After a delicious meal, Zelans took Zhang Mengyu to their team's base.

It is said to be a base, but it is actually a quite large manor, with at least 10 single-family villas, a garden, a swimming pool, a training room and other facilities.

Such a manor is quite valuable, but to explorers like Zelans and others, it is not even worth a cent. As long as they get a supreme crystal in a pool of blood, the money they sell it is You can buy a manor like this.

It is said that other surrounding manors were also bought by the explorer team, and most of their families live here, which is quite lively.

There are also some housekeeping staff at their estate, and several florists pruning plants in the garden.

"There are still many vacant buildings. You can just choose one. It's very large. You can even bring your family here."

"This is a good doctrine," Zhang Mengyu nodded.

Since he has not passed through every world, he will leave some properties behind. Lu Yiyao's biggest hobby now is to take care of children and go to various worlds for vacation. Anyway, through the space mark left by the Super Seminary, he can come and go freely, so why not take her Take it over and play for a few days. "Boss, isn't this a coincidence?"

Just as he entered the manor, two burly men also walked in at the same time. Their hair was still a little wet, and there was a strong smell of blood on their bodies.

"Mengwu, let me introduce to you, these are our two outside members, Thorne and Yasai." Zelans introduced, "This is the new member of our team, Zhang Mengyu, let's get to know each other!"

"Are you mistaken, boss? A first-order transcendent? Our team doesn't need logistics for the time being, right?" The two looked at Zhang Mengyu, seeming to have some different understandings of this "team member".

"Take a closer look," Zellance pointed to the epaulette on Zhang Mengyu's arm.

"Shall I go? Top explorer?"

"Is it fake? Boss, send him to the management bureau immediately. Nowadays, catching fakes is very strict. If you catch someone, there will be a bonus of at least hundreds of thousands of high coins!"

"What's fake," Zelans said, "This is the epaulette of a top explorer that I personally proctored and personally awarded!"

"Ah?" The two of them were even more surprised. "It's not that we look down on him. Can his small body really withstand the high pressure of 40 meters?"

"It's only 40 meters," Mo Ji said. "Even the testing instruments were crushed by the pressure, but he was still fine."

"All the instruments exploded?" The two of them were stunned. It would take a depth of at least 70 meters to crush the container, right?Isn't this nonsense?

"We saw it with our own eyes," Moji and Enli said in unison.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I were beaten to death. This kid is really a monster!"

"Hello, you two," Zhang Menglong shook hands with the stunned two.

As if to test Zhang Mengyu's ability, a powerful force suddenly came from the palms of the two men. This kind of force would deform even a piece of metal, but Zhang Mengwu's expression did not change at all.

At this time, they also felt that Zhang Mengyu was beginning to exert force.

The two looked at each other and immediately became serious. They couldn't be compared with a newcomer, right?

However, gradually, masks of pain were put on their faces. Is this really the power that a first-order transcendent should have?
"Can we stop after the inspection? Is this how you welcome people?" Zerlans said displeased. "Hahahaha, isn't this a joke?" The two of them secretly discussed with Zhang Mengyu, and they immediately recognized him in their hearts, thinking that this kid couldn't be a humanoid spiritual beast, right?It's just that they haven't heard of any spiritual beast with such terrifying power talent.

"How's it going? How was your harvest today?" Zelans asked.

"Forget it, there's not even a single one," Thorn said displeasedly, "In the Cold Blood Belt, there are fewer and fewer supreme crystals that can be collected. It now takes one person an estimated three to five days to collect one. Well, this is still a relatively high-level explorer."

"This is a good thing," Zelans smiled, "it means that a blood vortex is about to come."

"Blood vortex? What is that?" Zhang Mengyu was confused.

"It can be regarded as a kind of ocean current change in the blood pool," Zelans replied. "Every once in a while, there will be a large-scale ocean current movement in the blood pool. It will resurface some of the supreme crystals in the depths, and at the same time, it will be born. Lots of new Supreme Crystals.”

"That's right. After the blood vortex is over, we have to make our first fortune!" Thorne said with a smile.

"It's not that simple," Zelans said. "It's not just the supreme crystals that are brought up by the ocean currents, there are also many blood slave beasts. As the income increases, the dangers also increase a lot. If you can avoid those ghosts, just avoid them." Avoid.”

"By the way, boss, you've mentioned the blood slave beasts several times. Are those blood slave beasts powerful?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

"Not only are they powerful, they are simply invincible," Thorne interjected. "I don't know how those blood slave beasts were born. As long as they are in a pool of blood, they will not die."

"Have you not caught two to study?"

"Catch?" Several people looked at each other and smiled, "Why not? There are strong men at the peak of the Beyonder who are planning to catch a few and come back to study, but as soon as those things are caught, they will disintegrate immediately. "

"Based on the information currently known, it is speculated that they are a kind of energy creature. The entire pool of blood can be said to be its body. If they are caught, just abandon the original body and replace it with another one."

"This is too weird," Zhang Mengyu has seen many energy beings, but those energy beings do not need to rely on any external objects. This blood slave beast is more like a special creature between energy creatures and physical creatures. form.

"When the blood vortex has just ended, it is when the blood slave beasts are most active. It is best not to enter the blood pool during that period." Zelans warned.

"Captain, have we taken any action recently?" Zhang Mengyu asked, he couldn't wait to explore the pool of blood.

"Why, you just got the license and you are a little impatient?" Zelans smiled, "But it just so happens that now is a relatively safe period. At most, there is no harvest. I just happened to take you there first to get used to being in a pool of blood. Environment, tomorrow I will take you to prepare the equipment, and the day after tomorrow we will go to the B1 level area to play."

"Okay!" Zhang Mengyu nodded.

The blood pool area is divided into four levels ABCD from dangerous to safe. Area B corresponds to the exploration area for advanced explorers, with a depth of approximately 30 to 39 meters.

As for the B1 area, it belongs to the junction of the two BC areas, with a depth of between 28 and 32 meters.

Usually their team operates in an area above 35 meters, but considering that Zhang Mengyu is a newcomer and at the same time ensuring that this operation can achieve some gains, this is a more appropriate depth.

"It is said that novices have some auras. I hope I can gain something this time!" (End of Chapter)

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