I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 508 Castrate Newton for me

Chapter 508 Castrate Newton for me

"One or two hundred? Do you think these scientific research projects are wholesale?"

Hearing the number Zhang Mengyu uttered, Mr. Zhou almost had a heart attack. He wants to take all the national scientific research projects for a year by himself.

"It's bullshit!"

"Mr. Zhou, you can't say that," Zhang Meng said with a playful smile, "Who are those projects entrusted to? I can do it quickly and well, and I don't need a penny from the state. After all, it is the state's profit." !"

"Do you know what these projects are?" Mr. Zhou asked directly, "Even if I hand over those projects to you, can you start research and development immediately? Just sort out the research fields and formulate research plans, It will take three to five months to prepare researchers, one month? Are you dreaming?"

"Mr. Zhou, let's make a bet," Zhang Mengyu said, "You only need to give me a day, and I can complete the theoretical analysis and research plans of these things. I farted in front of you!"

"Oh? So confident?"

"This is what I call strength!"

"Hmph, I don't think your theoretical analysis and research plans count. The people in charge of those projects need to look at them and nod!"

Hearing Mr. Zhou's reluctance, Zhang Mengyu knew there was something to be done about it, "Okay, as long as you tell me the general theme and direction of those projects."

"Wait!" Mr. Zhou took out a rather old-fashioned mobile phone, and then took out a phone book and began to look through it.

He dialed a number, then glared at Zhang Mengyu, "Wait!"

"Hey, Lao Xu, it's me, Lao Zhou. This year, our country's scientific research projects will be coordinated by you, right? Oh yes, give me those schedules, um, someone here wants to see these project, yes."

After talking about the business, there was another exchange of pleasantries. A few minutes later, a stack of documents was printed out on the fax machine in Mr. Zhou's study.

There are more than 100 pages in total, and the themes and brief introductions of 158 national projects this year are all on it.

"Look for yourself," Mr. Zhou took a sip of tea, "Don't say I didn't remind you, none of the things that can be labeled as national-level scientific research projects are simple. Also very strong.

Zhang Menglong picked up the document and casually flipped through a few pages:

"Engineering of biometallurgy technology", "Preparation technology of high-performance power battery", "Wearable health detection equipment", "Basic theory and research method of micro-thruster array arrangement theory for satellite precise attitude and orbit control based on SiCMEMS".
"It's all a mess," said Zhang Menglong. Although Zhang Menglong had a lot of theoretical knowledge in his brain, it was really difficult for him to come up with something in a short while.

"Hahaha, are you confused?" Mr. Zhou couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhang's dim expression, "Give me a theoretical analysis plan for one night? I'll give you a super double and you won't be able to come up with it!"

"Mr. Zhou, we will see each other at this time tomorrow!" Zhang Menglong couldn't figure it out by himself, but it didn't mean no one could handle it!

"I'm going to take a shit!"

Back at Yanjing's villa, Zhang Menglong found an excuse and slipped into the toilet alone. As the dense door opened, there was only a strong smell left in the toilet.

"God, call me another batch of teachers!"

Zhang Mengyu rushed into the Super Seminary and started shouting. The students who were studying in the college looked at Zhang Mengyu in confusion, not knowing what he wanted.

This time, Zhang Mengyu is rich and powerful, with thousands of points on his body, he directly summoned 20 teachers this time!

"Alsace has met the dean!"

"Thanos has met the dean!"

"Copernicus met the dean!"

"Galileo met the dean!"

"Tesla met the dean!"

"Namkotaro has met the dean!"

"Tokotaro has met the dean!"

"Big Big Wolf has seen the dean!"

"Cao Zhengchun has met the principal!"

"Lin Dong met the principal!"

"Hawking has met the dean!"

"Good guy, the dimension has broken the wall!" Zhang Mengyu couldn't help complaining.

I don't know if it's because I'm eager to have some scientists. Among the 20 teachers, more than half are experts in various fields, and they almost have all the people in his biochemistry and physics textbooks since he was a child.

As for the others, even Thanos came out, he remembered that when his parents just left this parallel world, they caught Thanos in, right?I don't know if his Infinity Gauntlet snaps his fingers and can reduce half of the world's population.

Kotaro Minami seems to be the human body of Ultraman Taro, and Kotaro Toko is Kamen Rider Black. I have to say that those with Kotaro in their names are indeed handsome guys, but what the hell are Big Big Wolf and Cao Zhengchun?What strange things have been mixed into this teacher's team?

Zhang Menglong directly arranged an administrative establishment for all the teachers. Under Cao Zhengchun's strong request, Zhang Menglong set up an East Factory to punish those students who violated the school rules. Of course, Zhang Menglong also reminded him , Education is fine, but using a knife is not!

"Teachers, please come here and gather!" Zhang Mengyu summoned all the teachers of the Super Seminary to his side.

"Dean, what are your orders?" The scientists asked obediently.

"These things," Zhang Mengyu patted the stack of materials on the table, "Ten projects per person, according to the current technical level of our earth, within one day, I will give all the theoretical analysis and precise project plans. If there is accurate data to support it, list it."

The teachers suddenly showed bitterness. In their own world, they were doing scientific research carefree. When they came to this super seminary, although they lost their freedom, they had eternal life and infinite in-depth research. They thought The daily thing is to teach and teach.

But I didn't expect to be squeezed by Zhang Mengyu, a capitalist.

"Ahem, Dean, we all have in-depth research in our respective fields. We haven't dabbled in some content. I'm afraid it will take a day."

"It's okay to deceive others with your words, but you want to deceive me?" Zhang Mengyu pointed to the huge moving building in the distance and said, "The most advanced technical knowledge of each universe is concentrated there, and these projects are in the framework of those technical knowledge. The lowest level, the lowest level, your brain development level can be understood thoroughly in a few minutes, are you here playing sloppy with me?"

Zhang Mengyu said fiercely, "Do you not want to work?"

Zhang Mengyu shouted, "Director Cao!"

"The slave is here!" Cao Zhengchun, who was wearing a gorgeous robe, appeared beside Zhang Mengyu, "What orders does the dean have?"

"I'll give you one more right. From now on, teachers who disobey the management will be handed over to Dongchang. You can't beat and insult students at will, but teachers can!"

"Yes!" Cao Zhengchun suddenly showed a strange expression. Anyway, the teachers of the Super Theological Seminary will not die, and even if the "limbs" are broken, they can grow back again. He has no psychological burden for doing these things.

"This group of old guys just disobeyed my order, and I leave it to you to deal with it. Kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey, and eunuch Newton for me first."

"As ordered!"

Hearing this order, Newton was terrified immediately. Although they couldn't die in the Super Seminary, they felt the pain. They were not the kind of teachers who reported the value of force. How could they resist Cao Zhengchun?
"Dean, we were joking just now," Newton showed a doggy smile, "It doesn't take a day for this matter, half a day is enough!"

"Yes, Dean, aren't we here to serve you? These things are no different from one plus one, let alone give a theoretical analysis, even if you just write a few papers, there is no problem!"

"Don't worry, the dean, the things are left here. You can come and get them at this time tomorrow. If you can't get them out, we will handle them with you!"

"Hmph, it's not too bad!" Zhang Mengyun swaggered away from the Super Seminary with a smile.

The teachers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you damn capitalist!"

(End of this chapter)

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