I inherited a family fortune of 5000 years

Chapter 539 Chapter 538----Chapter 539 Cultural Export

Chapter 539 Chapter 530 Eight - Chapter Nine Cultural Export
The shock of the National Day has become a hot topic in the world for the next month or so. Weapon experts from various countries are frantically conducting strategic analysis of this batch of new weapons in China.

In the end, they came to a conclusion that China is the king of the air now!
That afternoon, Jiepeng directly withdrew that fleet. All that remained of their fleet was the bare aircraft carrier deck and a few fighter jets that were submerged in the water and didn't know if they could fly. What's the use of keeping them?

The thing is that the Huaxia people fired another mechanical particle cannon, and the aircraft carrier they spent a lot of money to build will also turn into a pile of scrap iron and sink at the bottom of the ocean. Of course, the premise is that there are still some wrecks left.

The international situation has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and statements and news have flooded the media all over the world.

This information makes people have to sigh that a weak country has no diplomacy, and a strong fist is the foundation for a stable life in this world.

"Old Zhang, where are you? I've been knocking on your door for a long time, but no one is there!" Wang Ling, who hadn't contacted for a long time, found Zhang Mengyu again.

"I'm studying. I don't live anywhere now. I live near the school recently." Zhang Mengyu said, "Why does Mr. Wang have time to think of me today?"

"How dare you, you are now a Huaxia weapons expert, a Huaxia Nobel Prize winner, is it accessible to ordinary people like us?"

"You're Versailles now, and your eldest son is still an ordinary citizen? Then do others still want to live?" Zhang Meng said with a smile, "Come to Jiangnan University of Technology. I just sent a batch of top-level students from Australia this morning." Black beef is here, and I will treat you to barbecue tonight."

"Hey, just wait, I'll be right there!"

"Wang Ling, here!" Zhang Menglong waved towards the Bentley.

Wang Ling got out of the car with a rather sweet girl.

"Damn it, why did you change to another girlfriend?" Zhang Mengyu was speechless, "Is this already the fifth one this year? One every two months on average, really worthy of your young master Wang."

"Hush!" Wang Ling quickly gave Zhang Menglong a look.

"Yo? There are people you, Young Master Wang, are afraid of?" Zhang Mengyu felt that there was something fresh this time. The women who usually follow Wang Ling are afraid that Wang Ling will be angry. After all, they are just some financial transactions. , once Wang Ling got bored or felt troublesome, he would immediately change girlfriends.

And those women are also very knowledgeable, and they are also very smart. They only hope that they can get more resources from Wang Ling during their relationship with Wang Ling, maintain a good relationship during this period, and talk for a few more days. Generally they are careful and well-behaved.

As for a woman that Wang Ling could treat with care, Zhang Mengyu had never seen one so far.

"Why, did you fall in love?" Zhang Mengyu joked, "You're only in your early thirties, and it's still too late for you to be a good person."

To Zhang Mengyu's surprise, Wang Ling actually nodded.

"You're not serious, are you?" Zhang Mengyu asked in surprise, he was just joking, "She doesn't care about your past affairs?"

"You don't understand," Wang Ling shook his head. It was the first time Zhang Mengyu saw such a deep and story-filled extension from his cynical expression.

Zhang Mengyu recognized this look, it was a kind of emotion that can only be felt after being hurt.

Zhang Meng remembers that Wang Ling once mentioned in a talk show that he didn't know that his family was rich before high school or university, so maybe something happened because of the ordinary family at that time.

So much so that Wang Ling later found out that he was a super rich second generation, and began to fall in love with all kinds of beauties as if revenge.

When he thought about it carefully, the possibility was really high!

"What are you thinking about here?" Wang Ling punched Zhang Mengyu, "Brother, I think I have found the best home in my life," Wang Ling said, "From today onwards, if I watch those Internet celebrities again At first glance, I, Wang Ling, am a dog!"

"Come on, I have already asked my Ergouzi to record this sentence. I hope you can break the universal theory called Wang Jingze's law."

"I'll talk to you about our business later when I have time," Wang Ling said, "This time I'm here mainly for two things. The first thing is, have you watched the finished film of "Three-Body Problem"?"

"Look," Zhang Mengyu said, "As expected of the top-notch actors and the top-notch team, the box office this time will definitely be a hit."

"Of course I don't doubt it." This work was personally watched by Wang Ling, and it was one of the few things that he devoted all his heart and soul to.

"I've already promoted it on my Weibo. This weekend, all theaters under our Baida Group will release this movie immediately. The pre-sale box office has already exceeded 8 million!"

"8 million?" Zhang Menglong was taken aback by this figure.

"Do you know what this concept is? Even the highest pre-sale box office of the Avengers series has only exceeded 5 million."

"Actually, I'm not very surprised," Zhang Mengyu said, the IP of "Three-Body Problem" alone is worth the box office!
You know, among the people born in the 80s and 90s, the influence of "Three-Body Problem" is very terrifying. Just take "My Three-Body Problem" built entirely with cube-shaped people on Station B, and it has as many as 9.7 people. [-] million cumulative views, [-] ratings.

As the winning work of the Hugo Award, this novel was not only a sensation in China, but also has an amazing influence abroad. The author's imagination is so terrible that even after reading this novel, I can't help it. To say a "absolutely" word.

"This is good news. How can you look at your expression? It's not very happy."

"The "Three-Body Problem" has no problem opening up the domestic market, but we encountered great resistance when it was released abroad," Wang Ling said, "The several film companies I talked to all rejected "Three-Body Problem". Body ", I even lowered the price, but they are not willing."

"Is there such a thing?" Zhang Mengyu asked suspiciously, "Do foreign audiences have low expectations for this work?"

"That's not true," Wang Ling said. "It's actually easy to understand. Do you know what happened when the American superheroes and Jiepeng's special photos were introduced to China?"

Zhang Mengyu was silent, and he said that Huaxia's film and television works are really not good. He thought about it carefully, except for the few sheep on the green grassland, he couldn't think of any world-famous film and television IP for a while, that is, Nezha and White Snake in the past two years have shown a little progress in China's animation special effects.

Among young people and teenagers today, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Ultraman, Kamen Rider, etc. have all become their childhood and their idols.

This is a very powerful word, "cultural export"!
The cultural export of a country has a very serious impact on the culture of other countries. Take the Hanfu culture that has emerged in China in recent years. Now people wearing Hanfu can be seen all over the world, and even sell Hanfu on international trading platforms. earn a lot of money.

The universe country next door has started to apply for Hanfu as their own intangible cultural heritage, and I don’t know who they applied to commemorate.

It can be seen that the influence of cultural output is very huge.

In the movie "Three-Body Problem", whether it is Luo Ji, who is full of human wisdom and philosophy, or the hero Zhang Beihai, once the movie is broadcast, it will definitely become a hero among human beings.

Maybe in the near future, people will not see words such as "i'm iron man" or "Kamen Rider's transformation", and they will be replaced by sentences such as "natural selection, advance four" .

Those foreign cultural bureaus are unwilling to see such a situation.

"What? If they are allowed to export culture, we won't be allowed to spread culture," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "We really have to publicize the "Three-Body Problem" culture!"

(End of this chapter)

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