This flying fighting... flying transcendence skill is called Ziyun Wing. It uses the wings of the Warcraft and its own The energy can give an ordinary beginner the ability to fly into the sky."

"This is really unbelievable," Siwatt said. He had heard that some countries had engaged in some crooked ways to fuse the bodies of monsters into human bodies, thus allowing some beginners to have abilities comparable to those of transcendence. Could it be that Zhang Mengyu's method was the same?
If this is the case, he is absolutely unwilling to do so, because those who fuse with other creatures will have a very short lifespan, and may even have many other side effects. It is impossible for him to give up the future of the entire army for a battle.

"General, don't worry, my method is different from those perverted methods of fusing the bodies of monsters," Zhang Mengyu said. "This method will never cause any harm to the human body. Even if a novice becomes a transcendent, relying on Ziyunyi can also greatly speed up their flight speed."

"Oh?" After hearing this, General Siwatt's eyes suddenly lit up, "Then the wings of the monster you are talking about..."

"The level should not be too high, otherwise it will be difficult for those people to control it," Zhang Mengyu said. "It is best not to be too low, otherwise the wings of the monster will be too fragile and cannot withstand the power of Ziyun Wing. For beginners, my suggestion is Monsters of the same level as the Beginners, and no more than the first-order transcendent level at most, need to take off their wings and integrate their own energy according to the training method of flying fighting skills."

"Then we need at least 500 million pairs of wings of monsters," General Siwatt said to himself.

"This is not a big problem," said a deputy general next to him. "If it is the wings of a first-order spirit beast, we have nothing to do, but if it is just the wings of a medium-level monster or a high-level monster, our current finances can still support the acquisition of a first-order monster." Approved."

In this world, Warcraft and Beginners are on the same level. The spiritual beasts he refers to are those that have truly entered the level of a human transcendent.

"Okay, then hurry up and do it!" Siwatt said. Only then did he remember to ask, "Hazy, where did you get this thing?"

"Well, just like those supreme crystals, they were also picked up!"

(End of this chapter)

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