I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 214 You young people really know how to play

Chapter 214 You young people really know how to play
"Kanhara-kun, where have you been?" The little Jiepeng man panicked a little.

This time, he did come to this auction with a special mission. His name is Ximenggong, and he is the president of a well-known company in Jiepeng, Bandai Company. No one is unfamiliar with them. The figures they produce are sold all over the world, and the money they make is also astronomical.

In China, they also have a very special name called Consortium B.

Because a very special item will be sold at this auction, an item that is very valuable to a country. Through some special means, Jiepeng people know the news, but they need to deceive others to avoid it. There are too many competitors, so a rich man will be discharged as a cover.

As for the man named Shenyuan Jun, he is a member of a very special organization in Jiepeng Kingdom, because the auction item this time is of great importance, and they must get it no matter what.But in the whole world, there are too many people who are richer than Ximeng Palace. Even with the support from the Jiepeng government, but they can think of it, how can others not think of it?
Therefore, once that thing falls into the hands of others, they will need to use some extraordinary means, which is why they let Kanbaru-kun accompany them.

When seeing Kanbara-kun's abilities for the first time, Ximengong even suspected that he was dreaming. Is that really the power that humans can possess?He saw with his own eyes that Kanhara-kun smashed a small mountain tens of meters high with one punch, and he was even unscathed, and such a person became his bodyguard during this time.

Although Ximenggong ordered him not to move Kanbaru-kun, once he was in danger, he would still fulfill the responsibility of a bodyguard to solve all threats for him. Since coming to Europe, Ximenggong has almost a condescending attitude.

But now, he has lost contact with Shen Yuan-kun, how can he not panic?

"Ye Yin? Are you back? What about Mr. Shenyuan?" Zhang Mengyu asked, because he felt that Ye Yin seemed to have left for a while just now, and he probably went to deal with the person named Mr. Shenyuan just now.

"Oh, I took him to the Mediterranean and beat him up, broke one of his hands, and stuffed his ass into a crevasse in the sea."

"Fuck, so ruthless? You won't die, right?" Zhang Mengyu was a little worried. Of course, he wasn't worried about the Jiepeng people. If there were any special laws in Ye Yin's small circle, would it be What trouble did it bring to Ye Yin.

"Don't worry, a Zhongnin has a lot of life and can't die," Ye Yin said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang doesn't have to worry about me. On this planet, no one can make rules for the Zhang family. If there are, fight Be honest in one meal."

"I just like your attitude!" Now that Ye Yin answered affirmatively, Zhang Menglong had nothing to worry about.

"Hey, you don't need to shout, your people won't come over for a while!" Zhang Mengyu said.

The conflict between the two has attracted the attention of many people around, but no one dared to come up to persuade them to fight. Those rich people who also came from Jiepeng only dared to whisper around. Under Zhang Menglong's high profile and strength, who would dare To touch his bad head?
As for the staff of the Rothschild family, they just pretended they didn't see it. Their leaders had already explained it to them.But if Zhang Menglong fights with someone, and Zhang Menglong loses, they will go to help, and Zhang Menglong wins, then pretend to be blind, that's the double standard!
"You..." Ximenggong suddenly thought of a possibility, "Could it be that you came here for that thing too?"

In his eyes, Kanbaru-kun is almost an invincible existence, but in this situation, it is obvious that something happened to Shenyuan-kun, so there is only one possibility, he met someone similar, even stronger than him people!
As for why such a person appeared here, it was naturally related to that auction item.

"What and that thing?" Although Zhang Mengyu guessed something, his imagination is still not enough to guess what it is. In fact, Ye Yin knew it, but Zhang Mengyu didn't let Ye Yin say it in order to keep the surprise.

"Huaxia people, stop pretending, it's not just the two of us who came for that thing this time," Ximenggong said, "It may not be you who have the last laugh!"

"Idiot, I'm asking you, are you blind? You don't look at people when you walk? Who asked you this?" Zhang Mengyu lifted Ximenggong up, shook it twice and threw it on the ground, "I said, you Hit someone, but she is still a beautiful lady, shouldn't she apologize?"

Ximenggong's face was full of confusion, and Zhang Menglong's expression didn't look like he was pretending at all. He seemed to be really just discussing with himself that he bumped into someone, and he didn't even seem to know about it. What exactly is an auction item.

"I said, sorry, I'll give you another five seconds!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Otherwise, I'll break one of your hands, believe me, even if I break your limbs, the Rothschild family No one will pay attention to you!"

Of course Ximenggong believed it!Based on the attitude of the Rothschild family towards Zhang Mengyu, even if they beat him to death here, they would not take a second look at themselves!
Not only that, the mysterious figure hidden in the dark beside Zhang Mengyu can definitely easily kill him without anyone noticing.

It has to be said that Ximenggong is indeed a very sensible person, and he has a mission this time, so no matter what, he can't have too serious a conflict with others here.

"I'm sorry for this beautiful lady," Ximenggong said in broken English, "I was too hasty to accidentally bump into you just now, I hope you can forgive me."

Emma cast a questioning look at Zhang Mengyu. Obviously, she didn't know whether she should forgive him, because the keen Emma noticed that this Ximeng Palace seemed to have some strange communication with Zhang Mengyu. , as if talking about something that no one else can understand.

"Okay, get out!" Zhang Mengyu said, "This is not your Jiepeng, don't use your attitude to provoke anyone, especially the Huaxia people!"

Zhang Mengyu's words are full of strong warnings. If he bumped into an ordinary rich man in China just now, I am afraid this matter will not be so simple. It is very likely that everything that is happening now will be reversed, and there may even be Some bloodiness, Zhang Mengyu heard just now, this Ximenggong is going to break one of his arms!
"It's really unlucky, you can meet these wretched dwarfs here!" Zhang Menglong looked at his suit that had been dyed red, feeling a little annoyed.

"Mr. Zhang, I know where the dressing room is. I'll take you there to change!" Emma said while pulling Zhang's hazy clothes.

"Alright," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

It wasn't until he walked through the long hotel corridor with Emma and walked into a room that Zhang Menglong realized that he didn't bring any change of clothes, and he didn't let the Rothschild family He was about to change into a dress, so he went to the dressing room to change into a der!
"No, this is not the dressing room!" Zhang Menglong walked into the room, and a smell exactly like Emma's body rushed into his nostrils. This is Emma's fucking room!
"Damn it, trick me!" Zhang Menglong had just realized that hot red lips were printed on his mouth.

"Nimma!" Zhang Mengyu's whole body stiffened for a while, feeling the touch from his lips, he almost sank into it.

Lu Yiyao's smiling face flashed across Zhang Meng's mind, and he suddenly came to his senses, "Ye Yin, help me knock her out, don't hurt her!"

As soon as the words fell, Emma's whole body softened beside Zhang Mengyu.

"I really met a female hooligan!" Zhang Menglong didn't expect Emma to come to this trick. It seems that her beauty is a bit irresistible today!He thought incomparably.

She helped Emma onto the bed, and then walked out of the room carefully. At this time, it would be better to find someone from the Rothschild family to help him change a set of clothes.

However, just after returning to the venue, Zhang Mengyu collided with Ma Hua and others head-on.

Ma Hua's meaningful eyes flicked across Zhang Mengyao's body, paused for a moment on the lip print at the corner of his mouth, and then landed on his pants.

The milk that Zhang Menglong spilled just now was not pure milk, but that kind of yogurt, so his pants are still stained with some indescribable white slurry.

"Tsk tsk tsk!" Ma Hua, Li Hong and the others couldn't help laughing, "You young people really know how to play!"

(End of this chapter)

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