I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 330 Kill me if I don't accept you

Chapter 330 Kill me if I don't accept you
"Socialist?" Hearing these words, Mobike and Noji Sawada immediately looked at each other.

People from socialist countries who have hatred against them, who else but Zhang Mengyu?

At this moment, they all understood!Zhang Mengyu really came to mess with Qualcomm Electronics this time!

If it weren't for the official background of the United States and Zhang Mengyu's worth, it would be more than enough to acquire the entire Qualcomm Electronics, but if the acquisition fails, he can destroy it. As long as the employees go on strike, how can their company continue to operate normally?

Bolinas said just now that this strike will continue until the company compromises with them, otherwise it will continue.

With Zhang Mengyu's financial resources, it would be easy to support these employees for a lifetime. With his financial support, this strike will never stop!
Not only do you not have to go to work, but you can also get double wages. Such a great thing, how could those employees give up?They hope that the company will stalemate with them for a few years, preferably a lifetime!

"This Chinese man's methods are really ruthless!" Inferit, who was once also a shareholder of Silicon Moonlight, sighed.

After being kicked out of the board of directors by Zhang Mengyu, Infellite united with the president of the labor union of Siyueguang, and wanted to force him to agree to their terms through a strike.

But Yinfei Lite did not expect at all that Zhang Menglong was not afraid of losing money at all, and directly fired those troublemakers, and paid as much as he should, and was even willing to spend money to support idlers when the company had no income.

But he was so rich and self-willed, so he could only return to the United States in despair.

Unexpectedly, a few months later, when he almost forgot that such an incident had happened, the same incident happened to Qualcomm Electronics, and the routine was still exactly the same as that time.

The difference is that Zhang Menglong is not afraid of losing money, they are!

"What benefit did Zhang Menglong give you to instigate the employees to go on strike?" Inferit asked.

"Mr. Inferit, you are also slandering me!" Bolinas said, "I made it very clear that this is the decision of all our employees. I don't know the gentleman who supports us. I only know that he calls himself the 'successor of socialism', but I don't know if he is Zhang Mengyu as you mentioned."

"What kind of successor to socialism!" Inferit clenched his fists. He would call himself a "successor of socialism."

But Bolinas didn't admit it at all, and they had nothing to do. In this country, the threshold for defamation is very low. If he can't produce evidence, then Bolinas can definitely give him a lawyer's letter to warn him!

"Okay, our request has been made clear. If the company does not agree to our conditions, we will go on strike starting this afternoon, and the directors can continue the meeting."

After finishing speaking, Bolinas left the conference room swaggeringly.

The meeting room was completely silent. After Bolinas made such a fuss, who would still be in the mood to continue this board meeting?

They have just won orders from several Asian countries, and now they are waiting for the production of wafers to be delivered to make money. Now 7000 employees have directly chosen to go on strike, and there is no one in their workshops, and they still produce shitty wafers?
They also have a very important order recently, which is a government procurement order. It needs to be delivered at the end of this month, and all the work has been completed by 80%. According to normal conditions, one month is more than enough time, but now, this order production will be forced to stop.

When the time comes, what will they bring to the purchaser?

"Zhang Menglong, this bastard Zhang Menglong!" Inferit took out his mobile phone. As the former shareholder of Si Yueguang, there was Zhang Mengyu's contact information on his mobile phone.

"Zhang Menglong, what on earth do you want to do?" Inferit yelled into the phone.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Infitel!"

"Oh, Mr. Inferit, what's the matter?" Zhang Meng asked calmly, "You know the news that I'm coming to America, do you want to treat me to dinner?"

"I'll eat your head!" Inferit wanted to eat Zhang Menglong raw.

"Then why are you looking for me? I'm shitting, and I'm doing Douyin, too busy!" Zhang Mengyu said.

"It's shitting again!" Because Fei Lite's face turned red, the last time he asked Zhang Menglong to negotiate, he didn't even see Zhang Menglong's face, and the reason Zhang Menglong gave was also busy shitting.

"Zhang Mengyu, Ming people don't say dark words, what exactly do you want?" Inferit asked, "Is it you who instigated the employees to strike?"

"Mr. Infellett, don't speak so harshly, don't put all the shit on my head!" Zhang Mengyu said calmly, "Otherwise, be careful and I will sue you for slander!"

"I just had nothing to do to drink last night, and I just hit it off with Mr. Bolinas, and I couldn't bear to hear what happened to them, so I helped them," Zhang Mengyu added, "You know, I What people love most is helping their friends!"

"You fart!" Inferit yelled angrily.

He, the richest man in the world, traveled all the way to the United States, did he still come to travel?The entire United States is so big, could it be that he really happened to come to a small town in Silicon Valley by accident, met Bolinas by accident, and hit it off with him by accident?
No matter who you say this to, no one will believe it.

But Zhang Menglong refused to admit it, what can he do?
"I said that you Qualcomm Electronics are really serious. It is obvious that such a big company can't even afford a little salary. I feel blushed for you!"

"Zhang Mengyu, the inexplicable salary increase of those company employees has something to do with you, right?" Inferit suddenly became a lot smarter, and the wages offered by those companies are obviously not what they can afford. Where did they get so much? money?The money was definitely given by Zhang Menglong!

"That's right, I gave them a total of 500 billion U.S. dollars to those more than 200 companies, but you have no evidence!" Zhang Mengyu said in a very embarrassing tone.

"What do you get for doing this with tens of billions of dollars?" Infillit demanded.

"I won't get any benefits!" Zhang Mengyu said flatly, "It's only tens of billions of dollars, and I don't care about this little money, but I will be happy if you are upset, and the money is worth it!"

"Aren't you afraid that I will sue you for destroying the market?"

"You go!" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I have never heard of a rule that says that employees cannot be paid high wages. I have only heard that there is a minimum wage standard, but there is no maximum wage standard. If you can’t afford it yourself, why don’t you allow others?”

Because Felit's teeth were gritted and his breathing became a lot rougher, it could be seen how angry he was now.

"Zhang Mengyu, you are courting death! Don't forget, this is America, not Huaxia!" The extreme anger has even made Inferit lose his mind.

"Ah, I'm so scared! If you don't agree with you, come and kill me!" Zhang Meng said cheaply, "Oh, by the way, I have already turned on the recording mode for this call, and every word you just said will become a present Evidence!"

"You, you." Because Fei Lite was not young, after hearing these words, his blood pressure suddenly soared, and he fell down directly.

"Mr. Infitritt! Mr. Infitritt!"

"Ambulance, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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