I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 400 This is our negligence

Chapter 400 This is our negligence

With the questions from these reporters, all the reporters behind who had prepared tricky questions were all discouraged at once.

They have seen Zhang Menglong's mouth, no matter what kind of questions they ask, Zhang Menglong can make them speechless, as long as Zhang Menglong is not embarrassed, they are the ones who are embarrassed.

"It seems that you don't have anything to ask," Zhang Meng said with a smile, "I believe that the biggest problem for you this time is the import, right?"

Hearing these words, journalists from various countries cheered up immediately. This was also the most important task of their trip.

If Zhang Mengyu refuses to export to the outside world, they will have a lot of room to hype countless reports under the name of "monopoly", and Zhang Mengyu will definitely be ruined by then.

Under pressure and the provisions of the "Monopoly Law", Zhang Mengyu will definitely open up exports. Although they can't get the core technology, they can import this kind of high-end chips from Huaxia, at least for a long time. If you fall behind, as long as you don't get pulled away now, you will always have a chance to catch up in the future.

"In fact, many people think that our Huaxia must take revenge," Zhang Mengyu said, "But you may have underestimated our Huaxia, our Huaxia has always been a country that is tolerant, whether it is our former partner of Huaxia, or Those who want to curb our development, we all treat them equally, and we will not ban exports to any country!"

Zhang Mengyu continued, "We Huaxia will provide two things to the world, one is 2nm chip wafers, and the other is the finished product of 2nm chips. Countries that intend to import can choose the way of importing according to their own processing technology. , Of course, the prices of the two import methods are slightly different."

There were also some experts in the industry at the scene, and they all nodded. There is a processing process from wafer to chip. Many large semiconductor companies do this link of OEM processing, but this processing link is not available in every country. This technology does it.

"Tomorrow, I will prepare related contract signing matters in Silicon Moonlight. Countries with cooperation intentions are welcome to visit and negotiate!"

"Boss Zhang is so grand!"

"President Zhang is mighty!"

"Mr. Zhang 666!"

"Have you seen our Huaxia's bearing? Smelly brother?"

Zhang Mengyu’s speech made all the audience excited. Now Huaxia has reached the cutting edge of the world in technology. Today’s era is no longer the era where we do things by looking at other people’s faces, but that others need to look at our faces!
Not only that, China's great power posture is also vividly displayed today.

You blocked our chips at the beginning because you were afraid that China's communication technology would develop too fast and get ahead of you.

Now, our communication technology has become number one in the world by our own strength, but we are still willing to export this technology to the world, because we are not afraid of you surpassing us at all, we are not afraid of challenges!

Just a kind of self-confidence?This is Huaxia's confidence!

Early the next morning, hundreds of representatives from large and small communication companies and semiconductor companies all over the world will gather in the reception hall of Silicon Moonlight.

The price set by Zhang Mengyu is very transparent. The export price of 2nm wafer single chip is 580 US dollars, and the export price of finished products is 820 US dollars, which is only 5% higher than the price of 10nm chips. For many manufacturers, is a very acceptable price.

The original scale of Silicon Moonlight is very large, but because the development time is still short, and a lot of equipment is still waiting for production, it will take about half a year to reach the current maximum production scale.

Half a year later, the manufacturing capacity of Si Moonlight single wafer can reach more than 1 million pieces, and the production quantity of single chip can reach 12 billion pieces.

In Zhang Mengyu's plan, large and small branches will be established anywhere in the country and around the world, and they will definitely be able to meet the world's demand for high-end chips.

In one morning, hundreds of orders were slammed into Silicon Moonlight. The smallest order reached hundreds of millions of dollars, and Tsarist Russia even placed a huge order of tens of billions of dollars!Just a deposit, Zhang Mengyu has already made a lot of money.

However, Zhang Menglong has already reduced the cost to an unimaginable level after rectification of the technical process.

The cost price of a 5nm chip is about US$418, and the selling price is about US$740, while the export price of Zhang Mengyu is US$820, and the cost is less than US$100!

Others think that Zhang Mengyu won't make much money at all with this price, but in fact he's making a lot of money!This is the power of technology!
"What? Why are our import prices so high?"

Representatives of Qualcomm Electronics were dumbfounded when they got the export contract. According to the contract, the price of a single-chip wafer exceeded 1600 US dollars, and the price of a finished chip exceeded 3200 US dollars!This is four times the import price of other countries!
If they import at this price, they must go bankrupt!
Not only that, the delivery date in other countries is generally between half a year and a year, and their delivery date is actually set in three years later!
Three years later, they may already be able to mass-produce 2nm chips, so why do they want to make a fart with their silicon moonlight chips?
Representatives of Qualcomm Electronics went around and found that many people had the same contracts as him. These people all had one thing in common, which was the chip blockade policy they had adopted against China.

"Your person in charge called over, we want to protest!" The group of people immediately protested to Si Yueguang's Ministry of Commerce.

"Everyone, I'm the Minister of Commerce. Do you have any questions?" A middle-aged woman in business attire came to the contract signing office.

"Is there something wrong with your contract? Why is our price four times higher than that of other countries?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, this is our negligence," said the woman, "you go and draw up a new contract at once!"

"That's about the same!" Representatives of Qualcomm Electronics and other countries immediately showed satisfaction.

But the moment they got the new contract, the expressions on their faces became as if they had eaten shit, because the above price was changed from four times to eight times!
"I'm sorry, our boss gave you the order that everyone's import price is doubled, and I don't know which work negligence changed it to super doubled. I apologize to everyone here."

The representatives "you" were suddenly speechless with anger, "Then why do we have to wait until three years later for delivery?"

"There is no way around this," the woman said helplessly, "Our business is so good now, the speed of supply can't keep up, so we can't follow the order of first come, first served, everyone hasn't signed the contract yet, so according to this In principle, shouldn’t it be shipped last? I think this is very reasonable!”

After listening to this explanation, they finally understood, what is tolerance is great, Zhang Menglong's nonsense is all nonsense, it is impossible for him to let them off the former suppliers so easily!

Zhang Mengyu obviously intends to trick them again, this Huaxia person is really bad!

(End of this chapter)

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