I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2178 You mean that small ditch?

Chapter 2178 You mean that small ditch?
"Mengwu, you saved our lives. If you take [-]% of the harvest, we won't be able to sleep at night!" Thorne pointed to his broken arm and said, if it weren't for Zhang Mengyu, they might not be able to catch up with the blood vortex. Died in a sneak attack by Kanalu's team.

Of course, the three melons and two dates mentioned by Zhang Mengyu seemed to them to be just a way of evading. Of course, they did not know that this batch of supreme crystals was indeed just three melons and two dates in Zhang Mengyu's eyes.

"Since you told me to allocate it, just follow what I allocated!" After Zhang Menglong said this, he returned to his villa directly. He was really too tired today!

"This guy is so generous!" Looking at Zhang Mengyu, everyone in the team couldn't help but sigh.

This large number of supreme crystals is enough to raise their soul level to an incredible level, and the excess can be sold!

"But for Hazy, maybe it's really easy to collect the supreme crystal from a pool of blood."

"Thankfully I believed his lies. I really thought he had some novice aura!"

"His true strength is probably far above mine!" Zelans said, "I have never seen such a genius in my life."

"Yes, we have only known him for a few days, and already he is like this. He is simply a noble man."

"Goudan, what do you think?" After Zhang Mengyu returned to the room, he swallowed a few pills and lay down to rest. However, this time he got a lot of information in a pool of blood and still needed to digest it.

[Dean, we may need to get in touch with that blood slave beast! 】

"Well, we thought of it together," Zhang Mengyu said, "My soul power can be used freely in a pool of blood. After Kanalu and the others absorbed the soul energy of the blood slave beasts, they also have some abilities. These blood slaves The beast may be the key to refreshing my current soul power!”

[But Dean, those blood slave beasts sound like they are very difficult to deal with. Except for Kanalu's group, I'm afraid no one has actually killed a blood slave beast so far. 】

"That's right," Zhang Mengyu thought, "but since these things are related to soul power, the only way I can defeat them is soul power!"

"Normal people cannot freely use soul power in a pool of blood, but I am different. Maybe I can do this."

[But Dean, the current in this pool of blood is very terrifying. With your current strength, even if you try your best, you can only move stably in the pool of blood for 10 minutes. Even with pills, you can't withstand this kind of consumption. . 】

"I understand!" Although Zhang Mengyu escaped from the pool of blood with a few companions, in just a few minutes, his physical strength was almost exhausted and he almost couldn't get up.

If you want to enter a pool of blood to hunt those blood slave beasts, you must first be able to come and go freely in the pool of blood, which is already very difficult.

Of course, Zhang Mengyu could use his strength to borrow the teacher's power from the Super Seminary, but the power he used to use those teachers' power was basically only a few seconds, at most a few minutes. After all, the consumption was too much, even if he I can't stand it either.

"Is there any other way?" Zhang Menglong asked.

[Ask me, you might as well ask the dean’s ancestors!Don't they know more about this place than I do? 】

"That makes sense!" Zhang Mengyu slapped his head.

"Crooked? Master Kai?" Zhang Mengyu contacted Zhang Kai directly.

"Oh, Mengyu," Zhang Kai seemed to be lying on a bed in a hotel, and there seemed to be four or five figures beside him. Zhang Mengyu was so frightened that he quickly turned his head away, for fear that someone might accidentally see something he shouldn't have seen. thing.

"Why are you hiding? It's just a matter of love between men and women. We are all adults and there is no need to be secretive." Zhang Kai crawled out of the bed, with a black nightgown hanging naturally from his body. He walked to the living room and made a pot of tea. "It's so exciting. It's much more exciting than humans." Zhang Mengyu's face twitched. The old ancestor was really excited!
"Hey, your kid has come to the Supreme World?" Zhang Kai suddenly noticed something, "Well... let me feel it, it seems like I am in the Holy Soul Alliance."

"You know all this?" Zhang Mengyu turned on the virtual mode, and there was no breath transmitted to him, which meant that he felt his position thousands of miles away!
"What's so difficult about this?" Zhang Kai said nonchalantly, "How can anything in this big place escape my perception? But what are you doing there? Why don't you come and see us old people when you get to the Supreme World? Ancestors, why did you end up in the Holy Soul Alliance?"

"It's a long story." Zhang Mengyu said.

"Then make a long story short!"

Facing his elders, Zhang Mengyu didn't need to be on guard at all, and directly told Zhang Kai about the changes in himself.

"Ancient human soul?" Zhang Kai fell into deep thought.

"Have you heard of it?" Zhang Mengyu's eyes lit up.

"No, I was suddenly thinking about where to go at night," Zhang Kai interrupted, "You can ask our ancestor. He is well-informed and has been here for the longest time. Maybe he knows."

"So what do you want from me?"

"I'm going to see the pool of blood!"

"A pool of blood?" Zhang Kai thought for a moment, "Oh, you mean that small ditch, right?"

"Small ditch..." Zhang Mengyu rolled his eyes. He dared to say that the pool of blood was from a small ditch. There was no one except his elders.

"It seems that someone in our family contracted that place. The Holy Soul Alliance is just a small force created by him. If you want to hang out in that place, just let me say hello to you."

"Is this our family's property?" Zhang Mengyu didn't expect that this pool of blood turned out to be someone named Zhang.

"It's not that I encountered any other troubles," Zhang Mengyu explained, "I want to go to the blood pool to catch a few blood slave beasts to see, maybe it is related to the changes in my body, but now we are entering a blood vortex. Period, it’s too difficult to get down.”

"Oh, blood vortex? It's just a small wave, but it's really troublesome for the transcendent. It's really difficult for you to get in now."

"Let's do this. I'll give you a book and you can study it," Zhang Kai said. "As long as you master this thing, let alone a pool of blood, it doesn't matter even if you go to the Holy Soul River!"

"Where is the Holy Soul River?" Zhang Mengyu asked curiously.

"A place that is very good for the soul. You will know it when you go there. I suggest you go and see it." Zhang Kai said.

A small crack appeared in front of Zhang Mengyu's eyes, and Zhang Kai actually sent a jade slip directly in front of him across the space!

"What a great trick!" Zhang Menglong took the jade slip. This thing should be a very powerful martial arts, maybe even better than what is taught in the Super Seminary.

"With your ability, you can train for three to five days and you'll be fine. Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll give up." Zhang Kai showed a vulgar expression, "My little beauties are awake..."

(End of this chapter)

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