Chapter 490

Regarding Zhang Mengyu's lawyer's letter warning, those politicians in Borneo didn't take it to heart. After all, the most important thing now is the frontline war. Could it be that Zhang Mengyu can directly sue them in court?
But what they didn't expect was that Zhang Menglong really dared to be summoned by the court on the back foot while they were in a hurry because of the frontline war.

Those who received the summons included Cook, the head of the Notary Bureau, Han Keli, the head of immigration, and some high-level officials. The number was close to 10.

When Cook saw this court summons, he was actually quite disdainful, because he knew very well that his actions could not constitute a crime of defamation at all. During the communication process between him and Zhang Mengyu, they were all in an inquiring tone. He did not insist that he was the instigator of everything, and it is not convincing to say that it is slander.

But when he saw the content inside, his eyes turned black. Zhang Menglong didn't sue him for defamation at all, but sued the eight heads of various departments including him for "human rights violations"!
He was stunned immediately, didn't I just ask you if you went to Syria to buy arms, why the hell did you charge me with such a big crime?
Slander is a small thing, because it involves only individuals.

But when it comes to human rights, there are too many routines in it. When the whole world is advocating human rights, if this crime is confirmed, they will be accused by everyone at once!
The most exaggerated thing is that these special personnel did the human rights violations. This must represent the loss of the country's credibility, and the consequence is social turmoil. Zhang Mengyu is going to kill their entire country!

Just as the top leaders who had received the subpoena began to discuss the countermeasures, the overwhelming news media exploded. Newspapers, TV stations, social platforms, and mainstream media all started to broadcast relevant news.

The headlines of the news are simple and crude:

"The world's richest man Zhang Mengyu sues Borneo for human rights violations"

The richest man in the world, what an impactful title this is. Anyone who sees this news will click to read it. Zhang Mengyu even cooperated in filming an interview video. The video is a reporter's question to Zhang Mengyu. and his answer.

"Mr. Zhang, can you tell us what is going on when you sue Borneo for human rights violations this time?"

"Speaking of which, I'm angry," Zhang Mengyu immediately displayed his Oscar-like acting skills, "A friend of mine in Borneo passed away recently, so I came here to pay homage to him, but I didn't expect that since I stepped into the Since the beginning of this country, my every move has been closely monitored by them, what do you mean if this is not a violation of human rights?"

Zhang Mengyu took out his mobile phone and played the recording at that time.

"Mr. Zhang, according to our investigation, you left Borneo at 15:30 on the same day with the destination of Syria, and returned to Borneo on the morning of the fourth day. We have reason to suspect you."

After the recording was played, the reporter's face also changed. If the authenticity of this recording can be proved, then they can be directly charged with monitoring Zhang Mengyu's personal freedom.

"According to the laws of Borneo, only the public security organs have the right to use the entry and exit records, and they must have corresponding evidence to prove that I have endangered the security of the country before they can monitor me, but I am an ordinary person, so I will take a look at my My friend, am I wrong? Why monitor my whereabouts?"

Zhang Mengyu continued, "Don't we foreigners have any right to protect our privacy in Borneo? I still have reason to suspect that you are monitoring me 24 hours a day!"

Zhang Mengyu's words became more and more outrageous, but his words were very provocative.

When everyone heard this, there was nothing wrong with that. You even monitored their whereabouts. Who knows if you sent people to monitor them 24 hours a day? If this is not a violation of human rights, what is it?
"Good guy, is this bullying us Chinese people?"

"Damn, what kind of surveillance does a shitty country dare to engage in? Your own people are human beings, and foreigners are not human beings, so they can't have their own privacy and space?"

"I think Mr. Zhang's prosecution is right. We must rely on legal channels to resolutely protect our legal rights!"

"I think this is not just a matter of restricting personal freedom, I think it is already a social problem!"

The discussion of the matter became more and more serious, and it took only half a day to spread to other countries.

Human rights is an eternal topic. In Eastern countries, there may not be so many people who cling to it, but in Western countries, these two words are even more important than their lives.

For the so-called human rights, how many Westerners did not wear masks and did not stay at home when the epidemic was at its worst. This is their perverted pursuit of human rights.

As soon as the news came out, tens of millions of human rights defenders had a brain climax. They crazily criticized the violations in Borneo, especially those social organizations that defended human rights, and organized a large number of declaration activities.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are still people who acted spontaneously and held a demonstration with a scale of thousands of people on the streets of Borneo.

If they were from Borneo, they would have taken them all away, but these were all foreigners, and they didn't dare to do anything casually.

Facing the pressure from many parties, those people in Borneo were almost driven crazy.

Zhang Mengyu asked them to apologize, which is actually not a difficult task, but even if it is an apology, is this the end of the matter?In the hearts of other people, this is not an example. They are still under the surveillance of Borneo. This so-called apology is an understatement.

Unless they can prove that Zhang Mengyu has done something illegal and their monitoring of Zhang Mengyu is reasonable and legal, the charges of human rights violations are almost completely confirmed.

But what do they prove?

Can Zhang Menglong's trip to Syria show that he purchased arms to support the Kingdom of Tambat?Such reasons are obviously not convincing, this is a society that emphasizes evidence, without evidence they are slander!
You can't monitor Zhang Mengyu just because he is the richest man in the world?This reason is also untenable.

Unless they directly admit that they are trying to occupy Zhang Mengyu's assets of the Maharast family, they are afraid of Zhang Mengyu's extreme behavior, so they monitor him.

If this is the case, the turmoil caused by the violation of personal freedom can be reduced to the greatest extent, but such a scandal is enough to make them be cast aside for a year and a half.

But this may be their only option.

Those people knew very well that Zhang Mengyu didn't really want to sue them for violating human rights, he just wanted to make some fun for others to see.

The media all over the world are reporting this case, and they don’t believe that Borneo has received such a high degree of attention. If there is no one hand behind it, they will not believe it.

To get so many media reports at once, how much money will it cost to buy popularity?This kind of person who is not short of money, there is no one else except Zhang Mengyu. After all, he is rich, and his willfulness is his biggest label.

"The last line of defense on the front line has fallen!"

After more than a week of stalemate, under the huge disparity in military strength, Borneo finally couldn't bear it anymore. All the troops withdrew to the country, and the entire disputed territory was completely occupied by the Tambat Kingdom.

But they didn't stop there. The Tambat Kingdom began to reorganize its forces and prepare to attack the second disputed territory!

In the middle of the night, an emergency meeting was held secretly again. With internal and external troubles, the whole country is now in dire straits.

"No! If we continue to fight, we will be finished!"

"Our current loss has exceeded 3 trillion US dollars! If we continue to consume, our loss will only increase!"

"Go to Zhang Mengyu, we confess! Return all assets to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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