I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2158 From today on, you will be my patron king.

Chapter 2158 From today on, you will be my patron king.

Since Zhang Menglong came back that day, he didn't say much. He thought that Zhang Menglong and King Zhenshan and others had reached some kind of balanced agreement, or even suffered a defeat.

But later I heard that several cities in the Qinglan Kingdom were destroyed. If Zhang Mengyu was really defeated, he would have been killed, and the Mansha Kingdom would definitely not be able to escape the accountability of the Qinglan Kingdom.

But no bad news came in the next few days. He thought that neither party could do anything to the other and reached some kind of balanced agreement.

But even so, for the entire Mansha Kingdom, this definitely greatly improved its status in the Qinglan Kingdom.

Even the Qinglan Kingdom has nothing to do with them, let alone other surrounding kingdoms.

But he never expected that Zhang Mengyu not only defeated King Zhenshan, but also injured the most powerful Emperor in the royal family.

"Ah? Wearing sackcloth and wearing filial piety? What do you mean?" The emperor still hadn't reacted yet. "

"Didn't I go to trouble them a few days ago?" Zhang Mengyu said, "Originally, it was going to be over after destroying 10 of their cities, but this Zhenshan King is still very sensible. He not only admitted that he He made a mistake and is willing to take responsibility for this matter.”

"I have already said, just give some compensation and build the city well. He insisted that it is not possible. Not only did he have to do these things, but he also had to build a monument in the city, and then he had to sit in mourning and meditate for 100 years. Okay, I can’t even hold you back!”

The emperor knew as soon as he heard that Zhang Menglong was talking nonsense.

If this King Zhenshan is really such a person, he would rather write his name upside down!

Who doesn’t know that Zhenshan from the Qinglan Kingdom has a bad temper, is decisive in killing, and will kill his whole family if he disagrees with him.

Among the many affiliated kingdoms of the Qinglan Kingdom, as long as they were subjugated, basically less than half were destroyed after provoking King Zhenshan. Even situations similar to theirs are not uncommon. No one can stop Zhenshan at all. Attack by the Mountain King's men.

Are you telling me now that this kind of person has changed his ways?It is better to believe that Zhang Mengyu is Qin Shihuang.

"Let's go out and take a look first!" The emperor knew that what he heard was false and his eyes were true, so he immediately walked out to the palace with all the civil and military officials.

I saw a strong man wearing white linen clothes and a hemp god tied on his forehead, kneeling right in front of the palace of the Mansha Kingdom. Behind him, tens of thousands of people knelt on the ground with him.

"Father, that really seems to be King Zhenshan!" Princess Shadel looked carefully and recognized that the man kneeling on the ground was actually King Zhenshan!
Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Mengyu in an instant. What did he do that day?

They believed that for a arrogant and aloof person like King Zhenshan, even if he destroyed ten cities, it would be almost impossible to make him kneel down and beg for mercy.

As for any discovery of conscience, that is simply impossible.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhang Menglong said, "I just reasoned with him that day and convinced him."

"Making sense?" Charon muttered, "Are you talking about physics?"

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Mengyu glared at Charon.

"No, I mean that if the master teaches students so well, he must be good at educating others."

"That's necessary," Zhang Mengyu stepped forward, "King Zhenshan came very early today." King Zhenshan trembled when he heard this voice. He almost had a post-traumatic stress reaction to Zhang Mengyu.

After returning, the royal family put great pressure on him. No matter what Zhang Menglong asked him to do, he had to do it, otherwise there would be no need for Zhang Menglong to do it himself. The royal family would be the first to execute him!

He also knew very well that if he could not do this, the entire royal family of the Qinglan Kingdom would be in a state of chaos because of him alone.

"King Zhenshan's teachings a few days ago are very correct. I really shouldn't transfer my anger to those millions of ordinary people. I feel extremely guilty for what I have done. Now I am willing to pay for it. As a price, a monument will be built for them and their tombs will be guarded for a hundred years.

King Zhenshan pointed at the people behind him and said, "I have also brought enough sincerity. My people will help Mansha Kingdom rebuild the city. For everyone alive, in addition to compensating their economic losses, I will give extra Compensate them with 100 million Qinglan coins."

"As for those who died, if they have relatives, I am willing to compensate them an additional 1000 million Qinglan coins. If there are no relatives, I am willing to compensate Mansha Kingdom for 2000 million Qinglan coins per person."

"Hiss, what a big gesture. As expected of King Zhenshan of the Qinglan Kingdom, he is so rich!" Everyone in the royal family couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this.

In their Mansha Kingdom, the annual income of an ordinary family is about 10 Mansha dollars, but you must know that as a dependent country, there is a big gap in the purchasing power of their currency and the currency of the Qinglan Kingdom.

The currency value of Qinglan Kingdom is equivalent to about 27 times theirs.

One million Mansha dollars is equivalent to the income of an ordinary Mansha Kingdom family in 100 years.

3 million people died in the entire city, and billions of people were displaced. The compensation he paid was absolutely an astronomical figure.

This is only compensation to the dead and injured people, and it only accounts for a small part of their compensation amount. The funds they compensated the Mansha Kingdom for rebuilding the city are even enough to build five cities of the same size.

"It seems that King Zhenshan did come here with sincerity," Zhang Menglong was quite satisfied with the compensation. "I hope that in the next 100 years, King Zhenshan can reflect on his mistakes here and realize the value of life!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, envoys from the Kingdom of Phaeton and the Kingdom of West Asia are here." Just after returning to the palace, someone reported the news.

"What are they here for?" The emperor was stunned. They had just ended the war with the Phaeton Kingdom not long ago. How long had it been?

"The Phaeton Empire brought many gifts. They said that from now on, they are willing to have good relations with the Kingdom of Mansha for generations to come," the official said. "The Kingdom of West Asia brought many cultural relics that were plundered from our country, and also brought many gifts. come over."

"Haha, originally we planned to arrange time to deal with them, but unexpectedly they came by themselves."

This West Asian kingdom also brought serious disasters to the Mansha Kingdom a long time ago.

"Your Majesty, I guess they already know about the conflict between us and King Zhenshan," General Siwat smiled. "They should really think about whether their own country can fight or King Zhenshan can fight."

"I guess this is just the beginning," the emperor laughed. "It seems that we don't need to spend any more soldiers. It won't be long before the cultural relics of our country that have been scattered abroad will be returned to us, and maybe they can be recovered." I’ve come back to many cities.”

"Hahaha!" General Siwatt looked up to the sky and laughed, "Starting from today, our Mansha Empire will rise!"

"King Bingjian, I am entrusted with your service!" The emperor announced excitedly, "King Bingjian, from today on, you are my patron king!"

(End of this chapter)

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