I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 2238 The consultant’s products must be high-quality products

"No fight, no fight, I'm convinced, consultant!" This Dapula is definitely a talented person, at least he has learned very well in assessing the situation.

Facing Zhang Menglong's attack, he had no means, but Zhang Menglong's attack made him unable to guard against it.

With such ability, Zhang Mengyu could even kill him at any time!
Can he be unconvinced?

"Are you convinced now?" Zhang Menglong smiled slightly, "You are really a damn talent!"

"What about you? Are you still unconvinced?" Zhang Mengyu looked at the others.

The remaining soul hunters looked at each other. Faced with Zhang Mengyu's unpredictable ability, they felt nothing but a strong sense of powerlessness.

That quantum ghost can only attack the soul, and Zhang Mengyu is even more terrifying than this quantum ghost from a certain level!
"Hello, advisor!" After a moment of silence, everyone surrendered to Zhang Menglong.

"Can you start listening to my lecture now?" Zhang Mengyu asked again.

"Consultant, we must listen carefully to the lecture!" After confirming that Zhang Menglong had real ability, everyone became honest. Even though Zhang Menglong was only a first-level transcendent, in their hearts at this moment, Zhang Menglong had no weight at all. inferior to that one master.

"Minister, help us find a place."

"Okay, everyone come with me!"

Bienzi took everyone to a huge venue. This place was originally used by the entire Moro Holy Kingdom to hold more important meetings. It was even large enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people!
At this moment, millions of soul hunters flocked to this venue just to listen to Zhang Mengyu's lecture.

Not enough seats?That’s okay, they can stand and listen!At worst, prepare a small bench by yourself!
When Zhang Mengyu stood on the podium, millions of people were silent with almost no sound.

"It seems that I really shocked them today," Zhang Mengyu is a person who doesn't like trouble. He just solved all these problems today to avoid them causing any trouble to him in the future.

Looking at the soul hunters in the audience who were as quiet as good students, Zhang Mengyu gradually felt like a teacher.

"Some people may not know me yet. My name is Zhang Mengyu. I am the senior advisor of the Moro Holy Kingdom's special operations team. Starting today, I will take over the entire organization's tactical guidance and operational guidance."

"Of course, many people are unconvinced. After all, I am only a first-order transcendent. If anyone thinks that I am not qualified, you can come to me at any time after this meeting is over!"

There were whispers in the audience. The story of Dapra being brutally tortured had spread, but when they heard that this consultant's attack method was strange and unpredictable, almost the same as those of quantum ghosts, they suddenly jumped up one by one. They didn't dare to speak anymore.

"Very good, now I'm going to teach you about quantum ghosts. If you have any questions, you can interrupt me at any time!" Zhang Mengyu added, "Of course, I suggest you wait until I finish speaking before asking! "

Zhang Mengyu directly opened a film. This is a software tool similar to ppt, but its function is much more powerful.

A dark creature appeared on the holographic projection, "This is our enemy this time. I named it Quantum Ghost, a creature that can enter the quantum state at any time!"

"It has a very powerful characteristic. First of all, it can only be accurately observed by the target when it is attacking. When it is a non-attack target, you will never see it."

"When its attack fails, it will immediately enter the collapse state. When you find it, it will also enter the collapse state. In other words, only the moment you are attacked, and when it attacks successfully , you are more likely to see it.”

These two characteristics alone made everyone present feel frightened.

As long as the person who was successfully attacked by the quantum ghost is either dead now, or his soul has been severely damaged and fell into a deep sleep and coma, it is no wonder that no one has seen this kind of quantum ghost.

"This is an energy structure in their bodies," Zhang Mengyu said, pointing to the heart of the quantum ghost. "While they are alive, this energy structure will continue to work, and they will enter a long-lasting quantum state. At this time, the quantum ghost It's like a loose energy structure, and only after they die and the energy structure collapses will it take on physical form."

Zhang Mengyu explained all the information about quantum ghosts so far, and everyone had a heavy expression on their face. "Okay, you can start asking questions!"

"Counselor, according to what you said, this thing is simply impossible to deal with." Someone said impatiently, "Who has the ability to attack this quantum ghost while having his soul injured?"

"Good question," Zhang Menglong smiled, "but I can tell you that I have a way to let you see these quantum ghosts."

At this moment, everyone was no longer calm, and even Bienzi's expression became extremely excited.

I saw Zhang Mengyu took out a pair of ordinary glasses, "Put it on, and you can see the quantum ghost in the quantum state. Of course, you can only see its existence, but you can't attack it." , does anyone want to try it?"

"But consultant, where are we going to find the quantum ghost now?" Someone asked immediately.

"Since I asked you to put it on, it means that you can see it if you put it on."

"Wow!" As soon as Zhang Mengyu finished speaking, there were exclamations everywhere.

"Is there a quantum ghost in this place?"

"Where is it? Will it attack us?"

"Quick, everyone prepare for defense!"

"Don't be nervous," Zhang Mengyu quickly calmed them down, "This quantum ghost is not currently in a fighting state, but is in a loose quantum state and does not have any aggression."

"Consultant, can I take a look?" Someone raised his hand.

Zhang Mengyu took a look and saw that it was Dapura who had just been taught a lesson by him.

"Okay, come on!" Zhang Menglong invited him to the podium.

Dapra took the glasses and put them on doubtfully.

"It doesn't seem to be any different." Everything Dapra saw in front of him was almost no different from the normal state.

"Look over there!" Zhang Menglong pointed in one direction and said.

"It seems a little different. There are a lot of blue light spots floating around there." Dapura said.

"That's the quantum ghost in a loose state," Zhang Mengyu said. "It has been in that position for a long time and is eavesdropping on us!"

Suddenly, Dapura's eyes became different, because he saw that the loose quantum probability cloud suddenly began to condense, and a dark head appeared, followed by the body, limbs, and tail.
"Counsel Gu, the quantum ghost has appeared!"

Dapra seemed at a loss. He took off his glasses, and suddenly there was nothing in front of him. But when he put them on again, the quantum ghost was less than ten meters away from him!
"Don't panic!" Zhang Menglong calmly took out a gun from his body, "Hit it!"

"Counsellor, how is it possible that this thing can deal with quantum ghosts?"

"If I say hit it, hit it. If it is produced by a consultant, it must be a high-quality product, do you understand?" (End of Chapter)

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